Who knows what comes next

The truth

This was going to be a long day.

“What?” we stared at our mother.
“Girls I’m sorry . . .“ Em started. Kayla was already out of the room
“Kay, darling please?” Em’s voice trailed away
Abby started crying on the seat next to me.
“Shhhh, babe,” I picked her up and sat her on the bed next to me “It’s gonna be all right. Everything’s gonna be okay. Shhhh.” I wasn’t so sure though, I felt like crying myself.
Abby put her little arms round my neck and squeezed. “I’m sowwy.” She sniffed “It’s all my fault.”
I pulled back and looked at her. “No, Abs, it’s not your fault. It’s just a silly little mistake. It’s not your fault at all.”
She snuggled into me as Emma came back into the room. She perched on the edge of the bed and sighed. “Look . . . Madi, I know,” I didn’t look at her, just sniffed and kept looking down. “I know you probably hate me right now, but, I, I’m really sorry.”
I shook my head, and looked up at her. “Kayla’s always over reacted. About everything. That’s what she’s doing now, over reacting.” I sniffed and looked down at Abby. “For Abby’s sake, I’m not going to make a fuss. I mean, look at her, she’s scared stiff, crying her eyes out. She thinks it’s her fault, for telling us.”
Em sighed “Oh, Abby, it’s not your fault. Mummy’s just been silly.”
“Come on, Abs, shall we go and find Nanny. I think she’s in the café.” Abby nodded.
We got up and headed for the door. Before I went out though, I turned back to Emma. “I might have forgiven you, but I don’t know if Kayla will.” And I turned and went out the door.

At the café, we saw her straight away and went over .
“Hello darlings. Nice surprise, isn’t it, Emma coming. Where’s Kayla?”
I ignored her, and sat down. “We know, Mum.”
“Know what?” she asked, puzzled.
“Don’t act dim, mum, please.” I sighed. “We know that you’re not our Mum, Emma is. If Abby hadn’t of told us, then we’d just be living a life full of lies.”

A minute later Kayla joined us, and Mum- sorry, Nan, told us that, when she had us, Emma was only 16. She couldn’t cope, so she asked Mum to look after us, and pretend we were hers. She had no choice but to agree. She loved Emma, and just wanted the best for her. When she announced she was pregnant, almost 15 years ago, they had decided that mum would look after us until she had completely finished her education and got the job she had wanted, which she now had.

All we had wanted was the truth.

Now we had got it, and it we will never forget.
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