Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

25. "I Don't Want To Go Home"

Sophie's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night because of my cell phone. I try to get out of Frank's grip on me, waking him up accidentally.
"Sorry," I whisper quickly, searching for my phone.

"Honey! Thank God! Where are you?"

"Mom! I'm at Frank's. I'm sorry, we fell asl-"

"Who said you were able to stay at Frank's place?"!

"I'm sorry, no one did. But it wasn't on purpose. We accidently fell asleep."

"Well, come home right now!"


"You have to!"

"But I don't want to. I want to stay. I... I just... don't want to come home right now. Let me enjoy my last month with him. I love him," I quietly start to cry, while Frank is rubbing my free hand.


"Please, mom..."

"Okay. But only if you promise to come home tomorrow. Okay?"

"Fair enough. Thanks," I say, hanging up. I turn around and fall in Frank's arms, crying harder.

"Shh... it's going to be okay."

"No, it's not, and you know that."

"Let's just forget about it right now and go to my parents' bed and try to catch some sleep. They're away for the weekend."


That morning

"Good morning, honey," I say, giving Frank a kiss.

"Hmm...good morning," he says, not looking up from his phone.

"Hey, what's wrong?"


"Yes, there is."

"No, really," he says quickly, getting up.

"Frank, tell me!"

"No! I mean - nothing's wrong," he says. There is something wrong, I know it. He doesn't act normal. What is he up to?
"Look... I've got to go to the boys. Are you coming with me or not?"

"I guess not. I'll go home before my mom freaks out."

"Okay. Love you,"

"Love you, too," We kiss each other and then leave.
I think about Frank all the way home, wondering what was wrong. But when I get home I give up. I don't know what's wrong. I'll just have to ask him over and over again.

I put my bike away and walk inside, not exactly prepared for what is coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
We know it's short and it's been a long time, but at least there's something to read.
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