Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

27. Forbidden

Sophie's P.O.V.

I slowly walk inside my house, scared of having to see my mother and father. How would they react?
I try to avoid them and immediately go up to my room. To my great regret I bump into them.
“H…hi,” I say.

“Oh well, finally home? I thought you were never coming back,” my mom says pissed.

“Please, darling, being pissed doesn’t help at all,” my dad whispers and turns to me,” We need to talk honey.”

“Uhm…okay, I guess,” I answer, shocked.

“Let’s go to the dining room first,” mom says, already calmed down a bit. We walk in silence to the dining room. I’m a bit nervous. I’ll probably get house arrest or something. Although they don’t seem to be mad, or at least my dad doesn’t, I’m pretty sure they’re both angry with me. It’s just all too serious. I can feel something’s going to happen and I don’t think I’ll like it.
We sit down and I wait for someone to speak.

“Honey…” mom begins.

“Yes?” I whisper, scared to look her in the eyes.

“Me and your dad have been thinking. We see how much you love Frank and we know he loves you the same way. We’re glad for that, knowing someone cares for our daughter.”

“But we also know you will be hurt when we leave,” my dad goes on,” so that’s why we think you shouldn’t hang out with him anymore. You should be trying to forget him, already. It will be better for you, sweetie, we know that.” I start to cry.

“What?! No! You only think about yourself! Don’t you even consider my feelings? No way will I try to forget him! I will never forget him! I love him with all my heart! Could you please think about me?!”

“The only reason we said that is because of your feelings, honey. So don’t you say that we don’t think of you! It’s for your own good, for God’s sake!”

“Yeah right,” I whisper, and run up to my room. I lay down on my bed and cry. I can’t stop crying. First they say that we’re moving. And like that’s not enough, they forbid me to see Frank. I can’t believe it. Silently I fall asleep, crying.

Later that day

“Hey honey,” my mom says as I enter the kitchen.

“What are we going to eat tonight?” I ask, refusing to give her a simple ‘hello’.

“Noodles, the way you like them so much,” she smiles, “I’ve been thinking. I guess you deserve a last meal with Frank. Invite him over for dinner tonight.” She says it like it’s a demand.

“What?! No! First you tell me I have to forget him and then you invite him over for dinner? No way! Why did you change your mind so quickly?” I yell. I bet something will happen when he’s here. My mother won’t ‘just’ invite him. It won’t be a normal dinner, I know for sure. For that reason I don’t want him to come over.

“It’s your last change to see him, honey. You could tell him goodbye. If you really don’t want him to come, it’s okay. But remember, you are not aloud to see him after tonight. It’s your choice; see him for the last time or never see him again.”

“That’s not fair!” I yell. But I think about it. I guess I should invite him over, if she really means what she says. I go up to my room, to call him. “I hate you, mom,” I whisper silently to myself.
I grab my cell phone and call Frank. Just when I thought he wasn’t going to pick up he answers his phone.

“Hey Soph,” he says.

“Hey sweetie. Are you doing anything tonight?” I try to sound happy, because I don’t want him to suspect something already.

“Nope. Why?”

“Do you want to come over to my place? My mum said I could invite you over for dinner and that we could spend some time together after that as well.”

“Sure, I want to come over. What time do I have to be there?”

“Sometime around six thirty.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then. Love you. Bye.”

“Great. Love you too. Bye,” I say and hang up my phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the three week delay. Leen was on a vacay, so we have a perfectly good reason for not updating.
I hope you like the chapter. Let us know what you think of it!