Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

33. Leaving

Sophie's POV

That night was really the best night of my life, I think. The night Frank surprised me with a party. I enjoyed it so much and I'm really glad I was able to say a proper goodbye to everyone, knowing my parents would never let me.

But unfortunately good things don't always last that long. After the best night, the worst day of my life is already awaiting.

I don't want to get up. I don't want to face the day. I want everything to be a dream. Everything that includes the move. Even if it has to mean the party was a dream, too. I'll be able to live with that fact, disappointed or not.

I don't want to open my eyes. I don't want to see my room full of boxes. I don't want to not see Frank - or my friends - again for a long time.I'm not even sure I ever will see them again, we're just moving too far away. No, forget I said that. I will see them again. I can’t live without them, I’ve got to see them again.

And I will. …Right?

“Honey, it’s the big day today. We’re moving to Phoenix. Oh gosh, this is so exciting! Get up, honey, it’ll be a busy day today. I need still need your help before we have to go,” my mum sings happily, entering my room. “Come on, honey, we still need to pack the last few things. And within a few hours the truck will already be here. And-“

“Okay, okay, I’ll get up,” I mumble annoyed.

“Honey, a bit more enthusiasm won’t hurt. This is the day we’ve all been waiting for! Today-“

“Wait, you and dad have been looking forward to it. Not me. So, I have this great idea: you and dad go to Phoenix and I stay here. Problem solved, everybody happy.”

“No time for jokes, Sophie. You know I wouldn’t be happy without you. Maybe you don’t believe it, but I really want you to be happy.”

“If that’s true, then why do I have to go? I won’t be happy in Phoenix mum, can’t you see that? My life’s here, with Marissa, Frank and the others. I belong here!” I say, raising my voice. I’m already on the edge of crying, again. I lay back down and pull the covers over my head.

“You barely know Frank! You just met him and he’s already wound you around his finger!”

“What? Of course I know him! And why couldn’t it be possible to love someone that much already? Huh? Or did you already forgot about you and dad?”

“That was different!”

“Oh, yes, it was. I’m sorry I forgot. I didn’t get knocked up the night I met Frank!” I yell, getting really angry.

“Don’t you dare to bring that up!”

“Watch me.”

“SOPHIE MELANIE STEPHENS! That’s enough! If you don’t get up right now I won’t allow you to come here ever again!” Did I hear that right? Did she really say that? My mouth immediately falls open in shock. I can’t believe it! She could ground me, she could not let me watch TV for a month. She could’ve said anything. But she chose to say that. This is not the mother I’m used to. This is not the person I love. It’s like I don’t know her at all.

“W-what did you just say?” Please, let her say something else. Please, tell me I misunderstood.

“You heard me. I can see it in your eyes. So, you better hurry now,” she whispers angrily. I nod quickly, not able to say something. “Good,” she says and then leaves the room. I immediately get up as fast as I can. It wasn’t such a good idea, though. My head is spinning and for a few seconds I can’t see anything. I slowly sit back down, waiting for it to pass. As soon as it passes, I continue getting ready.

This is going to be a long day.


“Hurry, Sophie, we have to leave now or the plane will take off without us!” I turn around one last time in my room, looking for something I possibly forgot. I can’t recognize my room anymore. It’s all empty, apart from my –now empty- wardrobe and my bed. I’m going to miss it. I spent my whole life in this room and now it’ll just disappear out of my life.

I slowly breath in the smell and then turn to leave the room. I quietly go downstairs, one lonely tear rolling down my cheek. I grab my bag in silence and walk to the front door. My dad lets me through and sighs while closing the door behind him. He gives the house key to the man who’ll sell our house. They say something to each other and then dad climbs in the driver seat.
“Got everything?” he asks.

“I think so,” mom replied. “Oh, I’m so excited for this!”

“I know, Phoenix is going to be so great! So, everybody ready?” My mom nods excitedly, like a little kid. Gosh, why are they so happy about it? “Okay, say bye to our house!” dad says, starting the car.

“Bye!” they say together. Mom turned around to me, asking why I didn’t say anything. How could I say something? I just stay quiet and stare ahead of me. She sighs once again and then grabs my dad’s hand.

The car starts moving away from our house, away from everyone.

Away from my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry for the long wait! We're both really busy at the moment.
I'm gonna try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible, but I'm not making any promises.