Who knows what comes next

The mall and SURPRISE!

Butterfly was sitting on a swing, so we ran up to her, and smothered her in hugs.
"Hi you guys!" she called "How you doing?"
"We're good tah, you?" We said in unison
"Do you HAVE to do that?" She shook her head
"What?" Kayla shrugged
"Speak at the same time, and creep me out!" Butterfly sighed
"Awww, is lil' Butterfly freaked?" I cooed. Kayla giggled.
Butterfly glared at me for a second, then shook her head. All three of us burst out laughing.
"Well, are you?" Kayla asked "Okay, I mean?"
Butterfly nodded, then sighed. "It's just, with everything going on at home, I just needed to get out of the house. You know?"
We nodded.
Butterfly's parent's were in the middle of a divorce, and, according to Butterfly, it was pretty ugly. As she was an only child, she had no-one to talk to, so that was left down to me and Kayla.
We sat down on the two free swings either side of her, and put our arms round her shoulders.
Butterfly shook herself free of our grip, and stood up, trying to put a smile on her face.
"Anyway, is Emma-Lee still coming down?"
"Yeah, she's coming in a couple of weeks."
Emma-Lee is our half sister, she has the same Mum as us, but has a different Dad. She is also really close to me and Kayla.
"You must be really excited about her coming down, then?"
"Yeah, we can't wait!" Kayla grinned
"You'll love her, I just know it!" I jumped up and down in excitement.
Butterfly nodded slowly. "So, what d'you wanna do today?" she asked
I shrugged "Errr . . . . . we could go to the mall, or something?"
"Okay then, lets phone Jamie and see if she wants to come?"
I was already pulling my phone out and dialing Jamie's number.
Jamie: Hello, Mad, is that you?
Me: Yea it's me, what you doing?
Jamie: Nothing really, what's up?
Me: Oh, I was just wondering if you wanna come to the mall with me, Butterfly and Kay?
Jamie: Yeah sure, you at the park?
I nodded, then remembered she couldn't see me.
Me: Yea
Jamie: On my way
I then put my phone down at the sound of the dialling tone.
Jamie had been my best friend since Year one in infant school. Mad was her nickname for me, because she thinks i'm kinda crazy,. Which is true, I guess. Her nickname for Kayla, was Kay. We had our own nickname for her too, Jay-Jay, or just Jay.
10 minutes later, she had arrived.
"Jay-Jay!" I screamed. She waved at me.
"Hey Mad, Hey Kay." she called.
"Hey Jay." Kayla said
"You alright, Butterfly?" she asked
Butterfly nodded "Hi Jamie." she whispered.
Everyone loved Jamie, she was the best friend anyone could ever have. she was a year above us,15, while Butterfly was a year younger than us, at 13.
We looked a right group, at the mall. Jamie was wearing her dark wash skinny jeans,plain black vest top, and her black trainers. Her long, white blonde hair was loose, down to her waist.
Butterfly, a real girly girl, was wearing a yellow sundress, white waistcoat, white leggings, and yellow pumps. She had a red headband, with a bow on it, placed on her curly red hair, to her shoulders.
We had a great day though, and brought loads of things, but we were only half way through the day.
"Can we eat now, I'm starving?" I asked. Kayla rolled her eyes, I was known as the one who was always hungry, never thinking of anything apart from my stomach. It was a suprise I was still so skinny.
"Fine then!" Jamie sighed
"Thanks Jay!" I hugged her.
"If we're going, we better go now!" she said, peeling my arms from round her waist.
After we ate we did more shopping, before heading back home with bags and bags of stuff.
"Great day guys, call you tomorrow." I said, once we reached our house.
we waved as we watched Butterfly and Jay as they walked down the street.
Mum would be at work, Carl at his childminders, but dad should be home.
"Dad." I called once we were inside. "Dad!" I heard the floorboards creek from upstairs, I ran up. There he was, lying on the floor, his legs inside the bathroom, his body and head outside, on the landing. His face looked waxy and pale. he didn't look like he was breathing. I knelt down and shook him. "Dad." I sobbed, nothing.
"KAYLA!" I screamed "HELP!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Who knows what comes next?
not me!
what do you think?