Who knows what comes next

You have a daughter . . . MUM?

“Your here early!” Kayla giggled as she gave her a hug
“Yea Em, you’re not meant to be here ‘till next week!”
“I know, I know, I just couldn’t wait to see you guys, and I wanted to be here for your birthday tomorrow. Besides, I heard you were in hospital, Madi.” Emma-Lee seemed so excited, and her laugh was contagious, so we couldn’t help but laugh too.
“Well, duh, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, would I?”
“Now, now, missy, you know I’m not the brightest of people.” But I knew she was joking as she had a grin plastered on her face.
“You know you love me really.” And I pulled my best puppy dog pout, but she just laughed and gave me another hug.
An hour later, and she had found out about dad dying, and about my accident, and we had found out everything that had happened to her during the three years she had been in Southampton; she’d been promoted in her job as a hairstylist, had split up with her two year boyfriend, and had made loads of friends.
She’d told us everything,
Except, obviously, one thing.
A little while later, Kayla had gone to the toilet, and Em was getting a drink. I noticed little fingers gripping the edge of the bed, I moved closer and tiny blue eyes appeared on a little head. A moment later the little girl, of about three, turned round to face the door, her long Blonde hair almost flicking me in the face. When she saw who it was, her face brightened, and she ran towards her.
Emma-Lee picked the young girl up and came and sat down on the chair next to my bed.
“Who’s that?” I whispered. Kayla was coming through the door now, she stared at the girl, the same way I had when I first saw her.
“Oh, her?” she laughed “Girls, this is my daughter, Abby-Lee. Abby, say hello to Madi and Kayla.”
Abby just stared at us, probably scared because we look exactly the same.
“Keep an eye on her will you girls? I need to go to the loo.” Emma said as she walked out the door.
“Hi Abby.” I whispered
“ H-hello” Kayla stammered
She just carried on staring at us, a smile forming at the corners of her mouth.
“How old are you Abby?” I asked her
“tooooo,” She held up two of her tiny fingers. “I always imagined you as pwincesses.” She lisped
“I’m afraid we’re not darling.” Kayla cooed
“My two big sisters . . . “she had a grin planted on her face.
“We’re your Aunties, babe, not your sisters.” I corrected her
She shook her head “Mummy said we were coming to see my sisters and Granny.” We looked up as Emma-Lee came back into the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm . . . two surprises in one hour, this is gonna be a long day
let me know what you think