One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Nine

I woke early the next morning, the sound of silence almost deafening in my ears, the light seeping through the windows was almost blinding and it did nothing for my pounding skull.
Headaches, ugh.

Slowly I rose from my warm hotel room bedsheets, letting out a loud yawn and glancing over at William's bed; he wasn't there. Great, my actions yesterday must have scared him off!

Memories of the previous night flooded into my brain, Ryan's advice seemed to make sense atthe time, flirt with William and then I'd know for certain if he liked me or not, so I did, but did I take it too far? I'm never usually the one who has to do this sort of thing, usually girls just throw themselves at me. But this wasn't any normal person, or even a girl for that matter. Everything seemed to be going well to begin with he was blushing and stuttering, but then, then he yelled at me and told me to leave.

Obviously Ryan was wrong.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I stood up, this whole situation was hopeless I might as well give up all hope and just try to avoid William for the rest of the tour.

Suddenly my phone began to beep, I wracked my brain for a minute before I remembered I'd set an alarm to remind me to go out for breakfast with Ryan this morning, wait, that means I'm late, shit!

I darted for my suitcase, hurriedly picking out something decent to wear, once I'd completely gotten ready, in about 5 minutes might I add, I rushed out the door and towards Ryan's suite, the lucky bastard got one to himself.

Without thinking I opened the door, still trying to catch my breathe.

"Sorry I'm late!" I panted.

I took a good look around the room, everything was completely still and silent, except for the gentle breathing of a figure in the bed. A devious idea flashed across my mind as I shut the door carefully behind me.

"Wake up lazy!" I yelled, diving on top of the mound of sheets and straddleing it.

The lump began to shift. "Uuh, what? What the fu..." My eyes widened as they met those of a sleepy looking William.

"Oh Brendon...What are you doing here?" He yawned, sitting up in the bed.

My jaw droped. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here?!" I shouted in response.

The bathroom door crekaed opened revealing a confused looking Ryan dressed in only a bath robe, I shot my gaze at him. "Why is William in your bed?" I snarled.

Ryan gasped. "Oh! No! Brendon it's not what you think! I swear!"

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Save it." I spat, climbing from William and heading for the door, my heart felt like it had been ripped in two. Ryan and William...together? How could he do this to me!

Just as I was about to storm out the room something caught my shirt, what an embarasing thign to happen during my dramatic exit! I turned around quickly but before I knew it was pulled back, a pair of long slender arms wrapping themselves around my waist.

"Don't leave Brendon..." William smiled softly. I blushed a little as he planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "Nothing happened between me and Ryan...honest. You're the one I want..."
♠ ♠ ♠
=o William LIES!

Sorry for the really deleyed update, I've had a strange week.

Anywho updates will be much quicker from now on!

xo Jess