Goodbye's Are Meant for Lonely People Standing in the Rain

Chapter Three.

"Son, I uh." There was a sigh coming from Mr. Jonas' mouth.
"There's just not enough room for her and the baby, here." He said clasping his hands together, as Nick sat here, his mouth gaping.
"Bu-But, I'm your son. You guys are just going to kick me and my girlfriend out when we need you most?" He asked, in shock of the events that were occurring right now.

"I'm sorry. There's just nothing we can do Nicholas. I think it would be best for you to, you know, grow up a bit, anyways. Especially since you're gonna be raising a kid." Mr. Jonas said as he broke the silence that was filling the room.

Andrea was upstairs, talking to Joe about all this. Joe, was like her older brother. He always understood the problems, and some how made her smile, even when she didn't want to.

"Mom." Nick looked over at Mrs. Jonas, tears streaming down her face. Nick's chocolate brown eyes burning into her mind, that puppy dog look he uses, when he's not even aware of it.
"You're really doing this? Kicking me out of your house, when I have nothing, no where to go. I have nothing BUT Andie." He asked, looking at her as she nodded.

"Okay, fine." He said as he got up from the place on the couch.
"I guess we'll be gone by the end of the week." He said scratching the back of his neck. Mrs. Jonas, burst out in tears as he walked up the steps and into his room.

Joe, was hugging Andrea when Nick walked in, he smiled a little to himself, and softly cleared his throat. Causing them both to look up at him.

"So, bro, what's gonna happen? You and Andrea staying here?" Joe asked, Nick shook his head no softly.
"No, they aren't letting us stay. Dad said there wasn't enough room, and, I don't know. I don't know what to do." He said sitting next to Andrea and pulling her close.

"I'm sorry.."Andrea whispered softly, causing Nick to look down at her.
"For what, sugar?" Andrea looked up into his brown eyes.
"For ruining everything for you." She said softly.
"No, hey, baby, don't think that. You didn't." Nick said kissing her head.

"Well, you guys know that, I'll help with whatever I can. I'm behind you two one hundred percent." Joe said getting up from the bed.
"You guys need me, you know where to find me." He said as he walked to the door. Nick nodded.

"Thanks man." And then Joe left, shutting the door behind him and Nick laid back on his bed, pulling Andrea with him. He just stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking about what he was supposed to do, how he was supposed to take care of Andrea.

The next couple minutes were silent between them, Nick looked down at Andrea who was already looking up at him. He smiled at her and kissed her lips softly. As seconds passed, the kiss deepened and Nick started to get on top of Andrea, touching her face with his fingertips softly.

Nick jumped off of Andrea as the door to his bedroom flew open, and Frankie ran into his room and jumped on the bed beside Nick.
"Nicky!" he giggled and wrapped his arms around his older brother.
"Hey little man, whats up?" Nick asked wrapping his arms around his little brothers small waist.

"Nicky, is it true? Are you leaving me?" He asked, pulling away from Nick's neck.
"What, where'd you hear that from?" Nick saw the hurt in his baby brothers eyes.
"I heard Kevin and Joe talking, my favorite brother is leaving. Why?"
Frankie plopped down into Nick's lap while Nick tried to think of what to say.
As soon as Nick opened his mouth to speak, Andrea did.

"Frankie, he's not leaving you. They were talking about when I leave, to go home. How Nick's gonna walk me." She said, getting up from the bed.
"But, Nick, you should stay and spend some time with him." Andrea walked over to Nick and kissed his cheek, whispering 'I love you' in his ear.
"Bye Frankie, Nick." She then turned and walked out of his bedroom.

Frankie turned to Nick.
"Where did you get her, and where can I find me one?" Nick chuckled at his little brother, Joe, obviously had been teaching him about women.
"When you're my age buddy, you will."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go.
I'm so trying to get better at this.
Love you guys.