The Past is Only the Future with the Lights On

Arielle Paine
Seems 17 years old
Actually 19 years old
Blue eyes, Blonde hair
Huntington Beach, California
Temperamental, Easily annoyed, Easily embarassed

Brian Elwin Haner Jr.
Seems 18 years old
Actually 29 years old
Brown eyes, Black hair
Huntington Beach, California
Outspoken, Cocky, Kind hearted

Chelsea Elizabeth Haner
Seems 15 years old
Actually 26 years old
Green eyes, Brown hair
Huntington Beach, California
Sarcastic, Strong minded, Immature

Matt Charles Sanders
Seems 19 years old
Actually 34 years old
Hazel eyes, Brown hair
Huntington Beach, California
Natural leader, Oldest of the group, Observant

Randa Jo Kearney
18 years old
Blonde hair, green eyes
Quincy, Illinois
Shy, Easily Embarassed, Can be slow at times

Zacky James Baker
Seems 17 years old
Actually 20 years old
Green eyes, black hair
Huntington Beach, California
Youngest, Brian's confidante and best friend, Easy friend

Sabrina Marie Aspeitia
Seems 17 years old
Actually 19 years old
Blue hair, brown eyes
Chicago, Illinois
Eccentric, Hot headed, Generous

Jimmy Owen Sullivan
Seems 18 years old
Actually 31 years old
Blue eyes, Black hair
Huntington Beach, California
Quiet, Doesn't like torturing Arielle, Quick to smile

Taryn Chelsea Woods
Looks 16 years old
Actually 20 years old
Brown hair, Brown eyes
Safety Bay, Western Australia
Intelligent even if a little absent minded, Excitable, Family-Orientated

Johnny Lewis Seward
Seems 16 years old
Actually 22 years old
Blue eyes, Blonde hair
Huntington Beach, Califonia
The butt end of most of the jokes in the group, Hyper, Perverted


All through out middle school and high school, Arielle had been tortured to her limits by Brian Edwin Haner Jr. and his friends. They are now seriors in high school and nothing has changed;

Except now...
Arielle has the means to protect herself.

She was turned into a vampire.

What she doesn't know is who turned her...