The Story That Might Not End

The Arrival and the Neighbors

As Samantha little and her family arrived at her new house she was hating unpacking because it would mean that they were really staying her that this wasn't a joke. The house was a little smaller that her old house and here she had to share a room with her sister Kelly their room wasn't very big but it worked for her. Kelly being the youngest wasn't that bad Sam actually liked her mostly because she could pick on her since she was older than her. Sam's mother told her that they could go and paint the room any color they wanted and could do what ever they wanted to it. That was there room. It took hours to put and set everything up in the house there mom did the kitchen first so when her mom was done Sam went and started to make lunch for everyone. Normally when you move in New York your neighbors come and introduce them self but here they wait till your settled in Sam though because no one had past or drove by the house all day.

The next day they slept in and Sam Sleeped for once she had no idea why she just did. Around 11 she woke to the front door she went and answered it. It was there neighbors they called themselves the Anderson's and there were a lot of them they had ten kids. Well that is what they told Sam. There was no one home ,but Sam so she went into the kitchen to see what there was for breakfast. She found a note on the fridge. There was no food in the house so her siblings and mom went into town and left her here to sleep which she liked. an hour later one of the Anderson Children came over his name was Greg and he said he was in the same grade as Sam and that he had five brothers and and four sisters, and that they lived down, over the hill. Sam actually liked his company he wasn't nosy like some neighbors might be,. he was nice and did most of the talking. he actually likes Sam but this fact was obvious after 15 minutes of him sorta talking to himself. Soon After he left and went home her mother and siblings came home with food and school supplies list. Later that night there mother took them school shopping. New school= New stuff she said. They next day they were to start school. Samantha Dreaded the fact.
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everything seems to be in third person point of view but the view will change in and out of this and first person through out the stories this is just for the first 3 chapters
