Who knows what comes next

Birthday kisses . . . . . . . xxxxxxx

The next day. Our birthday. A day we were meant to enjoy. 'that’s not gonna happen' I thought.
I pulled back my covers and crawled out of bed, before grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom. After I had showered, I climbed into my grey skinny jeans, black vest top, and white shirt.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, yesterday, I was allowed to come home.

I shoved my hair in a ponytail before taking a deep breath and heading downstairs.
Carl and Abby were already up, along with my real mother, and my fake mother. 'this is gonna take a while to get used to.'
“Morning, birthday girl.” My 'grand'mother said from over the oven.
I shook my head “Don’t.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Breakfast is nearly ready. Pancakes. Go get your sister up please.”
I stormed up the stairs and went straight into Kayla’s room “Kayla, up now.” She moaned and turned round in her bed. “There is a thing called knocking, you know.”
I shrugged. “Whatever. I just wanna get this over with already. Up.” And I walked out the room and back downstairs. I slouched on the sofa, ignoring other people talking to me.
A little later, Kayla came down in her black polka dot skirt and white vest top. She came and sat next to me, and sighed.
“Breakfast.” Emma called. We went into the kitchen, and sat at our usual paces round the table, where our breakfast was waiting for us.
I didn’t have much of an appetite, and only picked at my pancakes. I could see, that next to me, Kayla was doing the same.
“Are you girls excited, you know, it being your birthday and all.” Mum asked us.
“We don’t get excited. We’re not little kids anymore.” I explained
“I still get excited about my birthday!” Emma enthused.
I could hear Kayla breathing heavily. “Don’t” I whispered to her. She ignored me.
“What is this? A game of happy families? I don’t think so.” Kayla stood up. “Why pretend? We know that it’s not real. It’s fake. The whole lot of it, it’s just FAKE!!!” she ran upstairs.
I got up and followed her.
I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then went to my room, where I took my hair down, straightened it, and applied my make-up.

The hours of the day passed quickly enough, and soon, it was 6:00 pm.

The doorbell rang. I opened the door to Jamie and Butterfly.
“Yes?” I asked them.
“I thought we were going somewhere?” Jamie reminded me. 'Kyle.' I thought. 'We’d told him we would meet him at the hospital at 6:30'. “Stay there.”
I ran up to Kayla’s room. “Come on, we’re going out.” She shook her head. “But Jay and Butterfly are here. And we told Kyle we would be.” I quickly shook her memory.
“Oh yeah. Lets go.” She grabbed her keys and phone and shoved them into her bag, while I went to get my Phone and jacket.
I ran downstairs, where Kayla was putting her coat on, and shoved my shoes on.
“S’later.” I called and slammed the door.
“What’s wrong guys?” Butterfly asked us.
“Explain later.” Kayla replied
“First stop, the Hospital.” I ran off down the road.

- - - - - - -x - - - - - - -

It was now 9:00 pm. We had picked up Kyle and gone to get something to eat, and we had told them everything that had happened yesterday. They had all given us birthday cards.
Jamie and Butterfly had gone home, and we were taking Kyle home. “Wanna come in?” he asked us.
“Okay then.” I said. But Kayla had different ideas. “No I’m tired. Gonna go home.”
“Kay then.” Kyle said, and turned to unlock his door. I looked back at Kayla. She winked at me.

“wow, your house is really nice.” I said once we were inside. He smiled at me.
“This is my mum, dad, and little sister.”
A little girl with ginger curly hair appeared at my side. “Heggo. I’m Lily-Donna Dixon, but you can call me Lily. My big brother is called Kyle-Lye Dixon. I lobe my brother. Do you lobe my brother?”
“Lils, me and Madison are going to go upstairs now okay. You stay with Mummy and Daddy.” Kyle led me upstairs, and into his room. He had odd shoes under his bed, a messy pile of school books in one corner of his room, and clothes falling out the bottom of his wardrobe. Apart from that his room was pretty much perfect.
He inserted a DVD into his TV and we started watching it. What I didn’t realise though, was that it was a scary film. I HATE scary films.
At one point, when there was a really scary bit, I was so scared I buried my face in his chest without realising what I was doing. He laughed at me and pulled back. I looked up at him and he looked back at me.
And that’s when Kyle-Lye Dixon, kissed me, Madison-Morgan Green.

And it was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
. . . . . . . ooooooohh
