Who knows what comes next


The bell had rung for the end of school. Kids were rushing out the classrooms, blocking the corridors and chattering loudly. It was like any other Tuesday afternoon. Except, it wasn’t.

Not for me anyway. First, I couldn’t find Kayla anywhere. Second, the party. And Nesta. She was so gorgeous. Her dad was Italian and her mum was Jamaican, so she had darkish skin and beautiful, dark, silky hair to her waist. There was no match for her. She was by far the best-looking girl at our school. How long would it be until Kyle fell for her? She could have him wrapped round her little finger before anyone noticed. I had to stop her. But first, I had to find Kayla.
I ran out the building and towards the gates. There she was. Walking slowly, her head low.

“Kayla!” I called. “Wait for me!”
She turned round, and gave me a small, watery smile.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her.
“It’s Mike. I like him. I TOLD him that I like him.”
“And, what did he say?”
“He said ‘What? Mikayla, you’re a great mate and everything. A really sweet kid, but, I don’t like you that way. And besides, I already have a girlfriend.’” I noticed the tears falling down her face.
“Oh Kay, don’t cry, please. If he thinks of you as a ‘kid’ then he’s not worth it. We’ll show him. We’ll find you a guy, one who really likes you. For who you are. That’ll make him jealous. Stuff Mike. Seriously Kayla, forget him. Guys really aren’t worth that sort of hassle.” She smiled. “Come on, let’s go home. You’re not the only one with problems, you know. I need your help with something, too.”
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Okayy I know it's short but . . . I kinda like this chapter. not sure why, i just do.

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