Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

14. I ***ed Up

Frank’s POV

After I walked Sophie home, I was about to kiss her. I really wanted to kiss her, but at the very last moment, I decided against it. I don’t want to rush anything. I really think that Sophie could be the one, even though we’ve only been out on one date. I don’t think I’ve ever acted this shy around a girl before, ever.
I walk home, thinking about her. I can’t wait until Saturday. That date just has to be perfect. And this time, I won’t decide against kissing her, seeing how much I regret that now. The more I think about it, the stupider I feel for not kissing her. What if I offended her? I really have to stop thinking about it.

I’m glad I’m at home now, there must be something to do around here that will keep me from thinking about Sophie and the nearly-kiss. I decide on watching some cartoons, which does a great job on taking my mind off of the date and how stupid I feel now. My luck quickly changes though, when Gerard barges in.

“Hey Frank,” he beamed, “How did your date go?”

“Hi Gee. Wow, getting straight to the point much?” I reply, trying to avoid answering his question.

“Getting straight to the point is exactly what I’m doing. But you avoiding my question will only make me ask again. So, how did your date go?” Damn it, he knows me too well.

“Uhm, it went great,” I say, knowing he’ll just ask more questions that I don’t want to answer.

“What happened? Usually, you’re bouncing of the walls after a ‘great’ date, now you’re acting like it was the worst thing ever.” Once again: damn it, he knows me too well.

“I guess you could say nothing happened. And now I’m wondering whether I fucked up or not.”

“Will there be another date or not?” Gerard asks.

“Yeah, on Saturday. But I asked her out again before I fucked up,” I try to explain, not giving too much away.

“Frank, what the hell did you do to make you think you fucked up?”

“Well, I walked her home and ...” I start to say, only to have Gerard interrupt me.

“That’s a good start.”

“Yeah, whatever. So, I walked her home and when we got there, we talked a bit. Then I was about to kiss her, but I didn’t. At that moment I just felt like not rushing into anything, but now I’m regretting that choice. After that, I kinda just left. I didn’t know what to say anymore and she looked so disappointed. So I think I fucked up,” I explain.

“That doesn’t sound like you fucked up. If anything, you said she looked disappointed, which means she must like you as well. Don’t worry about it, Saturday will be great, trust me on that one,” Gerard says, “And you can fix your mistake during that date,” he adds with a chuckle.
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I'm sorry it's so short and I'm sorry it took me so long to get this one out. I just didn't feel like writing much xS.
Comments would be great, they make me feel like writing more!