Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Run For A Fall


I haven't seen the boys in ages. Months actually. But hey! Tom and I are fighting, on mein terms, and the guys and I drifted apart. I mean, I'm the Slayer. They all got sucked into this whole big mess when slaying vampires and demons is MY responsibility. I DID love Tom. I did. Then he assaulted me, I coughed up blood. :/ The Tom I knew and grew up with would never have done that scheisse to me. Hell! The little prick says he 'love's me when he's known for being the player of the band! How do I know he won't break a friendship he's had all his life over getting a good one time fuck? I DON'T. So I cut him out of mein life. I've been great ever since. On the positive side, I went to their concert last year because I thought their music was amazing! Bill's voice is one of my favorites of all time. :)

I get to hear him sing all the time! :D Cammie and the others tell me to at least try and speak to Tom but I can't for my own reasons. If we do get involed? *clears throat* V-A-M-P-I-R-E-S!!! I'm the SLAYER! He's a MORTAL with spectacular slaying/fighting abilities. The others have shown to be phenomenal hunters. But the last fight is mein own. I heard that, since the 1st Slayer over 5ooo years ago, the Slayer must fight alone. Cammie keeps telling me Tom loves me. But he needs to prove it after what he's done to me. Oh and I have a daughter now. She's 3 years old. :) Helena is my rock! Haha. She would adore Tom. Too bad that I'll have to drop the bombshell of me being a parent with no one's help on him. He was sweet but we can't happen. How am I supposed to tell him, guy I've known since either before or during 5th grade that loved me ever since, that I'm supposed to fight solo against the Lord of All Vampires and the cronies? When that's figured out and resolved, I'll gladly accept the approach. I've been training at the gym I have set up in my new house. I only come here for vacations and such. It's my secret location..with my slaying equipment, a gym, my witchcraft equipment (candles, books, 'Biblio Magica', "History of Fire & Evil"), my fighting equipment (biker gloves for easy/comfortable grip on stakes-knives-etc, jackets to hide my weapons/etc) and- basically it's the dream house of a Slayer in the Garabouldie bloodline. How my mom was not a Slayer and I wound up one is the mystery I won't even bother to BEGIN to question.

I will kill every last fucking vampire, demon and devil-God on Earth. I can't look at the guys without wanting to forget everything and go back 6 years and never move away. Then I wouldn't have become the Slayer. Well.. ok yeah I would have but still. Who wants to practically worry every milli-second about if you're going to live or die while fucking fighting the forces of Evil!? NO ONE DOES. But Slayers are forced to hide in secrecy. Some of my ancestors were burned at the stake. For my bloodline, my friends and for my daughter I will do my best to wipe this Earth of the scum we know as vampires & demons. For my final fight, I've been training extra hard with every martial arts/karate instructor I could find. I even watch "HOW-TO" videos. I make my own weapons as well! :D Some of my designs are my pistol sized crossbow (making the ammo is a bitch), Holy water-blessed silver bullets for my two double pistols and shotgun, arm-warmers with a mechanism that fires wooden stakes the size of number @2 pencils and a wooden staff with a crucifix at the end. OH and my Holy water grenades! Gott I love those things. When the Vampires arise and the Fight comes, I'll have to bring some weapons for the guys and Cammie. It would SERIOUSLY help if we knew more Slayers that could fight. I have wristbands with crossbows that fire skinny wooden pencils as weapons and a shotgun that resembles a cross. A machine gun firing silver bullets is my favorite. :) Add in my witch abilities and these fucked up vampires and demons are fucking screwed. Five ass-kicking Hunters along with the Slayer as their Leader. No one knows but I acquired the strange ability to move scheisse around with my mind! Well..I could use my eyes, visualize it, fingerwave, handwave or entire arm wave. Flying should help. I could frighten the scheisse out of one UN-lucky vamp, scare the Hell out of him and shove a stake through his chest. :)

I can't wait to show off my powers. :D The Hunters and I will be wearing crosses on our necks and anything else we can find to prevent being bitten since we have no idea how long the battle will take. I'm the Slayer and even I have nein idea. But I'm scared though..what if everything backfires and someone dies? That's it. I HAVE to show this house off. I can't stand it! Everyone needs to train MORE. It would help if we had more ass-kicking & super-powered Vampire Hunters, like myself with the power part. Damn! I forgot!! Cammie's my Watcher. Fickt! How could I forget? She's got powers beyond me. I must see her..and THEN break down.

