‹ Prequel: Bleeding Heart

I Won't Fear Love.


I looked at my father, his black hair and those hazel eyes I got from him, how he was a taller then my sister.

"Why would I want to come live with someone who couldn't be faithful to a woman?" She snarled back and I was shocked. I've never heard Heather use that voice before. It was full with pure hatred

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, I am your father!" Alex yelled back.

Heather laughed, "You're my father? Please, Alex! You were never there! You weren't there for my mother, you weren't there for me! And you most certainly were not there for Mariella's mother, her brother, and her! Did you want to hide that I had a sister? Did you feel bad?" She laughed to herself again. It stung at how her words so true, "As if you could feel bad! You sleep with the women, get them pregnant and run off! You're nothing but shit!" She spat, and I saw something flash before his eyes.

Hatred? Anger?

"You and your mother meant more than they ever would." He snarled. Did he forget that he was in my house and that we could walk in any moment. I kept quiet as I just the door, with them not noticing me. "I loved you and your mother more than anything."

"They have more heart than you do, you heartless bastard!" She shouted at him and he was suddenly furious.

Then it was so fast, if you blinked, you wouldn't know it happened.

He smacked my sister, right there, right in front of me. He wasn't even aware of it.

I was pissed.

"Hey, Alex!" I said, catching his attention as Heather cried, holding her cheek. She looked up, terrified. And worry suddenly took over he face.

"No. Stay away!" She said, but I ignored and walked straight into my kitchen.

Alex looked at me, and it was like staring into my eyes. But these were much, much colder. He looked at me, confused. He didn't know who I was.

Another pain to the heart.

He knew Heather, he loved her mother more than he loved my family.

More pain.

Just rip me to pieces, already! Damn, that sounded really emo...

"Next time you speak, "I said softly as I stood near him looking down at the floor. But when I spoke, nothing but venom flowed out of my mouth. I looked up and looked at him directly in the eyes, "Make sure none of those people are in the audience listening, you nothing but a no good, dirty lying, cheating son of a man whore!"

I ran to him and started to beat his chest repeatedly.

How could he say that we meant nothing? I was his first daughter, and yet he says I'm nothing. He stood there, day after day, confessing his love for my mother only to cheat on her. And now I find out she meant nothing to Alex.

"How can you say you don't love us?" I cried out as I hit his chest. I knew he was angry, but he was in shock by the look on his face.

"I looked up to you, Alex! When I was younger, until I saw you and some other chick, you were my hero. Not only because you were some dude who went out and rescued people, but because you were my father!"

I felt hands on my arms as they told me to stop.

"Stop, Stop it Mariella!" Dante's voice came. He pulled me back and wrapped his arms around my body.

I stood there and cried as I turned around, spilling tears from the brim of my eyes into his shirt.

"I told you to stay away, dumb fuck! Now look, you've managed to hurt the people that mean most to me! I let you go when I was younger, all because I was to weak. But I can kick your ass now, but I choose not to." Alex stood up as he wiped his bleeding lip and nose. "But, I call myself a man, unlike you. You've never grown, and you never will. I've never liked you from the start, Alex." I cried more.

Did he know he was coming?

I felt myself being pulled away from Dante into my mothers arms."Shhhh." She said as she did circular motions on my arms. "It's okay. Shhh." She said again, but more softer. My mother brought me over to the couch and wrapped her arms around me. I saw that Dante went over and hugged Heather.

"Alex," My mother sneered, "Heather is my daughter, and so isn't Mariella. You have as to no right to either one of them. I made sure of it, and you sure as hell know yourself." My mother took a deep breath in, And she swore. "Get the HELL outta my house, or I'll call the damn police. You know there's a GOD DAMN restraining order on you. And for hitting my daughter, I should call the police. But I'll be nice for the next 30 second if YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY GOD DAMN HOUSE, DAMN IT!" She yelled the last words, even I cringed and I heard feet, fast and rythmically hit the carpet, and that ugly thing start up and he peeled out of the drive way.

"NEVER COME BACK!" I heard Dante say as he slammed the door and walked over towards us.

My mother, she never swears. Unless she's mad, really really mad. And hell, she's mad, Even I got scared of that threat.

"Come here, baby girl." Told Heather as we sat on the floor now, hugging each other. All three of us crying. Dante joined on the hug, telling us every things going to be okay.

And that, guys, is why My brother and my mother are my damn hero's. And the reason why they are my favorite out of most people.

He may have not been there for most of my life, but he was my father. I thought that he did care, that he just had a problem with commitment. And all along, I was fooling myself.
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Hope you liked this one <3

I don't know what to say....ha xD