Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

5. Don't You Dare To Scare Me Ever Again!

Sophie’s POV

“Come on, mom, hurry up!” I yell.

“Would you please calm down, honey. We’re not going to be late,” my mom says, trying to calm me down.
We are driving to the hospital, to my best friend, Marissa. I am pretty much freaking out.
I had just promised myself that I will protect her, when I got the message she fell down the stairs and is now in a hospital. I still can’t believe it. I can only pray nothing bad will happen.

“I hope nothing bad happened or will happen. Or even happens,” I whisper now, sobbing a little bit.

“Don’t think like that, honey. Nothing will happen. Nothing happened. Maybe she only has a headache. Don’t worry,’ mom tries to sooth me.

“I…I hope so,” I cry.

“Please don’t cry.”
But I can’t. I can’t stop crying, I even start to cry harder. I hope it’s a dream.
Quietly I pray for Marissa when mom drives into the parking plot.

“We’re here,” she says.
Quickly I get out of the car and start running over to the emergency room, not waiting for my mom.

When I come in, I rush over to the ‘Information’ desk.
When I get there, I see there are many people waiting until it’s their turn.
Not calming down I wait until it’s my turn.
‘Come on, faster people. Faster!’ I think.

“Can I help you, miss?” The nice lady asks, when it’s my turn.

“Yeah, I’m searching for Marissa Davidson. She fell down the stairs about an hour ago, or so I think,” I try to say, between my sobs.

“She’s in room 109, miss. You can visit her,” the lady says.

“Okay, thanks.” While I search for room 109, I see my mom.

“Which room is she in?” she asks.

“Room 109.”

“It’s this way, Sophie.”
Quickly I run to room 109, my mom behind me.

“Hello Sophie. I’m glad you made it,” Marissa’s dad says.

“Hello Mr Davidson. Where is Marissa?”

“Oh, don’t call me Mr Davidson. Just call me James. Marissa went to the doctor with Janice. She’ll be right back,” James says, when my mother comes in the room “Oh hello Maranda. How have you been?”

“Hi James, I’ve been good. And you?”

“Me too.” I hate ‘adult talk’. They always talk so…

“Sophie! What are you doing here?” I hear a weak voice, asking.
Quickly I turn around.

“Marissa! How are you? You fucking scared me! Don’t you ever do that again,” I say, starting to cry again.

“Aww, sweetie, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay,” I say, still crying. “What happened? I’m so glad you’re still here.”

“You can’t get rid off me that easily. You’ll have to fight for it!”
My lips shaking, I try to smile.

“Okay. So what happened!?”

“Oh, some stupid bouncing ball from my little sister lay on the stairs. That’s how I fell. People say I lost consciousness but I don’t believe any shit they’re telling me,” she giggles.

“Your mother called me and she said you lost consciousness, so I think you’ll have to. So, what did the doctor say?”

“I only have a broken leg. Thank god it’s nothing worse. Now you’ll have to take care of me!” she laughs.

“You think so,” I say, and jokingly I slam her arm.

“Hey! I have a broken leg, remember?” she says, trying to be serious.

“I slammed your arm, not your leg, dumbass!”

“Oops,” she says, and laughs harder.

Time elapse

“Hey Sophie! Hey Marissa!” Kaydie says, when she walks in the room.
Kaydie is a good friend of me. She is my second best friend.

“Hi Kaydie!” I say, while I hug her.

“I missed you guys,”

“Aww. we missed you, too,” Marissa says.

“So tell me, Marissa, what happened to you? I just got the message. You scared me!”

“See, Marissa, you scared her, too!” I say, trying to be mad.

“What can I do about it?” she answers “Kaydie, I fell down the stairs and just broke a leg. That’s all, nothing else.”

“Thank god.” We all laugh, and make jokes.
I’m really happy nothing bad happened. I will protect her.
I won’t let that happen again. No one will touch her. No one can break us apart. No one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yet another chapter.
I hope you guys liked it. Let us know what you think please.