‹ Prequel: My Heart's Melodie



When I had gotten home from school that day, I was a little disappointed.

Joe hadn’t sent anything back; he hadn’t called on Kevin’s phone, hadn’t texted, and when I checked my email, hadn’t emailed me, either.

I pushed a strand of stray brown hair behind my ear and opened a new message.

Nick— I typed. I paused, thinking of what to say.

Did Kevin get my text message? I didn’t get a reply, so I just wanted to make sure. And since Joe seems incapable of talking to me himself….well, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Are you guys busy right now or something? Because Kevin always replies within the next five minutes. This would be the first time he hasn’t.

I paused again, thinking of what to write next. I hadn’t replied to the email from the previous night, but that didn’t really matter.

I wracked my brain for a time that I found it this hard to find something to say to Nick. He and I had always been close, and always knew what to say to each other. There had never been an awkward moment in our friendship.

Unless you counted the short time that I heard him and Joe talking about me, and I thought he was the one that liked me, and not Joe.

But, you know, he never knew that I thought that.

Anyways, back to the email.

Suddenly, I knew exactly what I was going to say. I was just going to use this as an excuse to vent to him, but I still had to pray that he didn’t tell what I was writing.

About the dance competition…Stacy is really getting on my nerves. I almost wish I had gone with you guys and Alice. At least I wouldn’t have to deal with Stacy.

You can’t tell Joe what I am about to write. I’m not sure what he would think of it, and I’d rather not find out.

Stacy is out to get him. She’s detirmined that she can prove what a bad person I am so that he’ll break up with me and go for her. She even told me today that the only reason she went out with him was to get in his pants, and it still is her reason for going out with him. Of course, she said that she really was in love with him, but I think that’s crap. I just think that he should be careful around her.

I really am breaking up with him. He needs to know that. I just can’t take it anymore, the way that he plays with my emotions, even if he doesn’t do it on purpose. It just really kills me that he didn’t even make the attempt to email me. It was a month, and only when you emailed me yesterday did he even start to threaten you when I havn’t talked to him. He used to do that after a day of not speaking.

Just tell him I love him and that if he really loves me too like he said he did, he really needs to talk to me.

And promise me you’ll email me at least once a week. I want to know everything that’s been happening, and about all of the fun you guys are having.



Harsh, I know. But I really needed Joe to know how much it hurt me when we didn’t talk, and when we never tried to fix things. I didn’t want anything to happen like last time where he completely forgot me.

And okay, I know that I’m probably way over reacting. Nick had told me that Joe was always complaining about how he hadn’t spoken to me nor seen me in a month, but honestly, does he just expect me to sit around and wait?

Fine. Maybe I’m not just over reacting. Maybe I’m being pretty irrational.

Maybe what I really needed was to talk to Alice.
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and HOW long has it been since i've written this thing? october, right? thats....*counts on fingers* SIX MONTHS?!?!?!? wow.
and for the record....for those of you that didn't know. i'm not actually speaking to my friend who i was writing parts of MHM with....the one that Alice is based off of. i was actually planning on getting rid of alice the next chapter (partially because i don't find it appropriate to have a character based off of someone that used to be your best friend but now hates you) but then i realized....maybe i could use alice for something?
something that i like to call...drama.
oh yes, get ready for some of that. (: