Just Another Romeo and Juliet Story

A Friendship Grows...

"... SO that is why George Washington was our first president."*snore*
"Miss Callstars... please explain to me what I just said."Mr. Pointers said, slamming his teacher's text book on my desk, causing me to wake up in a startle.
"Huh? ' Don't tread on me' was an original battle cry in the Revolutionary War!" I exclaimed franticly. "You will need to see me after class." He continued talking about George Washington until 1:45. "Class dismissed." He said taking a seat at his desk.

" Jaimee, can you give me a really good reason as to why you have fallen asleep in my class for the last 3 days?" " No sir... other than I have just been really really sleepy lately." " Well... school rules require me to give you detention but, I have to cover detention at the high school today for my wife. So you have two choices, either miss Friday's Pep Rally and spend it in here... or come serve detention with the sophmores at the high school." " Well..." I started. " Us cheerleaders HAVE to participate in the pep rally, so I guess I will walk over to the high school after 7th period. What room number?" " A-37. " I grab a pen and write it on my fore arm... a.k.a my notebook, and Mr. Pointers hands me an excused late pass... I didn't realize that I was late for 7th.

After 7th period I take off for my two minute trip across the football field to Bayfield High. I walk through the double doors and head down the A wing. As I walk into room 37, I see that
there are absolutely NO empty seats. *Man people in highschoool get in trouble alot.* "Miss Callstars, please take a seat." Mr. Pointer said pointing to an empty desk next to a gorgeous blond guy. * Guess there was an empty seat afterall.* I take the seat. * Only two hours to go...*

"Ok, I trust you kids to stay put. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves, Im going to the teachers lounge." Mr. Pointers says walking out of the door. * He is the best detention giver ever!*

I pull out my brand new iPhone and text Leann. "Cool phone." I hear a voice next to me say. I turn to see the hot blond. "Yeah." I say. "I'm River, what's your name?" He asks with a grin on his face. "I'm Jaimee." "Are you new, I haven't seen you here before, and with such a small school...I've met everyone." "No..." I start. "I'm in the eighth grade, I go to the middle school." "Oh. My sister goes there, she's in the seventh grade." He says. "Yeah? What's her name?" "Livi Marter." "Oh, the seventh grade Drama Queen." I say annoyed. "That's her!" He smiles.

"So, Jaimee, why are you serving detention here?" "Well, it was either here today, or during Friday's Pep Rally, which I can't do because I'm a cheerleader!" I exclaim running out of breath. "Cheerleader...huh?" He asked. "Yeah... Co-Captain!" I exclaimed happily. "Who's the captain then?" "My best friend Leann!" "Cool. Cool. So umm... what are you doing after detention?" He asks. "Umm... well I've already missed cheer practice, so... nothing I guess." "Wanna go get something to eat? My friend Derik works at Leo's down on fourth." "Sure, why not?" I say shyly. We talked until Mr. Pointer dismissed us.

We walked 6 blocks from the school to Leo's resturant. "Yo Riv... who's that?" His friend (apparently Derik) asked. "Derik, this is Jaimee." River introduced us. "Is she new?" Derik asked. "No..." I cut in. "I go to the Middle School."

"Well if you're in Middle School... how did you meet River?" Derik asked. "Detention with Pointers!" River explained. "Ahh....I see! Well waht do you guys want to drink?" Derik asked, grabbing two plastic cups. "Dr.Pepper for me please." "Derik..." River said. "Yeah?" Derik turned around and handed me my drink. "Get us my usual!"

We walked over to an empty booth and sat. "So...Jaimee, what did you do to earn detention?" "I kind of fell asleep in Mr. Pointers class 3 days in a row." I blushed. "Why are you so tired?" He sounded concerned. "I have just been staying up late working on plans for my Halloween party!" "Halloween party...? Am I invited?" "Only if you don't bring Livi!" I said reaching into my bag and giving him the flyer. "I wont!" He replied as Derik brought us our dishes.

It was some form of a bacon cheeseburger with like BBQ sauce. "This is your usual?" I ask. "Yea!" He said. "Try it." I took a small bite. "Mhmm... this is delicious!" "I told you!" River exclaimed.

We finished eating and paid. He insisted on paying for mine and I couldnt refuse... I had no money on me, it was in my locker. "How are you getting home?" He asked as we walked back towards the high school. "Walking..." "Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked sweetly. "No thanks, i'm sure I can manage - I mean I walk home everyday!" I smiled. "Ok, well I guess I will see you later!" We took off in seperate directions.

"Wait!" He yelled when we were about 20 feet apart. "Yeah..." I replied walking back to meet him. "I didn't get your number." "He grabbed out his cell and handed it to me. I handed him mine and we exchanged phone numbers. Then I went home.
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Off to work on chapter TWOOOO
oh and words in *blah* are thoughts