Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Empty Memories


I'd been walking/running/sneaking around the entire German country now looking for more vampires. Tom is THE last thing on my mind right now. I spot vamps feeding on the torn corpse of a 14 year old girl. "Oh you guys are sick as Fuck. Well now for killing that innocent child, I'll be sick as Fuck too." I don't use my elemental powers, just my Gifted fighting ability. The last vampire (me having killed the other ones like nothing) punches me in the jaw and starts guttural style laughing. I pick up a stake and fling it at between his legs in the area where Tom can't keep the zipper shut, according to some fans. :) Yes there are Tokio Hotel fans that hate Tom but like their music. I approve of THEM. :) Not him.

After noticing the vampire's mouth is hanging WIDE open, I shove a crucifix into his throat and rip his heart out. "Suffer death, bitch, Angel style." I toss it onto a broken fence (the pointed part) and smile at the burning vampiric corpse. The fire that emerges calms when I wave my hand at it. "Fire I order you to follow me and whenever a vampire approaches you kill them. When I command you to stop, obey me." I love talking to fire like it's got a personality. It's cool as Hell! >xD The clicking of heels against the lightpost behind me distracts me from playing with fire and I turn around to see vampires extremely fucking similar to the ones in the movie From Dusk Til Dawn...MOUTH BITCH!!! :D "Oh my GAWD Mouth bitch! You were in that movie from Dusk Til Dawn! Oh em gee I like totally love you! Can I shove my boot up your ass and kill you so I don't have to see your ugly face anymore? I'll kill ya anyways. Auf wiedersehen puta!" The fire engulfs Mouth Bitch and it's buddies, killing them instantly. "Ich liebe dich fur immer fire. Calm yourself." Flicking my hand at the flame, I watch it simmer down to nothing.

"Sometimes I praise myself for being able to control fire." But I look around and see Germany in chaos. People are dying, vampires are feeding, Tom and the others are fighting. It's my destiny and my destiny along to fight Vampires. Time for the others to go back to their lives. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, DEUTSCHLAND! LISTEN THE FUCK UP. I AM THE SLAYER. THE ONE, THE ONLY SLAYER. HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT, I GUARANTEE I CAN FIRE BACK SEVENFOLD!" I have to find a way to send the others back to the protected house. -_- I slap myself in the forehead for not thinking of it sooner. If I have a power to control fire...why not try casting my 1st spell? I wonder if I can improvise...'Spirits of the Gods in Black Divine, send them back from whence they came. Release them push them away they were never meant to feel this pain and misery but let them have their memory!' I see a lot of blue/white light around me, signalling that Tom, Bill, Cammie, Sara and whoever else fought on my side teleported back to my house.

"Yo Slayer! Can we kill you already!?" One 'woman' gurgles/roars. "Pft. You can die trying, babe. I'm not going down without the fight of my life...which I'm STILL waiting for, by the way. Quote VAMPIRES un-quote like your little group here aren't my cup of tea. And I hate tea so you guys will fit it all perfectly. Now can we just fight please? It's kind of my job to send as many of you asswipes back to Satan as I can. FUCK IT!" I punch the nearest vampire and shove a Cross into its neck. "I come prepared for battle." I shoot a silver bullet from my dual pistols at the eye sockets of the two suckers behind me, enjoying their bodies hitting the ground and imploding. "Ya know: Vampires imploding is a really pretty sight. Let me see: I can control fire to my will. I can cast a wicked spell or two so let me see if I could explode...YOU." The vampiress creature next to me shrieks, bloats HUGE, DIRIGIBLE BALLOON SIZE then explodes from the inside.

"Oh my God. I AM ANGEL, SUPER-POWERED VAMPIRE SLAYER! HEAR ME FUCKIN' KILL SOME ASS!" I start fighting for my life with kicks, turns, stakes, burnings, neck breaks and anything I can. Luckily, the ugly ass rapists can't touch me because they're the ones that get burned...LITERALLY. >xD Some vampire guy forcibly puts his arm around me and that if any guy touches, I will kill you, mortal or facially-demonically distorted demon spawn.