I go take a long warm shower and make my hair look wavy on the bottom, apply eyeliner and get dressed. Since there's a house phone in my room, I dial Cammie's number and figure out what to say. "Hallo?" Damn. "Cammie I'm freaking out. I'm losing everybody a-and I don't even want to consider to even THINK what I'm putting Tomi through! CAMMIE I HAVE T-" Far as I get before breaking down. "ANGEL! ANGEL ARE YOU OKAY!? Where are you!? I'll come get you then we can all go out and party or something..WITH our equipment and van. :D" I tell Cammie that I'd pick her up and hang up. Easier said than done.

"Something's seriously wrong with Angel. She just BROKE DOWN on the phone and I had to scream for her to stop. Apparently, she's got to do something she's FORCED to do to end the Vampires for eternity. Bill I'm scared scheisse-less." He just pulls me closer and hugs me. "I know Angel, Cammie. I've known her our entire lives together and she's a strong girl. She'll make it through, not only for her but for the rest of us. First time she left, we were all slightly depressed but Tomi took it worse than all of us. The SECOND time she left, he almost dropped out of the band and tried c-u-tting himself but he didn't. Don't get me STARTED on the 3rd time she left. O_O Tom became a completely different person. He still performed with us but he RARELY LEFT TO GO ANYWHERE UNLESS FORCED. He hasn't LOOKED at a girl the wrong way since last year. Cammie, he may look happy hoppy happy but he's not. Not since last year when he beat on Angel. He's STILL beating himself up over Julie and Angel. Ughh I hated her. WAIT! The guy that killed Julie! Didn't Angel say we needed more Hunters? What about Scar!?" O_O

"Bill?" Tackling him to the ground, I stare right at his face. "You, mein liebe, are a GOD! That kid knows how to kick some ass. His powers are a vast range! He's got flying, telekinesis, fire generation, blowing scheisse up with his mind AND ALSO freezing time with his mind. This kid is the warrior machine. We need one more. There's Angel, you, Tom, Georg, Gustav, me and Scar- DANKE GOTT. We need at least 3 more super-powered Slayers..O_O The other Watchers..Oh oh OOOHHHH! Hold on. I need to contact the other Watcher Sara. She lives in America, though, but fickt it we NEED her powers. We need every Watcher out there, along with every Hunter out there. We'll have to track down 5 potential Slayers." The door opens and a figure in a black cloak appears out of blue/white orbs. "Hallo, mein kind!" Damn! It's Scar. He looks even MORE amazing than when I last saw him. "Scar, we need the help of every Watcher out there and more Slayers." He chuckles and waves me off.

"Girl you got nothing to worry about. You, me and Sara are powerful enough. Watchers are like Pacifists. Pure raw firepower but refuse to fight. Well you, Sara Ryle and I are going to kick fucking ass. You in? By the way, love the band Bill! >xD Huge fan! Amazing voice. >XD" Scar and I shake hands, laughing. "Danke!! :D" I love it when Bill smiles like a child. "Soo what now? Oh wait. Can't we summon fighters? Or imbue Hunters with the power of 1ooo Watchers? Or both? Or both but maybe at once? Oh hell yes. We'll summon Angel fighters, no pun intended guys XD, imbue them with the power of Us Watchers and put them under the leadership of Angel. We'll have to split up a LOT! I'm honestly afraid to leave the poor girl alone. Hence me imbuing Angels of God, again no pun intended >XD."

"Soo what do we do now? None of us know when the Battle occurs or if it spreads out of Germany. If it spreads we're FUCKED! We don't have the powers to cover another country let alone the globe. Anyways, I'm going hunting tonight. :) Cammie you know what to do, ja?" He looks at me, dead in the eyes. "Ja. Lock the doors, draw out the crucifixes and place them on every door/window/etc, practice my powers and protect AND FIGHT alongside the guys."

"Very good. :D Now I will help you hunt but when the Final Day comes, NO PUN INTENDED but whatever "AND IF OUR FINAL DAY HAS COME"- Oops..anyways, when the War comes the soldiers must be ready. Cammie we're Soldiers of God. Imagine if we slaughtered every fuckwit bloodsucker permanently. We should make it so not even the strongest of the strongest magic can bring them back. I'll need yours and Angel's help. Whose going to kick fuckin' ass when the Apocalypse comes!?"

"WE ARE!" Scar laughs and stands straight. "The vampires are on the prowl! I'll go out and go hunting, you and Angel defend this house and bring your families over here. I will perform a spell on this house that will make it a Haven for us. It's times like this I wish we had a place to train, make weapons and equipment AND to do our research." We all hear a door opening and turn around to see Angel. "I have the perfect place with a Gym, training room, weapons/equipment rack, bookshelves and a computer. Come follow me. This is a secret house I've had since a year after I moved away the 1st time. COME FOLLOW ME! Get the others. I'll be in the car."

