Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

28. "Are You Agreeing With Them?"

Frank’s P.O.V.

It’s 6.15 and I’m on my way to Sophie’s for dinner. She told me to be there at 6.30, which leaves me 15 minutes to get there. When I get there, Sophie is sitting outside on the porch, looking pissed off.

“Hey honey, what’s wrong?” I ask her.

“My parents are just ugh,” is all I get in response, so I decide to not further press the matter, knowing she won’t tell me anything more than that ‘her parents are just ugh’.

“Shall we get inside? I think your mum’s waiting for us,” I suggest.

“Okay.” I can’t help but notice Sophie is being awfully quiet, even though her parents are obviously bothering her.

Dinner is going by quite smoothly, I don’t really notice anything off about Sophie’s parents. I still have no idea what’s gotten her so upset. I mean, her parents are acting completely normal, talking and joking, just like they usually do. After we finish our dessert though, the mood gets a lot more serious.

“Frank, my wife and I decided it would be better for you and Sophie if you already try to forget each other before we’re moving to Phoenix. That’s why we forbid Sophie to see you again after tonight. We expect you to not try to keep in touch with her either, since that would just make things even more difficult for the both of you,” Sophie’s dad concludes his little speech. By now I feel like yelling at her parents, but I decide against it. It wouldn’t help our case at all and I wouldn’t be listening to them and keep in touch with Soph no matter what. I grab Sophie’s hand and squeeze it gently, letting her know I don’t mean anything I’m about to say. I just hope she’ll get that message.

“I understand your reasoning and if you think it’s better for us to forget about each other, I’m not gonna try to keep in touch with Sophie. But we can spend some more time together today, can’t we? To say goodbye and stuff like that?”

“Of course. It wouldn’t be fair not to let you say goodbye to each other, would it?” Sophie’s mum replies.

“Thank you. Can we be excused now?” I ask politely.

“Yes, you can,” Sophie’s dad answers me.

Seeing as I’m still holding Sophie’s hand, I pull her up out of her chair and in the direction of the stairs. I notice Sophie looking at me as if I just broke her heart.

“What do you mean, you’re not even gonna try to keep in touch with me? Are you really just agreeing with my parents?” she whisper-yells at me. I’m still tugging on her hand, trying to get to her room, where we’ll be free to say what we want, without her parents eavesdropping on us. Once we get there, I’m pulling Sophie down to sit on her bed and I wrap my arms around her.

“Of course I’m not agreeing with your parents. Like you said, they’re just ugh, but I thought it’d be easier to sneak around with them thinking I was gonna listen to them instead of them knowing we would be sneaking around. I tried to tell you I didn’t mean anything I said by squeezing your hand, but that message wasn’t delivered properly, so it seems,’ I say, chuckling a bit in the end.

“So you’re not just going to forget about me?” she asked me, sounding relieved.

“I could never forget about you, even if I wanted to, which I don’t. I love you way too much for that.”

“Good, cause I could never forget about you either.”

Sophie and I stay cuddled up together on her bed, talking about how we can still be able to see each other and occasionally kissing, until her mum comes upstairs, to tell me I should go home now. I reluctantly got up, telling Sophie I’d miss her (since her mum was still standing there) and giving her one ‘last’ kiss. I walk over to her bedroom door and turn around, winking at Sophie now that her mum can’t see me anymore, seeing I’m standing behind her. After that, I turn around again and leave Sophie’s plays, still thinking of ways to still be able to see Sophie.
♠ ♠ ♠
You didn't think they wouldn't be together anymore, did you?
I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this, but I've been quite busy with jobinterviews. And it's not gonna get better, since I found myself a job and it's gonna take up a lot of my time.
Let us know what you think of the chapter though.

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