

Agiitha poked her head out of the kitchen doorway and turned her head towards the front door and the bright sun. There lie three average sized and completely sinister bags of luggage.

She didn’t mean to be so selfish, her situation wasn’t the end of the world, there was no divorce, no unexpected drafting, and no death in the family—although the way her mother was sobbing in the living room a boat filled solely with the people she loved had crashed. Her brother (and un-official best friend) was leaving for Europe. A whole “new experience” thing. He was taking a year off before he decided on his life’s plan. The only thought going through Agiitha’s head was why can’t he do that here?

She trudged out into the hallway, rolling her eyes at her mother’s continued sobs. Kailer’s passport was lying open on top of his carryon bag. Silently—and mostly out of spite—she damned him for being so photogenic. Even in this picture he looked popular. The notion was humorous to her; she realized just how much her mind was set to being an angst-y teenager.

The likeness of the face in the international papers in her hands walked out of the door just to the right of the one she herself had exited in order to be positioned here. “Mom, I’m going to be fine! It’s the safest way to travel! I mean if something goes wrong I only have 40 000 feet to fall!” He spotted Agiitha and winked.

Kailer looked like his father, he was lean and tall. His hair was a dark brown, mussed in that “I just woke up” look that took him half an hour to perfect. His eyes were stunningly green—she’d always been jealous of those eyes—and his face had that Johnny Depp shape to it, not too hard but not too soft.

Agiitha however took after her father, who was blonde, balding and had (in her opinion) the most sad blue eyes known to man. She loved her father, but when it came to looks he got the short end of the stick. She just hoped the male pattern baldness stayed just that—male. Her hair was cropped to her shoulders and was layered in a way that she didn’t have to style it whatsoever. She was soft around the edges and had accepted—no matter how much she felt ugly at times—that she would always be just a little bit fat.

“You’re an ass, did you know that?” she said exasperated to her brother. “Mom’s going to be fidgeting for the next 48 hours. You had better phone as soon as you get off the plane.”

They had the same mother and different fathers. Kailer’s father had taken off when he was two and left poor little Lillian with her toddler. She was 21 at the time. Two years after that she met Agiitha’s father, Clark. Agiitha was born when Kailer was 6.

The Kailer that Agiitha was chastising currently was 20 years old, making her 14.

“Aweh, is someone going to miss her brother?” He mocked.
“Eh, maybe slightly.” She grinned.

“Agii, before I leave for Europe I have a favor to ask.” He went to go and muss up the back of his hair—a habit from past haircuts—and stopped himself, looking in the glass of a near by picture frame to put his locks back in order.


“I want you to promise me that you’ll take care of yourself.” He turned back around, “I don’t mean health wise, Mom’ll do a good enough job of making you eat healthy and shit like that, but I want you to make sure that if you ever get into a fix that you find a way out and come home. Mom and Dad need you.” His face took on a serious look, well as serious as he could get anyways.

“Same goes for you, Kai. I need you too, so don’t go being a dumbass and getting mugged in good ol’ Paris.” A smile erupted on his lips. He took her in a head lock and kissed her forehead.

“Alright,” he replied. “It’s deal. No one gets messed up while the other’s gone.” He released her and picked up his bags. “Am I missing anything?”

“Passport.” She answered, handing him the little blue booklet.

“Right.” He ruffled her hair and dragged his bags out of the front door, down the walkway and through the little white gate sending paint chips flying as his bags scraped by. Their mother and her father appeared at the door way beside Agiitha. A taxi was waiting to take Kailer out of their lives—little did they know that it would be all but permanently.
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Comments are loved! If you don't get what's going on tell me and I'll fix that. Thanks. Also tell me any gramatical errors, I didn't find any but hey, I'm only human.