Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Sling Blade


I've never fought this many vampires at once! It's exhilarating!!! :D Yet life-threatening. So I took most of my powers and imbued my dual Legolas knives and bow/arrow with them. I even had plans of building a long pole the size of a human (obviously made of wood) with a leather grip on the end and a special carving so it would be 100% easier to get a solid grip on. The spikes can be used for long distance or finishing off a fallen vampire. :) Also, I made these little guns with bows on top and it fires tiny little arrows out of wood, blessed in Holy water! They fire at light speed and are PERFECT for slaying more vampires. Especially since, for some odd-arsch reason, these vampires are getting more difficult to fight with hand-to-hand combat and we have to resort to stealth/long distance type attacks.

We usually get a punch in then another Hunter kills the demon from a distance whether by an over-sharpened piece of wood a crucifix, a Cross shoved into their chest, silver bullet-blessed-with-Holy-water firing dual pistols or my arrow firing don't ask how I managed to get a shotgun to fire fully wooden, large arrows at hyperspeeds. I don't even know but I killed many vampires using my precious gun. But I think Tom needs it more than I do! "TOM!" He turns around and catches the gun I throw at him, throwing back an axe of mine to go with my sword. I usually block attacks with one, then slice/stab/behead with the other. It's easier for me to defend with my sword and decapitate with my axe, obviously. We had spent almost 2 straight days killing vampires. Of course we do go back inside and go get something to eat and/or drink to keep our strength, agility and/or energy up so we can keep fighting. Can't battle the Undead when dehydrated, starved or weak now can we? It seems like a stupid @$$ idea to me. I even have a knife attached to my ankle in a sheath, Peter Pan style. :D Only the knife is as long as 4 human pointing fingers. Put your left pointing finger below the one on your right hand: Now have someone else do it.

Those four fingers is the size of the blade on my ankle. The one on my arm sheath is for like cutting rope, but I have used it for combat though. Only rarely.

Angel just got her weapon knocked out of her hand and not thinking, I take out my anklet dagger and toss it to her. She, being the Slayer, caught it by the handle flawlessly then killed the chick that knocked her weapon out of her reach and near me. I should try to bring it back. I grab the shotgun and start slicing/stabbing/burning through the vampiric horde. One almost got to me but I shot its head clean off it's now burned corpse. "ANGEL! THE GUN!" I toss it to her then start beheading and stabbing all the demons and vampires around me as soon as she catches it. Tom, Angel and I wind up back to back, killing the vampires in front of us. "OK ONE OF YOU MIGHT WANT TO SET SOMETHING ON FIRE- ANGEL YOU CONTROL FIRE, WHY NOT WATER!? MAYBE ALAINA CAN BLESS IT?" I don't know if that will work but I am a soldier of God. Why COULDN'T I bless the fire hydrant's soon to be exposed powerful stream of water? "I CAN'T BREAK FIRE HYDRANTS!"

"I can." Angel clears a path by burning all the vampires to ash and casts a protective shield around me so I can use my telekinetic side to bust open this hydrant. "BE READY ANGEL! WATER'S COMING!" I focus my brain on the image of the valve on this hydrant flying off, while chanting an incantation I learned to bless water, with the hand motions and all. Not even a second later, it flies off and beheads the vampire that I had no idea was behind me. Tom, Angel and I are immediately SPRAYED with strong streams of water. Angel looks pretty when covered in water. Tom clears a way with the pistol's machine gun setting, following Angel to this hydrant. She gets a good look at the water and closes her eyes. The water freezes in place and starts FLOODING out an in immense and ungodly/unearthly/in-human speed. Angel and I start combining our powers and the water starts burning the vampires, making them shriek. "THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME!" Angel keeps her power focused on killing the vampires, as am I. "ICH AUCH! THIS KICKS ARSCH!" Angel and I fight back laughter and when we don't hear anymore vampiric shrieking and the sound you always heard on Buffy when a vampire died on the show, Angel and I open our eyes, losing control of the water. Together, we make it fly back onto place and tighten it but just a little lose.

"Girl, you look sexy when covered in water!!! O_O" Angel headbangs to clear her black/blue/dark green hair out of her face, trying to hide her ever-growing blush. "D-Danke. O_O Why is it so freakishly silent? That CAN'T be the end of this fight...I would have felt it." Angel's right. Not another vampire in sight, and the wind is almost un-nerving. "I know. Did we miss something? O_O Or did you not notice that vampire general behind you with the scythe?" There actually is a gi-normous Hulk sized vampiric war General with a scythe weapon behind Angel. But Tom shoots its head off, killing it. "Anyone want to keep the scythe?" We both nod nein, then he picks up the weapon and holds it like a golden prize. "Um. I think we're going to need the others. Call Bill, Cammie, Scar, Sara and the Harem." Tom has learned a LOT these past two days...O_O "Warum?" He points to behind me and I see a mile long line of Vampire Generals. "Oh shit. How will Bill, Cammie, Scar, Sara and the Harem help us!?" Tom, when scared, is slightly hysterical. >xD

"Cammie, Sara, Scar, Angel and I can use our powers once we set something on fire and find some ice. Play time is over. Time for War." Before the three of us grab our weapons (Tom-dual pistols/Angel-her powers/Me-my powers-Sword), we hear the sounds of many MANY people running to our side. "Angel, Tom, Alaina? The Harem..." We turn around to see 15 women clothed in black capes, dark hair and Henna tattoos all over their bodies. "We are glad to be of service to you, milady Slayers. We shall fight to the Death!" They draw out swords that look EXACTLY the same as the one Legolas had in Lord of The Rings, after throwing off their black capes which revealed black suits covered in crosses. "You need some cross things." They each give us symbols of a Crucifix and draw it onto our hands, making our palms feel tingly. "They will last until after the Final Battle. To make things easier, we are trained in the art of Magic. Now." The leader, Asrai, withdraws her sword. Her followers start next. "Let's go kick some Vampire ass." We all let out a cry and charge at the shocked looking vampire generals. As soon as the first one dies, we launch into a full out war....for 5 seconds. "I had no idea I could freeze time..." Bill mutters...."BUT I LIKE IT! Can I kill them please? I grow bored." His pouty face is adorable. >xD

"Yes you may Bill...only if Angel, Cammie, Sara and I help slay the frozen ones. Tom, you and Scar will handle the ones that start moving. GEH!" We start slaughtering the 9 left-to-right rows of frozen vampire generals using both combined magic and Tom's gunfighting...which is unbelievably accurate.
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This story ends at Chapter 25. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D