One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Six

William's P.O.V

Note to self, never share a taxi with Adam and Brendon ever again! Unless I what to experience a fate worse than death and no I am not exaggerating. You see I was sweating like crazy, my back was stuck to the sticky leather seat and I couldn't stay still. Seeing as Brendon and Adam were sat beside me, with each of their own embarrassing acts. Adam would look at me sneering and snorting whenever I had one of my idiotic love struck teenager moments after staring at Brendon. If that wasn't bad enough I had Brendon who would look at me, smile uncomfortably then take a quick glance at my pants before flushing bright pink.

I have managed to seclude myself to a toilet cubicle in the hotel we are staying at, seeing as my dreadful acting made out that I was feeling sick from this so called stomach ache I have. I think I managed to convince them, well not Brendon he on the other hand just seemed to smirk at my pathetic attempt to grip my stomach and run to the bathroom before I threw up. He knows something, maybe he found out I like him! Okay now he's messing with my head, first he makes me fantasize about him feeling me up in a shower and now he's making me argue with myself!

Okay I think I better leave, its not at all comfortable to sit on the cold bathroom floor and I'm sure some of them may start to worry about me. I get up groaning from the stiffness in my legs and stumble out of the cubicle. I take a quick glance in the mirror mortified on how bad I actually look, desperately I run my fingers through my hair making it look worse to be perfectly honest. Some guy casually walks in, I think its Spencer from Panic At The Disco, as soon as he walks into the toilet and I hear his, how do I put this nicely, urine trickling into the toilet I make a quick exit.

I walk over to the rest of the guys just as the are handing out the room keys, being smart I thought if I wasn't there when they decided who was sharing a room I would get one to myself. I was wrong, seriously wrong.

"William your sharing with Brendon," Adam shouts, indicating for me to collect the key and set of with the man I love, I mean Brendon.

I give Adam the most deadliest death glare known to man before heading over to the lift with Brendon closely behind me. We both step inside the lift as the doors slowly close in front of us. Did I ever mention how much I hate lifts! We stand in silence, him humming along to a random tune, me cringing inside. The lift starts to shake and starts to creak, so I freak out. I grab Brendons hand I'm that scared and an instant feel my nerves melt from the soft feeling of his smooth hands.

Mortified I pull my hand away at an instant, my cheeks burning. But Brendon just keeps on smiling, cool as a cucumber. As soon as I hear the annoying sound of the lift coming to halt, I go flying out of it skidding along the slippery floor and landing in a heap on a chair. Brendon just walks past me, still with that cute grin of his on his face. Is he purposely ignoring me! I'm William Beckett for fucks sake!

So after about 30 minutes of me burring my head in my suitcase using that, "I can't find my bracelets," excuse Brendon has finally finished packing his endless amount of clothes. Well at least he wont be stealing mine, like someone, naming no names. Adam!

But just as I pull my head out of the clothes I should be packing right now, I see Brendon pulling down those long silky pants of his and letting them drop to the floor. Me and my bloody timing! I can't help but follow my eyes down his chest, stopping at the magnificent bulge in his boxers.

"Like what you see," Brendon giggles, making my cheeks return to there to favorite colour, flaming red.

I look away trying to use my useless hand as a fan to cool myself down. Its so tempting to stare, drool, fantasize but how can I. I gain the courage to look over at him again just as he is pulling on another pair of ridiculously tight jeans. I watch him pull up the zipper, catching my breath as he walks over to the mirror posing like a teenage girl obsessed with self image.

"Does my bum look big in these? he asks me, my jaw drops, did he really just asks me that!

He's giving you permission to look at his ass, look for gods sake!

"No," I stutter, I only look once but the image will be stuck in my mind for a lifetime, no doubt about that.

He rolls is eyes at me before bending over to get something out his suitcase, giving me a greater view of that heavenly backside of his. After pulling everything out he needs he goes over to the bathroom, leaving me stuck there in a daze.

"I'll leave the door open a little in case you want to spy on me," Brendon giggles before slinging the towel over his shoulder and disappearing in to the place where he was going to get naked. I would do anything to be in there.

I can't wait for the show tonight he'll get all sweaty and after will scrub that gorgeous body of his again. Well if he is so sure I'll spy on him maybe I will...
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This sucks! sorry =(
But if you comment I will give you Brendon Urie and my Fall Out Boy ticket to see them this Sunday! xoxo

[A/N from Jess - hahaha your not getting out of the concert that easily Sian...]