Caught A Glimpse

The Dark Room.

It’s dark, but there is some light coming into the room from somewhere. Maybe a window, I can’t tell. It’s cold in this room, and damp, almost like a cellar. There is a stale smell and the air is stuffy.

I see something in the room, a chair. It’s old. The wood is faded and cracked. The rest of the room is empty, except for the array of old newspaper clippings spread across the floor. I can’t see clearly enough to read the headlines.

I search the room, my vision is cloudy. I can’t figure out where this is. Nothing in this room is familiar to me.

I hear a noise, coming from the dark corner in the back of the room. I listen carefully. It’s gone. I search frantically around the room to try and find where the sound came from, and who or what made the sound.

I hear it again. It sounds like a quiet sob. I turn to see something curled up in the corner in the darkness. I look closely, it’s a person. It’s a girl. She hugs her legs closely to her body and cries. Even in the darkness, I can tell that her face is bruised. I can see that her hair is blonde, matted to the side of her head with blood.

There is another noise. It’s louder. It sounds like footsteps. The girl screams, the terror in her face is unbearable to look at. I look away, just as the door opens. The girl cowers in her corner, afraid of who is at the door.

In the doorway stands a man. He is tall with dark hair that is cut very short. His jaw is clenched. There is something about his face, something familiar. He has a birthmark on his cheek, under his right eye. His face is clean shaven. His skin is light.

I look back at the girl who says nothing, does nothing. She doesn’t even cry anymore. She is so afraid. The man walks up to her slowly and she shakes with fear. He stops, standing in my view of her.

The room grows darker and darker, I can’t see anything anymore. I can’t hear anything anymore…Im losing it.

“That’s it.” I say. The man sitting across the table from me looks up. The rest of the men in the room do the same.

“Is this who you saw?” He asks, sliding a sketched drawing of a man in front of me. It was the one I seen so clearly in my vision. The man who kidnapped Amber, Im sure of it.

“Yes,” I say confidently.

“Thank you.” He says and stands. “That will be all for now, you may go. We will call you when futher information is needed.”

I nod and stand up. He holds his hand out to me and I shake it. I open the door of the room and leave, walk out of the police station and into my car.

I sit still, staring out the windsheild. Tears fill up my eyes untill they leak out and run down my cheeks. To this day I am still unsure whether or not what I can do is a gift or a curse. Im not sure if I really am helping. Sometimes I am not even sure what I see, or why I see it. Sometimes it comes at the most random times; at work, at home, in the grocery store, while I am driving.

Some people call me a psychic. I don’t think I am. I don’t belive I am. I am just a normal person, except for the fact that I can see things other’s cant. See things I wish I never could see. I see some things that are normal, and some things that no person should ever witness. So is this my gift? Or just my curse? Maybe it is just a strange mix of both. I don’t know. I will just have to live with it.