10 minutes later, we pull up in front of this dark house that looks like Marilyn Manson would love a LOT. "This is my house. I stay here now to train, research and make my needed weapons. Come guys. I'll give you belts with hoops that can hold the weapons we'll have." I only noticed 2 seconds ago that Angel looks leaner and WAY more athletic-like. She's been training a lot, I guess but DAMN. She looks AMAZING! "You guys are welcome to stay in the living room and watch whatever you please, or do whatever you please. My house is your guys' house. Be right back. :D" She seems a bit darker. Either it's because she and Tom aren't together yet-FOR WHAT REASON I DON'T KNOW- or she's hiding something. Something bad. No time to focus on that now.

"So anyone have a clue when the fight starts? I've been itching to kick vampire arsch forever! xD" Angel's been gone 5 minutes. :) I catch Tom sneaking an 'I love you' look at Angel, which I think is adorable and sweet. :) Tom's nice to his friends and Angel. If they were dating, then holy shit. She would be in Heaven! >xD "Nein, no idea. Scar dropped by earlier, though. He said we needed WAY more Hunters and came up with the solution to summon Angel fighters. So far there's me, Tom, Georg, Gustav, Cammie, Scar, Angel and this Sarah person. Scar's going to think of a way to get Sarah over here." Gustav's voice breaks the silence. "Alana and Eva would be alright for this job, right Georg?" Who the HELL?

"Georg's girlfriend. She's um a vampire/supernatural fanatic and researches this scheisse every chance she gets. She even makes crosses, crucifixes and stuff. ALSO A BLACK BELT. Same with Eva."

"Damn, guys. How long have you managed to keep these two a secret from US? >xD" A door knock echoes throughout our house, two actually, and Angel goes to answer. "Who the Hell are you?" She sounds a bit shocked and we all rush upstairs, since we moved to
Angel's basement training room and sat on or/and around the couch down there. "Alana. Long shit short, vampires are beginning to run everywhere. Just came to warn you, SLAYER, that the Apocalypse is near. :D This is mein blut kind Eva. HI GEORG! Oh and blah blah blah, vampires exist and all that shit. Pleases me to no possible end in a way. :) I'm not a witch though. That title belongs to Eva here. We can help slay some vampires, if you'd let us. Not part of your little posse here, by the way. Eva and I are in our own coven. ;D If you hear reports about the group Black Ravine fighting in the streets, using magic and stabbing things in the heart? That's us. Auf wiedersein! :D BYE BYE!" The two run away before Angel calls them back. "We need all the possible help. Enlist Black Ravine. These fuckheads must be slain by our hand. :) And the motherFUCKER that spawned vampires will DIE by my hand. I have a personal issue with the bitch. Hopefully I get some competition. :) By the way, come i- HOLY SHIT. How the Fuck did you find this place?!"

Alana starts cracking up, wiping away tears. "Eva's a witch. Psychic powers are really useful in a fight. Ok no more vampire talk until it all starts. :) E-" Angel cuts her off. "You're both staying with us in here. :) There's DEFINITELY enough room for 8 people in this house! :) Entertainment room is available at all times. You guys are welcome to make yourselves at home. Meanwhile I'm going to take a nap for a while. :D My room is the blood red door with the Heart on it. :)" When the guys disperse, I follow Angel up to her room and try to listen in. I hear a piano playing and an angel's powerful Soprano that would make Whitney Houston seem like the next vocal Britney Spears.

"Ich liebe dich fur immer..." the song goes on to be about a girl who loves this guy, and vice versa, but they can't be together because of one catastrophic reaso- Heilig scheisse! ANGEL CAN SING. "Cammie you can come in now. No more eavesdropping, bitte und dankeschon. Now if you don't mind, pretend you never heard that song. I'll play it for Tom before the last fight." She starts silently crying profusely, wiping tears away and trying not to pick at her nail polish. "Cammie, I have to tell you something. Bitte sit down." Taking a seat on the foot of Angel's bed, I listen intently to what she's going to say.

"For the Vampires to die for eternity and to never arise again no matter how powerful magic and such like that can get..I have to die."

And I felt my heart fall to the floor, along with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Au mein gott I am so sorry for the long wa-

Wait why the fuck am I apologizing? This story needs new readers. BADLY. Sara? It's YOUR TURN TO AHEM UPDATE, KINDER. :) >xD