The Way, the Truth, the Light

Iced Coffee

Gerards POV

I was just sitting, nursing a cup of coffee, trying to ignore the niggling voice in the back of my head that was reminding me that I really needed to go and visit Mikey.

I sipped at the hot mocha and sighed. It was cold in the coffee shop, but not quite as cold as it was outside. The coffee helped too.

A bell tinkled as the door swung open, and a gust of wind blew in sending shivers down his spine. The girl in the doorway shook her coat off her shoulders and onto the chair next to her. She glanced around the shop, her gaze settling on Gerard. She smiled briefly and absentmindedly at him, as she walked up to the counter.

He watched as she ordered an iced coffee. As she turned to walk back to her chair she saw him looking at her and grinned.

‘Hey,’ She glanced down at the empty chair opposite him, ‘Anyone sitting here?’

He shook his head, ‘Want to join me?’

She nodded and grabbed her coat up from where she had left it before settling into the armchair opposite him.

‘It’s a bit cold for an iced coffee isn’t it?’ He smiled.

She laughed, glancing towards the floor shyly, avoiding his eyes. ‘Well, I’m a sucker for an iced coffee, even if it does make me really cold!’

He laughed softly, trying to meet her eyes. ‘Are you shy?’ He leaned forwards, ‘You didn’t really seem it before.’

She shrugged, ‘Maybe I’m not what I seem?’

After five minutes or so though, she came out of her shell and Gerard soon discovered that in fact she was one of the funniest, bubbliest people he had ever met. He liked her a lot, and she seemed to like him too. He discovered much about her during their conversation- she seemed open to friendship, for which he was glad.

‘I have to go.’

He pouted, pretending to cry. ‘Must you?’

She grinned, but her eyes were sad. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve really enjoyed meeting you,’ she picked up her coat and bag and stood up, ‘But I’ve stayed far too long now. I’m going to be late.’

He sighed, ‘Um, can I, um, have your number?’ He gulped and stared down at his hands, ‘Unless you have a boyfriend who you haven’t mentioned?’ He sighed. He was so useless; he never had been able to talk to girls. She would never be interested in him. He sighed and glanced up at her, only to see her grinning and pulling out her mobile.

‘Sure! Can I have yours as well?’

He grinned, ‘Of course!’

They exchanged numbers and she pulled on her coat. She wrenched open the door and turned to smile back at him, ‘I’ll call you soon. Bye!’

He grinned and downed the end of his third coffee.

Time to go and tell Mikey about his great day!
♠ ♠ ♠
what do you think?
If you like it then I might continue