Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

10. Is That Her?

Frank’s POV

Only minutes after Gerard had said that only time will tell, my phone starts to ring. We exchange a quick look before I grab my mobile and check the caller ID. The screen is flashing a number that’s not in my list, making my heartbeat accelerate to a dangerously high speed.

“Hello?” I barely get out after picking up.

“Hi, are you Frank Iero? Because he gave me an autograph earlier and there was a number underneath it, so I was thinking that was his number,” she rushed out, making me let out a silent laugh.

“Yeah, that’s me. You were right thinking that was my number,” I answer. Meanwhile, Gerard is mouthing: “Is that her?”, to which I nod in response.

“Yeah, actually my friends were thinking it might have been your number,” she says, before adding “I had to say that, otherwise they would probably hit me or something. So, why did you want me to call you?”

“To be honest, I haven’t really thought about that yet,” I said, before Gerard, who was obviously trying to listen into our conversation, started yelling: “Because he has been thinking about you 24-7 for the past few days. He was waiting for you at Starbucks for a few hours every day!” I hear her laugh at the other end of the line.

“Well, were you waiting for me?” she asks. Note to self: kill Gerard for embarrassing me like that!

“Yeah, maybe I was,” I reply, not wanting to look like even more of an idiot by just lying to her. “So uhm, I never caught your name?”

“Oh, right. I’m Sophie,” she answers.

“Ok, well, nice to meet you Sophie. I’m Frank, but you already know that,” I say, making her giggle slightly.

“Nice meeting you too,” she replies, still giggling a bit.

“So, do you feel like getting to know each other a bit better? Like in person. Maybe grab a coffee together or something?” I know, that’s just a lame way to ask someone out. On the contrary of common belief, I’m really not good at those kind of things.

“Are you asking me out Mr. Iero?”

“Yeah, I think that’s what I’m doing miss, uhm, Sophie. So, what do you say?”

“It’s miss Stephens, actually,” she says laughing. “And I would definitely say yes to that.”

“Cool. How about we meet tomorrow at Starbucks at 7? Sound good to you?”

“Sounds perfect to me. I’ll see you there. Bye Frank.”

“Bye Sophie, see you tomorrow,” I say, before hanging up.

“It seems like it wasn’t a mistake after all Frankie-boy,” Gerard says, grinning at me.

Not too soon after, Gerard decides to go back home, leaving me on my own. I was thinking about the girl, now know as Sophie Stephens, all the time, now even more than before she called me.

The next day

I’ve been once again thinking about Sophie whole day. I really hope I won’t screw up when I meet her. At the moment I’m looking for an outfit to wear. I must sound like such a girl saying that. I just don’t want to look like a fool in front of her. I settle on a pair of black skinny jeans, a Misfits-shirt and a Green Day hoodie. Seeing as it is already a quarter to 7, I have to hurry up to get there in time.

As I enter Starbucks, I notice Sophie isn’t here yet. I make my way over to the table were I first met her to wait for her.
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Thanks to FrankOwnsYou, I'm updating again :). So this chapter is dedicated to her.
I still like to get comments.