Fire In My Veins

Condemned To My Hell

I scrunched up my face at the barbaric thing I was holding up.

“You expect me to wear this?” I asked, staring at the half body hidden in my closet.

I heard a muffle, but I wasn’t sure if it was a yes or a no. In my hands was a flimsy, form-fitting pink tank top that stopped short above my bellybutton. Never in a million years will you see me in this.

“The skirt too?” I whined.

More muffles and shuffling, but no definite answer. It was a jean miniskirt that was really to short and should be considered underwear. The whole outfit makes me look like some desperate slut just needing to get laid. I don’t even want to know where this outfit came from and I have no clue what this hideous thing was doing in my closet. Probably one of the guys placed it in there.

“Nope, never going to happen, nuh uh.” I said, and tossed it back into the closet.

“Come on, Sky! This is the fourth outfit you’ve rejected!” I glared at the body that was no longer hidden in the closet.

“Well, if all the outfits you chose weren’t so revealing, we wouldn’t have this problem, now would we Talon?” I argued. He stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders.

“Are you mad woman?! This is your ten-year High School Reunion! You need to blow them all away with your amazingly scrumptious body.” He yelled, shaking me violently.

My body wasn’t that amazing. I had long black hair up to my breasts and amethyst colored eyes. Not the usual eye color you see everyone with. It was all natural. My breasts weren’t huge, but big enough that I have a chest. I had a small waist and lean legs. All thanks to those years in karate classes. I slapped his hands away and stood up, only reaching my small five feet, four inches against his five feet, eight inches.

“My high school experience has been a living hell for me. I was fortunate enough to skip sophomore and junior year, but I’m surprised that I even made it through those two years without killing myself! Do you know what I have been through?! Two years, just two years of high school and I wanted to die! High school is supposed to be one of the greatest memories in a person’s life, but for me, I want to erase everything that has happened to me!” I seethe.

His face changed from an excited expression to one full of sympathy. His blue-gray eyes stared hard into my amethyst colored ones before sighing and pulling me in his arms. Moisture was building up in my eyes and I refused to let them fall. Flashbacks from high school replayed in my mind. Being teased and pushed into lockers, having my clothes stolen during gym and being a punching bag for five certain guys. No matter what happens in my life, I will never; never forget their faces and what they did to me. They took one precious thing from me- my dignity.

“Oh, sweetheart, don’t waste your tears on those assholes. If you allowed me to come to your high school reunion I would beat everyone who has made you cry. I don’t care if they’re guys, girls, gays, or lesbians. All that matters is that they pay for what they have done to break a beautiful girl as you.” He rambled, running his fingers through my hair.

His whole speech caused my tears to fall, not because of the memories, but because how lucky I am to have someone like him. If only he was there during my high school years, even if it was just for two years. High school would have been so much better. I had small sobs coming from me and the occasional sniffling.

“I love you Tal.” I whispered, but he heard me. He chuckled and it vibrated throughout his chest tickling me.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest. He smelled of pepperoni pizza, Buffalo wings, and exhaust. The smell of him just finishing repairing a car and the dinner we had not too long ago. I stopped crying and was now fingering the blotch of tomato sauce on his white wife beater. It would be a pain later to try to get it out. Knowing him, he’ll forget about the stain and then it will forever be a faded red stain on his wife beater. I felt Talon gently push me away and wiped off the remaining tears on my face.

“Hey now, this is no time for tears. Everything will be fine, I promise.” I looked at him skeptically. Does he really expect me to believe him? Knowing my luck and history at high school, everything will be anything, but fine. He rolled his eyes at me.

“Fine, two hours. All I’m asking is two hours at your high school reunion and if you want you can drive to The Pick. Me, River, and Zane will be there waiting for you in case you do come. Okay?” he instructed, rubbing his hands up and down my arms for comfort.

I looked up at his face and saw that he was pouting. His eyes were huge and some strands of his red-orange hair hung in his face as he stuck out his bottom lip. I shook my head lightly, before I gave in, not because it was making me feel guilty, but how ridiculous and adorable he was being.

“Sweet!” he yelled, before grabbing me into a hug. He spun me around, happy that I was going to the reunion. He placed me back down before looking me over.

“Now we just need to find you a smoking outfit for tonight!” he turned around to check what other things I had hidden in my closet, but somebody stood in front of him holding up a red dress and black stiletto shoes.

I have never seen those before. Come to think of it, I have never bought the outfit, just like the revealing outfits from before. Talon went straight up to him and began to examine the dress. Sometimes I wonder if he is a guy or gay. I would still love him either way no matter what his sexuality is.

I walked up to Talon and looked over the dress with him. It was a deep scarlet red dress with a deep v-neck, but not a plunging v-neck that my breasts would be hanging out for the world to see, but enough that showed that I had some nice breasts. It wasn’t too long, but it wasn’t too short. The end of the dress was jagged, so that it wasn’t too tight and would flow around if I spun around. It looked like it would reach my knees and show off my great calves. All in all, this was an outfit that I actually approve of. All I have to say is that Zane has good taste in dresses.

“I like this baby right here.” Talon concluded. He turned to look at his miracle worker who found Tal’s dream outfit for me and condemned me to my hell.

“Zane you are a fucking genius!” Zane was an inch taller than Talon with green turquoise eyes. His black hair had some blonde on the tips and a fringe covering his left eye that he mostly kept out of his face.

“What else is new?” Zane joked, as Talon punched him in the shoulder.

I smiled at them as they had their little quarrel. I sat down on my bed and went off into my own world. I sighed lowly, hoping that they wouldn’t hear me and was met with them wrestling each other on my wooden floor. I glanced up and took in my room. The walls were ocean blue except for my ceiling. It was black with hand painted silver stars. Pictures littered all over my walls and posters of my favorite bands; Paramore, My Chemical Romance, and Three Days Grace to name a few.

I lay back on my sea foam green bed sheets and stared at my ceiling. I had a gut feeling that tonight would go very bad. I would get on my knees and beg Tal not to let me go to the stupid reunion, but I promise him that I would go. I never want to disappoint another person every again. My life right now is starting to feel like the movie Prom Night.

The girl had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, but she ignored it to have the best thing a girl can dream for in high school- her prom. But something did happen; the teacher escaped from jail and stalked her at her prom. He killed all her friends, innocent employees at the hotel, and her beloved boyfriend. But at least it was a happy ending. I mean everyone she was friends with died and her prom was ruined, but at least it was a happy ending, right?
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How was my first chapter? Send comments okay? I need you guys to tell me what you like what you don't like and what I can improve on. Also, send me info on the guys in Avenged Sevenfold. I don't know much about them, but I decided to make one anyways. I hop you guys enjoy!!