Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

1. Starbucks Coffee

Sophie’s POV

“Hey mom, I’m going to starbucks with Marissa in about 20 minutes, is that okay?” I ask.

I am Sophie Melanie Stephens, but just call me Sophie or Soph. I am 18 years old and I live in New Jersey. New Jersey, the city of My Chemical Romance. Yes, I love My Chemical Romance. I listen to them all day long. Marissa, my best friend is also a fan of MCR, but not as big a fan I am.

“Yeah, that’s okay. But you know we’re going to grandma, so don’t stay too long,” my mom answers.
My mom is pretty cool, but she can be very strict. All my friends love her, because she always acts cool when they’re around. But when they’re gone, she is strict. Not too much, though. I love her. My dad is something else. He pretty much hates the music I listen to. My mom doesn’t mind it when I listen to MCR, although she doesn’t like it that much. She can rock out, if you like. My dad listens to classical music, if he even listens to music. He is not a music type. He likes it when it is deathly quiet. I hate that. So mostly I listen to my Ipod.

“Yeah, I know. I won’t forget her. I wouldn’t dare,” I say, flashing my mom a smile.
I love grandma Nelly to death. She is the nicest person I’ve ever met. She is so helpful. She is there for me whenever I need her. She bakes the best cookies and cakes ever. Her arms are always wide open. I can’t live without her. I won’t forget her. Ever.

“I know that honey,” mom whispers, giving me a smile back.

Calmly I walk in my room and sit behind my laptop.
As usual I start my Ipod and begin listening to MCR.
Singing along, I log in to MSN and see that Marissa is on line.
Quickly I start talking to her.

Hey Marissa! Almost ready to go?

Yeah. But I don’t know what to wear…

You should wear that black t-shirt and skinny jeans. I love that outfit.

Okay. I’ll call you when I’m ready. What are you doing?

Listening to music, as usual. You?


“Sophie! Turn that music off, it’s horrible!” I hear my dad, yelling.

“Okay!” I yell back, not wanting to protest.
Angrily I turn it off.

Not anymore. My dad hates it when I listen to MCR.

Poor you. I got to go. See you in 5 minutes.

Okay. Bye.
Sighing I log out and look in the mirror.
I forgot to do my hair!
Quickly I walk in the bathroom and start styling my hair.

Suddenly my phone starts vibrating. I jump up. Those cell phones always scare me.
I open my phone and look at the caller ID.

“Hey Marissa. What’s up?” I say.

“I’m ready to go. And you?”

“Yeah, almost. I’ll be there in about 3 minutes.”

“Okay, me too. See you there.”
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I know I said I wasn't going to post anything soon, but I'm really excited about this. I really wanna know what you guys think.
This first chapter is written by Leen. The second chapter is finished and I'll post that as soon as I get some comments.