Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Minor Heaven


I felt good after slapping Tom across the face. :) It was funny. The player got PLAYED! Haha. :) When I approach Alana and Eva's house where they're casting a spell on the house to block off vampires, I tap one of the vamps on the shoulder and smile at his demonic grin that basically says 'BITCH IMMA RAPE YOU UNTIL YOU BLEED, KILL YOU THEN BUST DOWN THIS HOUSE'. "Hi there, vampie. :D I don't know if you caught the news but-" I shove a stake through his back, gleefully squealing at the sight of his black bloody heart on a stick. "I'm the Slayer. :D Auf wiedersehen!" The stake drops to the ground and I pick it back up then make a nice comfy leather grip on the handle for easy slayings.

"YOU WHO-" Oh holle nein! "Bitch I HATE BEING CALLED A WHORE! NO ONE CALLS TOM A WHORE AND HE'S THE ONE WHO CAN'T KEEP HIS DICK IN HIS PANTS!!! I DON'T GO AROUND WITH MY BODY SHOWING OFF!" The stake flies out of my hand and threw the vampire woman's chest, killing her. "Oh.Fuck.Yes, baby! HOLLE JA! WOO!" I make the stake fly back into my hand and start slaughtering every vampire in sight. 5 minutes later, which is a new record for me, 15 vampire soldiers are slain. If it weren't for my telekinetic power making the weapons around me pierce their chests, making their hearts fly out at me and landing on my stake, I would've either been killed, kidnapped, raped and/or died of injuries. But nope. :D I can make things obey me now. :) I wonder...if I can control fire. That would be wicked cool! But I need fire!! Oh wait, I can just kill another vampire then try to control the fire from their dead corpses! Some bulgy guy that looks like M.Shadows' vampire clone grabs my arm, I turn around and break his neck with my power since without it I would be too weak and/or defenseless.

I've also been a victim of attempted vampiric rape....eww. >_< I killed those suckers extra specially for damn sure. :) I wonder when I can actually have a fight that's CHALLENGING. "OK VAMPIRES! I FOUGHT PRETTY DAMN HARD AGAINST YOUR WEAK ASS HERD! NOW I WANT A CHALLENGING FIGHT. I AM THE SLAYER AND YOU WILL FIGHT ME!" As soon as I said the last two words, hordes of vampires and demons of a variety, with blood stains on their bodies from past victims, appear out of nowhere. "....I really should learn to shut the fuck up at certain times....but whatever. Throw your scheisse over here. I can take anything you have, bitches." I would've gone straight into the hordes and killed as many suckers as I could but it didn't work out...but I DO see a small fire nearby from a dying vampire, courtesy of Bill. "HERE YA GO, ANGEL!" Oh GOD thank you so much for blessing this guy as a Hunter! "DANKE!" I've never tried controlling any elements but fire would be extremely useful right now. So what do I do? I focus my powers on that small fire and ina matter of 4 seconds it explodes into a big fire extending to the top of a roof. "If you think I'm pissed off now, you aint seen shit yet assholes!!" The cool thing about my powers is if my mind is focused on that large, ever growing fire on my right side I can do whatever I wish and not lose control of the flame. :D

But what I will do is find broken pieces of wood, set them on fire then start making them fly all over the place- mainly through the bodies of vampires. :D I never knew fighting could be so much fun!! And deadly...the adrenaline rush is inhuman fantastic! Must.Kill.Vampires. "Chica, you gon' fight or gawk at us?"

"Ho, trust me. I may be ugly and all, but I know when something's worth gawking at. Trust me, sister. You failed to make the list. Eat fire." She shrieks after the flames engulf her body and turn her to ash. "Alright I grow bored. Fire buddy? Please slaughter the half-witted fuckheads before me to ash." Like it had a personality, the fire obeys my order and I envision the flames going after every vampire in the line of fire in the shape of several bright red/orange yellow orbs. Miraculously, the scene in my head takes place and the other Slayers behind me are gawking at my powers. I don't even look back when I start speaking to them. "You guys gonna stay there or do I have to fight these bitches myself? Either way, I'm good. I love fire. Fire you have worked very well. :) Calm yourself." The fire, again, obeys me like it's got a personality. I love having this ability. Half the horde that was in front of me either ran away, teleported away or had been killed by my powers.

