Misery Loves Company

What did we just do?

You hear footsteps on the stairs and then his head pokes in the door, "What?"
"I don't have anything to wear for a date!!!"
"Rachelle, you're such a girl. You have tons of clothes."
He goes to your closest and picks out a black t-shirt with a heart on it (it's like the heart in the DANCE FLOOR ANTHEM video) and grabs a pair of your faded ripped jeans.
"See." You smile at him, "Thanks. What would I ever do without you?!""Well, you wouldn't be going on a date tonight, that's for sure... cuz after Joel told me he liked you I told him that you liked him."
"Why?!" "Cuz you do!" "Guh, fine." You reach into your closet grabbing a pair of your converse. (they beith pink!)
You hear a knock on the door and push Paul out of your room, "go answer the door!"
**15 minutes later and you're in Joel's hummer.**
"So, umm, where are we going?"
"Well I thought to loosen up we could go to a club, I heard of a new one opening up, 'Porcelain Love'."
"That certainly is an interesting name..."
"Yeah... well here we are."
You are ready to open your door but Joel jumps out and runs around to open it for you.
"Thanks..." you give him a shy smile.
"My pleasure"
When you get to the line you tug on Joel's arm, "umm I forgot my ID at home. I've been looking for it but I can't find it anywhere. I think I left it on Paul's dresser."
Joel gives you a questioning look, "He was helping me get ready and let me borrow his jacket."
"Oh, well don't worry about it, I'll get you in."
The bouncer at the door let's Joel in but stops you. "ID?"
"I left it at home." "Ha, sure... sorry I can't let you in."
Joel comes to your rescue. "She's legit." "Sorry, no ID no entrance." "Well, call up your boss Billy- I'm sure he can vouch for her." You smile at him, "Billy owns this club?" "Yup," Joel smiles. The bouncer gives an apologetic smile, "sorry for the inconvenience miss."
You're in the club and the first thing you see is the bar. You point that way and Joel gives a weak smile. When you get to the bar you order a beer and the guy hands you one, no questions. He looks to Joel, "You need anything, Joel?" "No, I'm fine, thanks."
You guys go to the dance floor and are dancing for a while when you excuse yourself to the bathroom but before you head there you order a couple more beers. By the time you head back to Joel you're a little wobbly. "Rachelle, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "How much have you had to drink?" "Only three beers, I'm a lightweight." "Well, what do you say we get out of here and head for dinner?" "Sounds great."
So you arrived at this amazing restaurant called, 'Murray.' You head in and are set down to a table that's in a room all by it self.
After dinner and desert you guys are heading back to the hummer. "That was amazing, Joel, you're amazing. This whole night has been spectacular." "Well, if you're up for it, I have one more thing planned." "Oh? And what's that?" "You'll see." He gives you a sly smile and you smile back, "Okay, I'm up for it."
You're almost there and you notice that you're very close to the ocean. Joel parks and gets out, opening the door for you, "The next part of the date is a walk on the beach." "Joel, I can't believe this. You're so.... romantic."
You were walking on the beach when you all of a sudden fell down. "Wow, this is the longest I've ever had a buzz stick to me."
Joel looks at you with concern in his eyes. "Do you need to rest or do you want to go home." "I'm not ready to go home, lets just lay here on the beach under the stars." "Okay."
Joel lays down next to you and when you shiver he puts his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. Now you're head is rested on his shoulder. "Are you comfy?" he asks you. You look up into his eyes, "Perfectly comfortable, thanks. And again, this whole night has been like... like a... dream. A dream come true actually." Your eyes are still glued to his and without any warning he brings his face to yours, kissing you, a long passionate kiss. And before you know it the two of you are stripping the clothes of each other. After doing 'it' you lay in his arms, in a comfortable silence. He breaks it, "I'm sorry- that was totally inappropriate." "Joel, don't be sorry. That was wonderful, everything you do is wonderful."
He kisses you again then you both decide it's time to get you home.
**At home**
When he walked you to your door you tried to hide the pain, and it worked because you just smiled through it. But when you got in the door you layed down on the couch and hollered for Paul.
"Are you okay?" He asked after seeing your face so full of pain.
"Yeah, I just need some ice."
"What happened, Rachelle?"
"I lost my virginity."
"OMG, on the first date?! That's not appropriate!"
"That's what Joel said, but it was perfect Paul, just perfect."
Then you tell him the tale of your whole evening. "Oh, Paul, before you go to bed, can you grab me a beer. Just one, I want it to celebrate." He nods and goes to the fridge, he comes back with two beers, he hands you an opened one and opens the other for himself. After the beers are gone you both go to bed, him in his room, and you on the couch because you're too sore to get up.