Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

24. “As in going on a vacation, right?”

Frank’s POV

As soon as I hear the doorbell, I’m at the front door with the speed of light. Call me lame, but I really want to see Sophie.

"Hey sweetie! I missed you!" I say as soon as I opened the door, before kissing her. I pull worriedly away when I finally register the tears falling down her face. "What's wrong, honey? What did Marissa do to you? Tell me, please!"

“Can we get inside first? And Marissa didn’t do anything,” is the only reply I get so far.

“Uhm, okay, sure,” I reply, before stepping aside to let her in. We get to the living room in silence, me thinking of things that could have happened. Once we sit down, I try asking Sophie what’s wrong again. “Sweetie, what’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything.”

“I know. But you’re not gonna like this.” At this, I give her a questioning look. “When I got home from school yesterday, my parents had some wonderful news,” she continues, her voice full of sarcasm.

“What news did they have?” I ask lamely.

“Apparently, we’re going to Phoenix in about a month,” Sophie mumbles.

“As in going on a vacation, right?”

“Unfortunately, no. I don’t even know why we all of a sudden have to move.” My happy mood immediately disappeared upon hearing that. I wrap my arms around Sophie, trying to comfort her.

“Wow, that sucks. But I promise I’ll call you every day. And I’ll text you even more.”

“I’m just gonna miss you so much. I don’t want to go and leave you here.”

“I don’t want you to go either.” After that we stay silent for a while. I’m just thinking about how much I’ll miss her and how I hate her parents for taking her away from me. But then I start thinking about how we should make the best of the time we still have left together. I pull Sophie even closer to me, snuggling my nose in her hair, before softly kissing her neck. “You know, we should make the best of the time we have left,” I tell her in between kisses.

“You’re probably right,” Sophie replies, before gently placing her lips on mine.

Later on we decide to just hang out at my place, watch a movie and order some pizza. After the movie ends, we snuggle close to each other, not saying or doing anything, just enjoying each other’s company. After sitting like that for what felt like only minutes, but what turned out to be hours after I check my watch, I feel my eyes getting heavy. And judging on Sophie’s heavy breathing, she’s falling asleep as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
To be honest, I don't really like this chapter and it's way too short, sorry about that.
Let us know what you think though?
-Edit- I'd like to thank every one who read/commented/subscribed. You guys earned us a fifth star. -End of edit-