One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Eight

William's P.O.V

The show was awesome, why wouldn't it be! As per usual leaning into the crowd gained me a rather embarrassing moment, when a screaming teenage fan girl managed to rip my shirt right from me! Then the crowd went mental as hundreds of girls started to attack each other, trying to pry the ripped remains of my t shirt from the girls hand. As you could guess the rest of the band found this amusing whereas I found it a less humorous experience.

After singing the last lyrics to Almost Here, topless, I quickly legged it from the stage, covering the bareness of my chest and trying to hide my flushed pink cheeks. I locked myself into my dressing room, pressing my back hard against the door. But why oh why was I not alone in this room. It says, The Academy Is on the door, not Brendon Urie!

"Brendon," I practically squeak, as I immediately wrap my arms around me, watching his eyes scan up and down me eagerly.

"What are you doing in here," I ask him desperately, I'm trying to stay calm, but it isn't easy I can tell you that.

Brendon walks over to me, those hips of his swinging, a smirk rippled across his lips. Sweat is still coating his brown locks. He is dangerously close, and I can't step backwards away from him cause my backs already hovering against the door. Is it me or is it getting hot in here. He steps in front of me his soft breathing tickling my burning cheeks.

"Have you got any...Parecetamal," Brendon says seductively, how can he make asking for some tablets sexy for gods sake!

"Probably," I reply at an instant before rushing off to throw on a remotely clean t shirt. I rummaged through endless amounts of crap before I found something actually suitable to wear. I'm pulling it over my head when I turn around to see Brendon watching me again, his eyes are almost popping from his sockets, strange.

"What do you want," I ask him, this time the annoyance showing in my voice, Brendon just smiles at me, what is with him and those creepy smiles.

"I want to get laid," he smirks, he is purposely trying to make me hard!

"Are you fucking with me," I ask him sternly, Brendon Urie just told me, I repeat me, that he wants to have sex, does he know I like him! Maybe he is taking the piss,or maybe just maybe there is a chance he actually wants me!

"No, but I want to fuck you," he answers his voice dripping with lust, he comes over to me, Brendon starts to hover his lips around mine. I have to hold back the urge to crash my lips into his playing out my wildest fantasies.

"GET OUT!" I shout at him, sure this guy can make me gain a very happy penis, but he has no right to mess with me. Even if he is cute, talented, and the only guy I will ever love. Great I sound more and more like a teenage girl every bloody day!

As soon as I raise my voice I regret it as Brendon looks up me for the last time, his face starts to crumple, his bottom lip trembling, those huge brown orbs of his shimmering. Is that tears forming in his eyes? Brendon dashes out of the dressing room, slamming the door behind him. What the hell have I just done. I have just threw away the chance of ever being with Brendon?

I have a sudden urge to wreck everything, destroying anything I lay my eyes on but I doubt that would go down well with the rest of the band. So I guess I will just have to turn to the thing what keeps me sane, when I get into one of my depressed, self loathing moods. Alcohol. Yes, I William Beckett are going to drink my problems away, nobody can stop me and with every empty bottle, there is less to worry about. Seeing as I will be completely out of it.

Taking a deep breath, I go over to the place where I keep my secret supply of anything what can get me pissed, making me feel numb inside. I grab the first bottle, ripping of the lid and chugging down the bitter liquid. I'm throwing a party, a party for one. I mange to find somewhere to sit, just in case I get so drunk that I pass out on the floor or something stupid like that.

An hour later I'm so drunk, that I'm singing Panic At The Disco songs at the top of my lungs and dancing like a manic. Somehow I mange to get on the floor, seeing as I'm rolling all over it, giggling at my own stupidity. I must have been creating some noise, seeing as I hear someone banging on the door as its flung open.

Ryan Ross is stood there a boy does he look hot.

"William what are you doing," Ryan asks me concernedly, I just look at him before bursting into a fit of giggles and reaching out for a bottle what's not completely empty.

"Your hot," I slur, Ryans gives me a strange look before walking over to me , reaching out his hand to help me up. I stand up stumbling around a little, gripping my head, why has the room started spinning?

"William look at yourself, you made Brendon cry, you hurt him," Ryan explains to me, I'm sat on the couch staring into the carpet, holding down the vomit rising up my throat.

"Who's Brendon," I ask him, right now I'm getting confused. Why wont he let me carry on partying, it was getting hot in here!

"Oh William what are we going to do with you," Ryan says sadly, he sits next to me his hand on my thigh, what's he going to next rub circles on my back for me!

"Well you could kiss me," I giggle, before hiccuping and then trying to get back down on the floor again.

I'm about to go back to my one man party when Ryan pushes his lips onto mine, shutting me up at an instant. I don't know what's happening, but I do know Ryan is such a good kisser and I could suck on those lips of his forever. They taste so damn good.

Told you alcohol solves everything, I can't even remember what I was upset over!
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Hey sorry for not updating that quickly, but I finally did!

Comment and I will love you forever and ever! =D XOX