Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

The Ascension


We'd been vastly out-numbered but I keep fighting to the Death. I ran away from the others ages ago and RIGHT into a herd of vampires. Life is great, for now anyways. "Oh look girls. It's the WHORE of a Slayer!" Oh Hell No. "What did you just call me?" I knew there was a vampire rapist behind so I raise my hand and he burns to dust. I JUST figured out that I can LITERALLY control the elements to my advantage. "You heard me. I didn't stutter." I'm almost sure the flames around me are the size of skyscrapers with how angry I am. "No I don't think I heard you. Repeat and die painfully? Or don't repeat and die painfully? See that's the only option you've got, really, so either way, you scumsuckers will die by my Hand." Since they're too busy laughing, I let the flames engulf all of them, watching the bodies turn to bones and ashes. I enjoy that. Apparently, to my own self-discovery, I am the strongest fighter here. The vampires tried to 'convince' me to join their side and kill the others, then rule the world as Vampire Queen. I think I'l take them up on that...then slaughter them all with my powers. :)

"Attention Vampires." They all stop and glare at me. "I have made my decision. I would enjoy joining you." A guttural growl erupts from them and they start cheering. "Goddess! Goddess! Goddess!" The chant goes on for at least 5 minutes then a vampire woman taps me on the shoulder. "My Goddess, we bestow upon you, our Guardian, the wardrobe and jewelry of a True God. Please take this gifts as a thank you from us. When Vampires rule the world you shall have whatever you want and more. :)" Smiling, I take the gothic dress and go behind a building to change. I let my pitch black/ blood-red wavy/straight hair go down to my waist. The dress is a blood red corset (figures >xD) with gray flowy Victorian sleeves and a skirt that goes down to my feet, encased in black cowgirl boots. The skirt part of the dress is jet black, like part of my hair. I look AMAZING! Gothic witch. >xD I self-apply my black eyeshadow and raccoon makeup then grab my sword and walk back to my followers.

"GODDESS!" Chanting continues as I walk to my co-commander Radia. "My liege, you look phenomenal!" Did I mention these vampires are also German? "Why thank you very much. I appreciate it. I was never told I was pretty when I was on the other side..." Radia tries comforting me by putting an arm around my shoulder. "Do not worry. We rule the ruins." We rule the ruins, baby! "WE RULE THE RUINS!" I scream, along with my Vampire gang, in unison. I look like a goth witch with my makeup and Gothic looking dress with a bright white skull dead in the center of the corset. My co-leader throws me a sword. "Thank you. Let's go whoop some ass." The vampires, numbering close to 1ooo, Radia and myself march in lined formation with our Army waiting for our signal. Radia will bring me out and remove my hoodie. Ohh how excited I am.

These vampires just keep coming and coming! They all stop fighting once we hear a really loud, inhuman-sounding whistling. "Humans." She waves her hand and kills the vamps we were about to slay by turning them to ash. "My name is Radia. Now you are going to die. I thought I would tell you this: You can't win. You're, like, what? 7 against one thousand and two? Yeah no matter how tough you think you are, you can never beat us. Oh and we have a new recruit." She whistles again and a cloaked figure appears out of blue flames, standing still after the blue flame teleportation disappears. She's got one long sword and a creepy mask. "Ladies and gentlemen, the newest Vampire Queen." The cloak disappears and the woman is revealed to have a gothic looking witchy dress: Jet black skirt part, gray cowgirl boots, red corset with a black skull/crossbones and gray flowing sleeves. "Ladies and shitty Gentlemen, our Vampire Goddess!" The girl takes off her mask but her face is revealed to be covered in black/red highlighted hair. She uses her powers, apparently, to raise her hair out of her face. No....ANGEL!?! "Nice to see you guys know our Vampire Qu-"

"RADIA FOR FUCK'S SAKE CAN WE JUST GET TO THE BLOODSHED PLEASE? FUCK! YOU CALL YOURSELF A VAMPIRE CO-COMMANDER AND YOU DON'T EVEN FIGHT. Now. Can we call the others? Oh by the way." She looks back at us, waves her wrist at Tom and he goes flying backwards into an abandoned car. "I've wanted to do that forever. Alright. Call the other thousand vampires. I wanna FIGHT." 'Radia' disappears in orange flames and Angel puts her cloak back on. "Fucking dumb-ass mortal scum that can't keep their dicks in their pants." Bill looks a little hurt but Tom's letting tears flow. "Now you know how I felt when you repeated my father's actions, Tom Kaulitz-Trumper. Try having your father attempt to rape you and knock you up then kill the kid. Nein he hasn't SUCCESSFULY raped me. I let myself get into a one night stand with a stranger at a club. :) But I'm no whore TOM. :) Was I ever going to be good enough for you? No? Good. Because I hate you. I hate you all. Hence when I rule the fucking world I will lock every male specimen in a cell with many gay vampire rapists. :) Oh look there's my army now." One thousand vampires!!!!!! How will we last!?

