Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)



"Your adventures by my side fall to pieces with every lie..." I write down the lyrics I sing for my next song 'Fall to Pieces'. :) So far, I've written "Collide", "Listen to The Rain", "Mother, Mother", "Love is Dead" and "Jaded". I missed my friends but got over it...then started randomly cutting myself. I haven't stopped for like 6 years. I'm amazed no one's asked me about that yet. But if ANYONE finds out, I'm screwed. Let them find out after I die in battle. It's amazing how even the darkest of girls find guys that they wind up spending their life with yet I couldn't find anyone before James...he still doesn't know that I'm the Slayer. Tom and the others weren't even supposed to know but his Goldielocks wannabee arsch happened to have stumbled upon me slaying Gerard Way...that sucked man! I killed Gerard Way! Eh. Their band was overrated anyways. :D

The house starts to shake and glass starts shattering, followed by the unmistakeable screaming and guttural growling we Slayers practically grew up with. "FUCK!!" I kick down my door to see a dead looking woman there with blood on her face. "Hi, Slayur." Oh great a drunken vamp. "UGH great a druggie alcoholic undead. Perfect. Not." She punches me so hard, I fly back into the wall and knock everything down, including my family pictures. Like I really care. "Girl, you shouldn't have done that." Even though I'm emotionally unstable, suicidal and broken down I can be a pretty dangerous opponent. "Come and get me sister DYKE!" Growling, the vampiress RUNS toward me but I snap the bedpost off and stake her with the pointed end. "NEVER piss off Angel Garabouldie. Instant death to all Vampires. HAHA! DEATH TO THE UNDEAD BASTARDS! HYAH!" I kick the post so hard through her chest, it protrudes out of her back with the black and (miraculously) still beating heart.

"You bitch-" She turns to dust, the stake falling to the ground. No time to get to my weapons location! FICKT! Scheisse! I have to rescue the others!! This is my house they're attacking!

Bill, the guys, Alana and Eva are in the room with me just randomly chilling out when I get the headache of a Watcher's life and visions in my head of war and death...oh no.."GAHHHHH!!!!" The shriek carries out for 2 minutes and leaves me breathless. "Guys! They're ATTACKING Angel's house and will come after us! You guys get your families and bring them here to Bill and Tom's place. Alana and Eva, I need you guys to cast a protection ritual over this very house that NOTHING supernatural can get in or out except the witch or witches casting the spell. Bill, Tom follow me. Double G's you guys stay here and kick the shit out of any fucker that tries breaking in. We good? Good. Let's go save my Slayer." There's a Buffy type weapons chest under Tom's bed that has things like crosses, guns, holy water, swords- the usual. "Damn Tomi! After this, we're throwing your arsch a party! And then you a party. Now we have to go rescue Angel!" Since I don't need much weapons, aside from my holy water instant contact grenades, (I use my surroundings as weapons; broken chair legs for a stake/arrows) I kick down the window and, before I jump, give Bill a kiss. "I need you to be careful, Cammie. Please! I can't lose you again.." I wipe Bill's tears away, kissed him again and jumped. "NEIN WORRIES, B!" I always loved landing perfectly on my feet. Now to get to Angel's house.

Bill and Tom ran out to follow me since Georg and Gustav were (miraculously at ALL!) already as powerful fighters as Angel defending Alana and Eva while they enchant the house to allow only us. Alana needed a drop of blood from each of us but it will suck arsch when Angel needs to get in AFTER the spell is done. I'll just have to fight along with her. A strong gust of wind and the sound of rustling leaves is heard, making Bill, Tom and I turn to see a girl with black/brightest red/brightest green highlighted hair, left eyebrow pierced and right side of lip pierced. "I would be the other Watcher. Scar and the other Slayers have run into some...trouble shall I say. Where's Angel's house?!"

"We're trying to get there now! But it's stil fa-" Sara cuts us off and waves her hand at us then we feel a tingly sensation throughout our ENTIRE bodies. We were all levitating in the air. "GO! You guys can hold off the Vampires for only such a short time! Kick some arsch, bitte und danke. :D Scar, myself and the other Slayers will assist you soon. GOOD LUCK HUNTERS!" She disappears in blue/white orbs of light, kind of like Charmed but different at the same time. "Bill? I need you, and you too Tomi, to promise me something. You've never fought vampires before. You've never FLOWN before in your lives, let alone seen some vampires face-to-face. This will be worse than when Scar killed JULIE DANKESCHON GOTT ANYWAYS, whatever directions Angel gives us we must obey IMMEDIATELY. Bill you too. I won't lose you either or your fucked up but still hot twin. Now if you don't mind, since Angel's house is below us, I would very much like to land." Before our toes even touch the ground, I notice Angel taking out a group of 5 vampire girls like nothing at all. She's fighting one, while the groupies are cheering for Angel's death.

I turn to see Tom staring in amazement as Angel ducks, perfectly freakish and excellent timing to avoid the vampires razor sharp demon claws, then shoves a crucifix up its ass. "Any more fuckwits want to die? Nein? Too fucking bad. You guys ruined my LIFE! HYAH!" She kicks one so hard in the head, it explodes after the neck breaks, killing the vampire immediately. The others? She flings pencils at their chests through her wristband that fires things that are installed into it. She's got 3 pencils left on that amazingly phenomenal invention of hers and uses it to shoot the head of the last few vampire groupies. "YOU WHORE! YOU KILLED MY GIRLS! GY-" Angel grips the MUCH LARGER, MATT SHADOWS SIZED VAMPIRESS, in a deathgrip on the monster's throat. "*sighs* Ok I'm getting sick of being called a whore, which is something I'm not. The only whores here are you with the way you seduce and kill men and that bitch by my Watcher who can't keep his dick in his pants. Me? Total opposite. I survived a rape, you fucker." She shoves a cross down it's mouth. "And birthed a daughter then lost my family." She watches gleefully as the vampiress in front of us burns to a pile of flesh and ash.

"Hey guys...I suppose you saw that huh?" We don't respond for 5 minutes, we're so stunned by her skills in combat. "Angel you were amazing...." Tom's just speechless and his eyes, I can see, are watering over. "Ugh. Take care of emo gangster goldielocks here while I go fulfill my destiny then commit suicide later. :) Auf wiedersehen!" She hugs me, gives Bill a kiss on the cheek then hugs him but she slaps Tom, making us chuckle a bit and shutting up when he glared. "Your own fault she hates you Tom. I TOLD you having nothing but one night stands with OUR FUCKING FANBASE THAT MAKE US FAMOUS, would screw up your life someday. You laughed in my face. Now look at which one of us is happy: You, the emo bastard that brutally tricks our fans just to have sex? Or me: The guy that every guy on Earth wants to kill? Hm let's see oh yeah ME. Fickt dich arschloch. Ich hasse dich fur immer." Bill and I walk away, leaving Tom 'in the dust' and silently crying.

Bitch deserves it. "You deserve your pain, Goldielocks! Angel doesn't. You do! :D FICKT DICH UND ICH HASSE DICH ARSCHLOCH! >xD" He runs up to us only so he can help fight then hopefully leave Germany. :)