The Motivation Proclamation

Is this your dog?

You step out of the house and start walking down the sidewalk to your car. Suddenly you see a dog running towards you. You smile and lean down, when he gets to you he gives you a big, wet, sloppy kiss. You laugh and pet him, feeling for his collar. You know this dog looks familiar- but you can’t put a name to him. You see the tag on his collar says ‘Cashdogg’, now you’re getting irritated. You know you know this dog, but you still can’t figure it out. So you invite him inside. (It’s cool inside and outside the heat index is like 130 Fahrenheit).
You get Cashdogg a bowl of water and kneel down to him, “I have to go to work, okay? I’ll be home in about 8 hours. I have a roommate and if you bug her enough she’ll let you out in our backyard. I expect to see you when I get home!”
Then you walk out the front door waving at him and laughing at yourself *I just freaking talked to a dog like it was a guest…*


You’ve been working for about five hours when you over hear a couple customers talking,
“I don’t know where he is- I’ve looked all over.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll find him Benji.”
“Joel, you don’t know that!” “Cashdogg is probably chilling’ at home waiting for you to bring him some coffee.”
You hear someone chuckle. Then you yell, “Wait! Did you say ‘Cashdogg’?” You step out of behind the counter (it wasn’t that busy so you figured Pete could handle it) and walk towards the customers that you over heard. “I’m sorry, but I could hear your conversation and, well, I had a dog in my yard this morning- and his tag says Cashdogg on it.”

The brother that was frantic starts jumping up and down and hugs you. “OMG where do you live?!?! I miss him so much.”
Joel pulls Benji off from you and says, “Sorry about that- he’s pretty attached to Cashdogg. Just like me and Eazy.” He puts out his hand, “I’m Joel” you shake his hand “and this is my brother Benji” and Benji sticks out his hand, which you also shake.
“Um, hi, I’m Brittany.” You tell them you get off work in about 2 ½ hours so they agree to meet you in about that time.


Benji and Joel walk back into the Starbucks just as you are heading out. “Hey, just in time.” you smile and continue, “you guys can follow me. It’s not too far from here.” They agree and the three of you head out to the vehicles. You climb in yours and they climb in theirs. When you pull into your driveway and climb out of your car you can hear Izzy laughing inside.
“What the hell is going on?” you ask yourself. You wave to the guys to follow you and you head up to the front door. When you enter you see Izzy on the floor getting many kisses from Cashdogg.
“Cash!” Benji yells as soon as he walks in. Cashdogg looks up, momentarily forgetting about his victim underneath him, then jumps up and runs towards Benji. You back up and run into Joel.
“Oh, sorry.” You smile and move away from him.
He smiles at you, “don’t worry about it… wow you live actually not that far from where I live. Well me and Benji since he lives like 4 houses away from mine.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around… I actually, well, I listen to your music too. I love Good Charlotte.” He smiles at you and you blush and head towards Izzy. You offer her a hand and she just laughs at you.
“Why didn’t you tell me there would be a dog here when I got home?”
“Because you weren’t home so how was I supposed to tell you?”
“Have you ever heard of a cell phone?”
“I didn’t think about that, honestly, I was in a hurry. I’ve been late twice this week and if I’m late again they said they would fire me. You know how much I need this job. I don’t want to go crawling back to my mom and dad begging them to take me back in…” she gives you a hug then says something about going to take a shower.

You collapse on the couch and let out a big sigh. Then Cashdogg comes barreling towards you. “Noooooo….” he jumps on the couch (and you) making you moan. “You..are...ridiculous” you manage to say between laughter.
Joel comes over and sits on the couch next to you. “Thanks for helping my brother find Cashdogg. He loves Cash so much.” you smile at him, “no problem…” you look at him and he’s looking at you, he moves closer and you just continue to look in his eyes.

He kisses you and you feel like you’re melting. When he pulls away you smile. Or at least you think you smile- but you can’t really feel anything, you’re in bliss. “Do you, um, want to hang out sometime?” he breaks the silence.
You look at him, “that would be nice.” Benji walks into the living room and pets Cashdogg (who’s still laying on you).
“Well, we better get going.” he says after looking at Joel and you. He calls Cashdogg down so you can stand up and follow them out. When you get to the door Benji hugs you and then walks out. You give Cashdogg a hug before he’ll follow Benj. Then you and Joel are left alone.
He speaks first, “when can we hang out?”
You think, “well… I have work again tomorrow. I don’t really know when I have the extra time.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll come in again tomorrow and we’ll talk.”
You smile at him. He gives you a kiss on the cheek then walks out the front door. You wave at the vehicle as it pulls out of the driveway. When they’re finally out of site you shut the front door and scream at the top of your lungs. Izzy comes running out in her towel.
“OMG, are you okay? What’s wrong?” you laugh and she gets mad and turns on her heel going back towards the bathroom.
“Izzy- I think Joel likes me!” When she next comes out she’s dressed and demands to hear everything. You two stay up late talking about the day’s events.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I know it's a little choppy, but give me time to make it more smooth, I have lots to edit and lots to think about.