"You can't last- not long anyways. Not with me commanding the Vampire Race." I can feel the tears stream down my face and blur my vision. "You betrayed us, betrayed us...." Hopefully, she heard me. "That's the point, baby. That's the point. I hope you know that my little friends here will kill you first?" I really don't care. "Good. KILL THEM ALL!" The vampires charge toward us but Angel rips off her dress (she was clothed under there thank God) and stabs Radia. "Love the dress and all but honestly? I would rather die then join the Vampires." Radia dies and Angel charges into the army alone. GOD where the Hell is Scar? "Cammie, Scar was killed...." No. I take Tom's gun away from him, load it up perfectly then imbue it with my own powers. "Cammie!?"

"Shut your makeup wearing ass up." I notice that Angel is in the center of about 25 vamps watching Angel fight some gi-normous guy that looks like a vampire version of M.Shadows. She stakes him then sends a telekinetic wave towards every vampire around her. She conjures up a wall of fire then sends all of them through we have like a couple hundreds vampires left. Angel probably killed like 150 with her powers alone. Angel calls me over. "I hope you never think that I would turn myself over to the Devil? That was just so I can kill some competition. Radia was powerful, like a vampiric version of me. And plus, I really wanted that dress. :) I kicked ass though. I just killed that bitch like nothing and CAMMIE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!" She pushes me out of the way with her powers and uses her sword to block a claw attack that would've pierced my chest and killed me instantly. "Gnaaaa!" Angel shoves a broken fence post through its head and laughs as it bleeds to death. "This is fun!!" I walk over to Angel but this vampire chick stands in front of me then pulls out a knife. "That all you got, chica?" She aims it at me, presses a button but I deflect it. "Angel I don't think this is the end...this has been far too easy...with minor difficulty. Can't you just use your powers and slaughter the rest?" She looks like she's thinking about my solution. "Probably. I need a LOT of fire, though. And wooden stakes. Then I'm good." I notice a wooden fence behind me when I turned around and I blow it up with a flick of my hands (that's my favorite power) then give the pointy pieces to Angel.

Together, we control the fire and make flaming stakes. "VAMPIRES! GO BACK TO YOUR MAKER!" The two of us fly the stakes in a circle since they are all around us. Vampiric shrieks fill the air and a lot of bodies turn to piles of burned flesh and bloody vampire skulls. "Great. So we have like 300 left." Out of nowhere, more vampires just die. "You didn't think I would let you fight alone? I had vampire troubles of my own to deal with so I apologize. haha. Let's fight. Each of us takes 50 and since we all have different powers, it will be easy." The three of us group 50 vampires for each of us, then we separate to kill our own group. Scar just waves his hand and they fall dead. But he stakes them just in case. He asks if I need help, I nod. "Very well, then." All other vampires in the radius fall dead. They are all dead. Now, how did we kill a thousand vampires so QUICKLY? One when Angel first showed up, after she killed Radia she stormed into the center of the vampire army and killed as many as she could with her magic. That was like 200 right there since she is VERY powerful in EVERY way possible. Then she and I teamed up and sent flying flaming stakes in a circle then Scar, Angel and I combined our powers so we could eliminate them quicker. It worked. Then we each took 50 of the remaining 200 vamps, Scar killing the fourth group of 50 we forgot about.

"What the Hell? That's it? I thought that I would-" The ground starts to rattle and everything starts to break. The streets ahead of us open up and we can see HUUUGE devil horns.

We can see HUUUGE devil horns out of the ground. I think this is my time. "I come to kill you." His voice scares the crap out of the others, but makes me angry. "Um yeah. job is to make sure that DOESN'T killing you apparently. I am the Slayer, you are a demon and since I am the Slayer, I am required to kill you." I remove my jacket and wave my hand over my whole body, revealing a biker chick outfit and gloves with a crossbones on the hand area...only the sleeveless shirt COVERS my stomach. "The name is Angel." Cammie tosses me my jean jacket, I put it on and rip off the sleeves, putting on fishnet armwarmers. "And I will kick your demonic little ass." He shrinks down to the size of a human and growls. I take my fighting stance, ready for the most difficult battle of my life that is only a few seconds ahead of me.