Status: slowly active

The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

6. That’s Her, Isn’t It?

Frank’s POV

Once again, I am sitting at Starbucks, waiting for that girl to walk in. I don’t even know her and it feels like I’m under her spell already. Only imagine what it would be like if I actually get to know her. Over the past few days, I’ve been sitting here a lot. That much, that all the baristas know me by now. They even know what I want to drink as soon as I walk in. Sad, I know, but I just want to see that girl again. And that makes everything even sadder.
I’m just a basket case really. I can’t concentrate on anything, because she is always on my mind. I fuck up during each and every practice because of her. I dream about her pretty much every night and no, not what you’re thinking right now, nothing dirty. I just dream about her. And I’m still having conversations with her in my head.

Seeing as I finished my previous coffee about 15 minutes ago, I walk back up to the counter.

“Hey Frank,” Sam, one of the baristas, greets me. “Same old?”

“Yeah, thanks.” I wait for him to get my coffee and pay him.

“That girl still not here?” Sam asks me as I’m about to walk back over to my seat.

“Nope, nothing yet. But I’m going to keep waiting here until she shows up, whenever that may be,” I answer with a small smile.

“I’m sure she will show up eventually man. I mean, who can resist our incredible, amazing Starbucks coffee,” he laughs, before he turns to the next costumer.

“Yeah, who can resist that,” I mumble to myself, while getting back over to my seat.

About three hours after that, I give up. I don’t think she’s going to walk in anymore. Maybe I’ll be more lucky tomorrow. I get up from my seat, throw away my Styrofoam cup and walk out the door, back home.

When I get there, I notice my mum already went to bed, so I decide to hit the hay as well.
Waking up the next morning, my latest dream is still fresh in my mind. Once again it was about her. I remember that I was at Starbucks (yeah, big surprise there) and that she came in. Instead of me walking over to her, she came over to where I was sitting, and started talking to me. From then onwards it was pretty much the same as every other dream I had about her. We just talked and in the end, right before I wake up, we kissed. I always wake up right after that part, as stupid as it may sound.

I get ready for yet another boring day at school, where I won’t be learning anything because of the lack of concentration.

After school, the first thing I do is getting to Starbucks. And today I have this gut feeling she’s going to be here or walk in after I get there. Today is going to be the day I see her again, I can tell.
When I get there, a conversation similar to the one Sam and I had yesterday occurs between me and one of the other baristas, before I look for a seat from which I can see the door. I sit down, taking out some schoolbooks to start on my homework. That way, the hours I spend at Starbucks aren’t completely wasted. I look up from what I’m doing (which just so happens to be a maths assignment, oh the joy) every so often, when the bells at the door jingle. But so far, no luck, it’s never been the girl.

A few minutes later, the bells jingle again, causing me to look up once again. This time all the hours I’ve spent here are rewarded as it is her who walks in. She’s even more beautiful than I can remember. While I’m staring at her, she glances over in my direction, catching my gaze and causing me to blush slightly. Like I said, I’m a pansy and a basket case, but seriously, just take a look at her and you will totally understand why I’m being like this.
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It took me a while to get this on paper, so I hope it isn't dissapointing.
Also, let me know if you think it's too much like the fourth chapter, cause that's how I feel about it.