Who knows what comes next


It was now 10:00 pm, and Mum, Carl, Kayla, Jamie and Butterfly had all gone home, as I got tired easily and needed to sleep. I’d pretty much fallen asleep straight away.

The next morning, I woke up, and my doctor was in the room. I noticed his name tag this time, it said ‘Kyle’.
“Morning.” He said, looking up at me.
“Hi,” I whispered. I always seemed to be nervous around him, I’m not usually nervous around anyone. “Where is everyone?” I asked. He laughed “It’s only 6:30. Their probably still asleep.” He yawned, “I wish I was still asleep, but no, I have to get up at five every morning, to come here.” He saw me looking at him. “For work experience.” He said. “Okay, put this under your tongue. I need to take your temperature.” He said, handing me a thermometer. I took it and did as he said.
“Now, you need to eat. What do you want?” And he told me what was available, and then went to get it for me.
At about eight, everyone came. Then Kyle came back.
“Okay, so I’ve got the results to the X-ray you had, and you have fractured your left shoulder.” I slowly nodded, and then some nurses came in to put a cast on my arm.
“When can I go?” I asked Kyle
He laughed “I don’t decide that, but hopefully, soon.” He was writing something on my notes as he said this, but now, he looked up at me, his gorgeous eyes, that were blue as the Sea, sparkled.
‘Madison, stop that, he’s your doctor’ I thought to myself. But I couldn’t. I knew it was wrong, but I was falling for him.
When he left the room, Kayla came over to me. “Madi, you like him, don’t you?”
“What? No way. He’s my doctor. That would be . . . it would just be wrong.” I lied
She gave me that look that said ‘I know your lying’.
“What?” I was just trying to protect myself now.
“I know when you’re lying, Madison, and you are now, so don’t try to hide it.”
I sighed. She always got it out of me. Always.
“Fine. I like Kyle.”
“Yeah, that’s his name.”
“Oh,” She nodded “Right.”
I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t hide it from myself now, when Kayla knew.
That I, Madison-Morgan Greene, am in love, with my doctor.
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Sorry, it's quite short.
Comments make me happy c=