Some People Have It, Other People Don't.


Sisky and Noelle are out on the streets of London. They managed to get away from the band for a little bit to get some time to themselves. A few fans had recognized him, and of course, that came with pictures. Noelle didn’t mind, though. As long as she was with him.

They were now seated outside at a small restaurant, eating their fish and chips, talking cheerfully.

“Adam, is that you?” a fluttery female voice asks. The couple looks up from their meal to face a beautiful brunette, blue eyes sparkling. She stands tall, stilettos on her feet, in a gray dress with hot pink leggings.

“Natasha?” he says, taking off his sunglasses. She could not be here.

“I haven’t seen you in a while,” she says, eyeing him up and down. “You look great.”

“You do too.”

Noelle glares at him. Who was this girl, anyway?”

“Oh, um, Noelle, this is Natasha. Natasha, this is Noelle. She’s my tour manager. And my girlfriend.”

“Nice to meet you, Noelle,” Natasha says, her grin more fake than saying ‘Gabe Saporta is a virgin’.

“You too,” Noelle replies, a forced smile on her face.

There was a short, slightly awkward conversation before Natasha asked them to come with the band for some drinks that night.

“We’ve got a show tonight,” Sisky says.

“You can come after the show,” Natasha chirps.

“Okay,” Sisky shrugs.

“Well then. I’ll leave you to have lunch with your girl, then. See you later,” Natasha waves, bouncing off.

There is a silence between the pair.

“Who was that?” Noelle asks.

“Natasha’s my ex girlfriend.”

“Oh.” Noelle pushes the food around on her plate. Suddenly she wasn’t too hungry.

“I haven’t talked to her since we broke up. I don’t know why she’s so friendly with me. It wasn’t the nicest break up…” Sisky started, not even bothering to finish.

Noelle had a bad feeling about this new girl.

+ + +

After the show, everyone is showered and ready to go to the bar with Natasha. Noelle has a fluttering feeling in her stomach, and not a good one, as she runs her hands through her hair. Sisky enters the room, his arms snaking around her waist, his head resting on her shoulder as they are silent, watching themselves in the mirror.

“Ready to go?” he asks.

Noelle nods, and they untangle themselves, going to meet the other boys and catch a cab.

+ + +
“Hey guys!” Natasha shrieks, individually wrapping each boy into a hug, even giving Noelle one.

“Hey Natasha,” Bill says, a hint of sourness in his voice. He knows this wouldn’t turn out well. Natasha was notorious for getting what she wanted.

“Hi Bilvy, I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Well, I’ll go get some drinks, you guys can stay here or like, dance or something,” Natasha says, a smug look on her gorgeous face as she struts to the bar.

+ + +

“I need some air,” Noelle says to Bill. Sisky had gone to the bathroom, and who knows where Natasha is.

“Me too. I’ll go with you,” he replies, and they make their way through the crowd and outside the club.

Noelle sits on the curb, looking down at her silver stilettos. Bill takes a seat next to her, his gangly limbs spread out.

“You don’t like her, do you?” Bill says. It’s more of a statement than a question.

Noelle nods slowly. “Not at all.”

“We never did. The band, I mean. Like when Sisky was dating her, she was just…I don’t know. I just never liked her.”

“I can see why. And she’s like, all over Sisky. It’s gross. He told her I was his girlfriend, too.”

“She’s that kind of girl.”

It was silent for a moment before Noelle rests her head on Bill’s shoulder. He instinctively puts his arm around her, a friendly gesture.

Sisky steps outside, looking for his girlfriend. He’s really drunk, and he knows it.

There she is, Bill’s arm around her, her head on his shoulder.

He sighs and walks back into the bar.

+ + +

“Where’s Sisky?” Noelle asks.

“I dunno,” Butcher says. “Last time I saw him he was with her.” He says ‘her’ like it’s a disease. “But that was a while ago.”

“Shit,” Noelle mutters. She knew that girl was bad news.

“Try calling him,” Bill suggests.

“Okay,” Noelle agrees, fumbling with her cell phone, her hands shaking as she dials the numbers, putting the phone up to her ear.

“Hello?” a female voice answers.

“Who is this?” Noelle asks.

“Adam, stop!” the girl giggles. “It’s Natasha.”

Noelle feels like she’s going to throw up.

“Natasha, come back here, babe. I’m not done with you yet,” Adam purrs, and Natasha hangs up with a final laugh.

Noelle flips her phone closed, feeling as if she’s been hit with a truck.

“He’s with her,” she whispers.

“What do you mean?” Mike asks.

“They’re having sex! Adam and Natasha!” Noelle says, the volume of her voice growing louder, a tear slipping from her hazel eyes.

“You can’t be serious,” Bill says.

“Does it look like I’m fucking kidding?” Noelle asks, the tears coming faster. “Does it!?”

“Honey, I’m so sorry,” Butcher says, pulling Noelle into a hug, as she sobs into his shoulder.

“I thought I loved him. I really did,” she whispers.

+ + +

Adam stumbles back to the hotel the next day, feeling horrible.

He had to talk to her.

When he got to their room, she was sitting on the bed. Even through her tear-streaked face, traces of eyeliner still on her cheeks, and unbrushed hair, she was still beautiful.

“Noelle,” he whispers, sitting next to her. She doesn’t move, except for blinking her long eyelashes. “I’m sorry.”

It’s silent for a minute.

“Don’t give me that shit,” she snarls, turning to face him.

“Noelle, I - ”

“Save it, Adam! I don’t want to hear it! You fucked Natasha last night! I heard you begging her to come back to bed on the phone!”

“I can explain!”

She stares at him, a grimace on her face, expecting him to continue.

“She drugged me last night, Noelle. I didn’t do anything. You better believe I screamed at her this morning about it. She’s never coming near me again, Noelle. Or you. Okay?”

“No. Not okay,” Noelle whispers.


“I said it’s not okay! How am I supposed to forgive you for that?” Noelle screeches, a tear slipping down her face.

“I didn’t willingly do it!”

“You still did it, and that’s what matters, Adam.”

“Noelle, I don’t love her. I didn’t want to do that with her. I want you Noelle, not her.”

Noelle shakes her head, and speaks, barely audible. “We can’t always get what we want.”


“We’re over, Adam.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And that is the end.

Sorry if you hate me.

First chapter of the sequel is out!! The link to it is already in the corner of this page, so go subscribe or whatever you do.

Feedback please? :)