Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

21. Sleepover

Sophie's POV

I drive to school in silence. I'm thinking about Frankie. About how perfect he actually is and how nice he is to me. I sigh, I could never wish for a better boyfriend.

After a few minutes I get to school. I walk to the place Frank and I would meet. But he isn't there yet. So, I make myself comfortable. But he doesn't come. Not even when the bell rings. I'm starting to get suspicious. Why isn't he here yet? 'He'll be sick, or late.' I'm telling myself all the time, trying to sooth myself. Sadly, I begin walking towards my first class. We don't have our first class together, so that means I can't see if he is already at school.

As I walk trough the corridors I start to worry. Why doesn't he send me something? He could at least send me a message to say he's sick or late. Where is he? What happened to him? Did he get run over by a car? Did he faint on his way to school? Is he in a coma?

Stop worrying, Soph! Nothing happened. Maybe he just ran out of money, so he can’t send you a message.

Then all of a sudden I see a glimp of him. I sigh in relief. Nothing happened to him. I should learn not to worry that fast.
Wait, who's that girl? Why are they just inches from each other? Is she trying to steal my boyfriend? I can't let that happen!

I slowly walk over to them, but stop after 5 steps. Did I see what I think I saw? Did he just brush his hand over her cheek?
Chill, Soph, friends do that all the time. Wait… do they?
I start walking again, but stop again when he goes closer to the girl. What is he doing? Is he going to kiss her? No! He wouldn’t do that, would he?

After a second I get my answer. He would do that. And he's doing it right now. He kisses the girl. And not just a quick kiss. Not a goodbye-kiss or something. A real kiss. A kiss that people give when they love each other.

At that moment tears start to well up in my eyes. A second later they are quickly rolling down my cheeks.
I can't look at it anymore. I can't handle it. I need to get away from here. Right now.

I start to run away, out of school. I don't care about anything anymore. I won't even care if I die right here. Maybe I want to. I don't know. I just need to get away from here.

"Honey, it's time for school! Wake up!" I get woken up by my mum.

"Fine," I yawn, still half-asleep. Then it all came back to me. My nightmare. Ugh, I mustn’t think about it. It's just a dream. It won't happen in reality. I try to get it out of my head.

I roll over again, trying to wake up. But it doesn't work, I fall asleep again. But this time dream-less.

"Sophie Melanie Stephens! Get up! You're already late!" my mom yells from downstairs.
I quickly sit up and look at my clock. I'm already half an hour late!
I jump up from my bed, too quickly. I search for my clothes and try to get them on in a record-time. I brush my hair, not caring about taking a look in the mirror. I run downstairs, in no time.
I put a sandwich in my mouth, give my mom a kiss and leave the house.

Wow, that was pretty quick. I bet I broke a record!

At school

"Hi, Soph! Over here," I hear Marissa yelling. She isn't at the place we used to wait. She is standing with our other friends.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, it's been a while since I last saw you guys! How are you doing?"

"We're fine. Marissa was just inviting us to her girls night! Isn't that cool? You're coming too, right?" They look at me, awaiting my response.

"Don't worry, I was going to invite you, too. I don't want you to miss something! You're my best friend!" Marissa says, obviously seeing my shocked and sad face. To be honest, I was actually thinking I wasn't going to be invited. See? I really need to learn to stop worrying that fast

"Yeah, of course! I don't wanna miss that!"

"Great! It's gonna be a lot of fun!"
♠ ♠ ♠
There you guys go, a new chapter. Curtousy of Leen :).
Let us know what you think of it!