"SHE FUCKING SENT US BACK! BILL ANGEL FUCKING SENT US BACK TO THIS FUCKING HOUSE SO SHE CAN FUCKING FIGHT THE FUCK ALONE! WHAT GOOD IS THERE NOW!?" I fall onto the couch and Bill crouches down to my face. "Maybe she had a reason. Now, I have no idea...but maybe she wants to fight by herse-O_O Holy shit...judging by the screaming vampire running away screaming 'MANIAC!' sounds like Angel is doing amazing. Want to go look?" He takes my hand and we all go by the large window, watching Angel beat the crap out of this one vampire dude that looks like the vampire Matt Shadows, only a different face/head. Other than that, he's a straight up Matt CLONE! "Dude....remind me to never piss Angel off in the slightest way...Ever. O_O" I think everyone agrees, even TOMI, to never aggravate Angel. I mean she snapped the neck of a vampire forty times her size like his bones were a pencil. I saw a flaming glare on Tom's face when the guy tried groping Angel in places that if a stranger touched her....they would be put into the hospital for months. He almost burst out the fucking window and killed that guy....pfft. 'Don't love her anymore' my ass, Tom! My @$$ you don't love her anymore!

More vampires appear around her and she looks to be overwhelmed. Tom seems to not be able to take it anywhere when he sees Angel cough up blood. He grabs a gun, loads it up- whatever required to get a gun ready for combat- then silently walks out there but I stop him. "Cammie remove the hand or I shoot it the fuck off!" Too shocked to speak, I silently remove my hand from his shoulder without a word. Obviously, I can whoop Tom to hell and back, but he's NEVER said that to ANYONE, let alone me. Everyone's in shock....especially when Angel gladly takes the crossbow and starts slaughtering random appearing vampires...WITH TOM! :D

Seeing that undead guy punching Angel and making her cough blood reminded me of me. I couldn't take it ANY-FUCKING-MORE so I grab a silver bullet firing gun, a knife made out of wood with a leather grip on the handle that looks like a Victorian cross. Yeah I'm 'newly Gifted' with a knife, saw, wood and leather...and a picture of a Victorian cross. I felt bad after threatening my brother's girlfriend but I'm a bastard when testy...Angel knows that for DAMN sure. "ANGEL! HERE!" She got a 6 second break, turned around with a shocked combination of 'OMG THANK YOU/WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?' written on her face, grabbed the nice little Crucifix/Stake I made for her, and starts stabbing any vampire that dare get within range. They're actually starting to increase in number and strength. Not good...I didn't even realize that Angel and I were moving closer & closer until we were *cliche! >xD* back-to-back, marvelling the sight of so many vampires. "TOM WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" She stabs another vampire chick, ducking her claw attack. I shoot one vampiress begging for me to fuck she can kill me in the middle of me taking off my yeah. No. That's never going to happen. So I shot her in the stomach and punched her in the head, enjoying her burning body...literally!

"You will not fight alone, Angel! I won't let you! EVER!" I could have sworn I saw a tear escape her eye as she tried to kill another vampire but a sword cuts off its head. "I would be Scar. Sorry for taking so long Angel!!!!!!!!!!! I'll explain later. Now it's Slaying Time!" The three of us proceed to start killing the growing Horde of Undead before us when Scar says that it's useless to fight with weapons anymore and that they need another witch..."TOM GO CALL ALAINA! PLEASE!" Reluctantly, I run back to the house, shooting anything trying to get to me in any way (especially the vampires trying to rip off my shirt....o_o I didn't know gay vampires existed but apparently I've been proved wrong! O_O) I kick down the door and tell Alaina she's needed. "FINALLY I GET TO KILL SOME THING. Well...somethings. Show Me The Way!" We start running back outside after Alaina picks up a pair of ax-es. They go from shoulder-to-wrist and have a razor sharp silver metal ax ending. Perfect for vampire/demon slayage.
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Ok the part where Alaina says "Show me the way" is a tribute to one of my favorite German bands: Elis. Rest in Piece forever Sabine Dunser. She was the singer of old-era Elis and creator of the Griefshire album. I TOTALLY recommend you check them out! They're a doom/gothic metal band with hauntingly angel-like female singing. Griefshire is a concept album and Sabine's final. In July of 2006, it was announced Sabine had died of a cereboral hemorrage. R.I.P Metal Angel fuer immer! :( New Elis news: 'Catharsis' is now in the vocal recording stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Ich liebe Sandra Schleret, Angel Soprano! :D :D :D :D :D Check out her old band SoulSlide with the song "Into Despair". I think that song fits this story immensely! :P

2: On the other hand, you people will love this fuckin' story soon! :D :D :D :D :D