I turn around to see Bill, Cammie, Tom, Sara and a bunch of other Hunters watching me with their eyes bulging out and jaws open. "Um....I'm a pyro? I'll explain later- Pyrokinetic means I control fire. Come ON! We have to track down the rest of these fucks and kill the holle out of them. You guys in or do I go so-" They cut me off saying they'll ALL go. "Bill, how're Alana, Eva, Georg and Gustav doing at the house? Do I need to send a few of you back there?" Bill speaks up, walking right next to my side, proclaiming himself as my guardian. :`) "I officially here and now proclaim myself as your protecty type person..what do Americans call- GUARDIAN! HA! GOT IT! Oh and they're fine. Remarkably. O_O" I can't believe that after I basically dragged him and the others into this, he's offering to protect me...."B-Bill? Before we basically go on a potential suicide mission...can I talk to you in secret?" I look down to prevent silent tears from falling.

"Of course." We stop walking forward and sit down on the ground next to the wall. "Bill why are you here?" He gasps and drops the crossbow he had in his hands. "I'm not going to let my best friend die! Not alone at least. You go, pfft I join you...warum?" The silent tears start sliding down my face and Bill sits closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist then pulls me closer to his body. "Bill I dragged you all into this...had I not hugged Tom that day we wouldn't be here...had I not gone to school all those fucking years ago, Tom wouldn't have to risk his life killing vampires that are unknown to the world. James hasn't even contacted me in forever and some chick called his house phone saying that it was fun and they should do it again...meaning he cheated on me. And by now he knows vampires are real, Bill. Most of Germany knows but we're keeping it on the down low here. I drag you all into this and you offer to protect me with your life.....why? I don't deserve it. Why do you think I faced a horde of vampires myself with nothing but wood, fire and my powers? Bill, do you have any idea the suicide methods I came up with?" I can barely see because the tears are blinding my eyes.

"Angel....I'm here because I can NOT lose you. I love you, not like I with Cammie, but we can't stand you not being here with us. And I don't hate my brother but I do think he brought this on himself...we always spoke out against his one night ways, explaining he might get his ass kicked because of it...look where we are now: Exploring our homeland, killing vampires and him confused and messed up ever since you moved 6 years ago. When he realized that he made you cough up blood, he never forgave himself. Fuck, we haven't even done that many interviews and our Tokio Hotel TV thing has been put on hold for obvious reasons that put us here...Angel do you still-" Holle nein. "Ask me that question, I'll kick you so hard you'll never be able to fuck Cammie again. :)" His eyes go big and he shuts up. "Joking. xD But seriously don't ask me that question."

O_O I can't believe that...that I made all this happen. But WOW. Black Hearted Demon has been outgrown....more like Black Hearted HellSpawn. She controlled FIRE! KILLED HALF A HORDE OF VAMPIRES. "Tom?" Cammie's voice brings me out of my trance. "Ja?" I haven't used my voice much this past year. Ohh how I regret assaulting Angel....had I not she wouldn't have run away and we wouldn't be here killing vampires. Well maybe we would but we all would've gotten here under different circumstances. O_O Wow I used a big vocabulary word and liked it...GOD how I miss Angel...."Sorry I went into my trance again. Haha! :) What was your question?" Cammie draws in a breath. "Do you still love her?" That question caught me off guard. xD Kidding. Not really, I mean I thought this would happen eventually. "Yes." There was nein hesitation with my answer. "Very much...but she's taken..and had a child 'cause of rape. Not with me. O_O Oook that sounded wrong....but why am I smiling then?" Cammie smirks then starts giggling. "Because you want to have a child or two with Angel, that's why. :) I KNEW you still loved her. Oh and by the way, she's single now. The bastard cheated on her multiple times. Tom....there's no one else FOR you right? Because even though you've been by her side since before 7 years old, she'll still have trouble trusting guys. I want you to go up there and send Bill back here...try to make conversation with her. I haven't seen Angel smile her pearly smile in FOREVER. I kind of miss it...know who used to make her smile that big? You."

I can feel my smile coming to my face and a tear falling down my face. "I'm not letting her go again. I lost her two/three times. I'm not losing her anymore. But where did they go?" Cammie points up to the wall of the building in front of me. I have been confused about Angel since I first met her all those verdammen years ago. She only got more beautiful with time and now everytime I see her, I regret the fact she's not mine. She should be.

I will make that happen.