Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

29. I just wish I were able to see you.

Sophie’s POV

I sit here, in the living room with my parents. I’m pretending to do my homework, while they’re working. They’re actually just watching me. I had to do my homework downstairs, because they wanted to be sure I wasn’t going to sneak out. They think I would do that, to see Frank. Damn them. I will have to find other ways to see him than just sneaking out.
Just when I’m thinking of ways, my phone starts ringing. My parents immediately look up.
I look at my phone and see it’s Frank who’s calling. Hoping my parents wouldn’t notice it, I answer it.


“Sophie? It’s Frank!”


“I was just calling to ask you if you could come over right now. You can tell your parents you’re over to Marissa’s.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be right there.”

“’Kay, bye, Love you.”

“Bye, see you soon,” I put my phone back in my pocket and get up.

“Who was that?” my mom asks.

“Marissa. She asked me to come over, and I said yes, so see you later!”

“Wait! What about your homework?”

“I’ll do it later, it’s not much. Bye!”

“Don’t lie to us, Sophie. Are you really going to Marissa?” my dad asks.

“Yeah, of course,” I quickly say and close the door. I jump on my bike and leave as quickly as I can. I hope they won’t call Marissa, just to make sure I’m really there.

I quickly shake my head, no they won’t do that. … I hope.

A few minutes later I arrive at Frank’s. He was already waiting for me outside, hoping no one would notice us together.
Once inside, he turns around and kisses me. “Hey honey!”

“Hey gorgeous,” I giggle. “Thanks for saving me, they were really watching me all the time, making sure I wasn’t going to sneak away. You’re like my own personal hero.”

“You’re welcome. I hope they won’t find out. They will probably kill me or something.”

“Probably,” I laugh and kiss him again. I won’t let him forget me so easily, after I leave.

After I leave. Ugh, it sounds so… so…. I don’t even know. It’s just hurting me so much, knowing I’m going to leave so soon. Every second brings me closer to my mental death. Every breath I take is one breath closer.

Yes, I call it my mental death. I just know I will die inside. I know I will get depressed or something. It is a crime to take me away from my friends and Frank.

I hate my parents.

One hour later my phone suddenly starts ringing again. I look at the caller ID, and see it’s my mom.
“Shit,” I whisper, hoping they haven’t found out.
My hands shaking, I answer the phone.


”Sophie Melanie Stephens! You are not with Marissa! Come home right now!”

“W…what are you talking about, m…mom? I am with M…Marissa,” I stutter. She found out.

They found out.

I couldn’t feel worse. I’m more scared then ever. I’m even not able to think anymore. I’m totally panicking.

”You’re lying, Sophie. You are with Frank! I called Marissa’s parents, just to hear that you are not there. Get your ass here, and well right now!”

“O…okay,” I whisper and hang up. I immediately start crying. Frank already understands what was wrong. He gives me a hug and a kiss and whispers I should go home, that way they won’t be even angrier. I nod and say I love him, as I walk away. Just before I close the door I hear him whispering he loves me, too.
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We're really sorry it took so long, but hey, here's a chapter :).
Enjoy reading and let us know what you think of it!