Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Fire-Hearted Phoenix


The vampire had begun to run toward me, growling. I throw the first blow, knocking out a few teeth. I hear cheering behind me and Harem fighters cat calling. Meaning, they think it's hot a woman can fight like I can. "What's the matter? Big bad vampire got his ass whooped by a girl? It's not so bad...until the other Hellion creatures get a hold of the news." I try kicking him but he flings me into the wall of a building after a punch. Ouch. "Whatcha going to do now, Slayer?" Apparently he thinks he's the only super-powered one here. "I'll fuckin' show you, bitch." Still in slight pain, I can feel my eyes start to heat up and I know something's going to be set on fire in 3, 2,1- the sound of crackling flames fills my ears behind me. "Fire. Original. Wow. I'm still alive." Ooh the cocky, arrogant, bitchy, vampiric little Tom! (P.S: I turned his name into an insult >xD)

"That's not the limit of my powers." I raise my hand and feel the heat of the rising fire. It is now the height of a skyscraper. "I would usually make some sort of wisecrack at this time if you were an ordinary vampire. But since you, apparently, spawned your race of scum, I'll just kill you. Oh wait...oh my god I'm sorry. I got that mixed up. I'll make a wisecrack since you spawned vampires and just kill the other regulars. Much better. Let's KILL!" The fire aims for my opponent but he freezes the fire. Oh just excellent.....must think of attack. I do see a block of dynamite. ;) I focus my mind and my powers on that dynamite and the fire as it slowly unfreezes. Thankfully, my plan works and the dynamite blows up, sending the Vampire flying sideways so far it would take 10 minutes to get there by walking. "You guys get back in the house NOW." They all stand still, as if they're frozen statues.

"Angel we're not lea-" Since they're not paying attention to me, I'll just walk forward towards my mysterious opponent. "I CAN AT LEAST SURVIVE WITH THIS GUY! HE WOULD KILL ALL OF YOU IN A SECOND! YOU CAN DIE RIGHT NOW OR LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER SUNRISE! MY DESTINY'S SEALED." I skyrocket run towards the fallen Vampire and see he's dead. "Dead by dyna-" His pitch black eyes open, he growls and uses his power to make me fly into a car...back by Cammie, and the others. "A normal Slayer is barely enough. But I'll damn sure fight quick." Bill tosses a sword my way. Taking my shiny, leather-handled blade, I rush into the battle every Slayer wishes to avoid but can't. I block the 1st attack by his jet black blade. "You know, Vampy." I duck and stab the foot. "If I were any other Slayer." We take the fight into the air, levitating slowly. We stand face-to-face, swords in hand. "You would have won already." He only slightly slices my stomach with a dagger. "Switching to daggers are we?" I put the sword in the sheathe on my back and whip out my dual ax-es. "No more fucking around." Then, the TRUE Slayer Vs. Vampire battle begins. Ax attacks are blocked, his knife has been deflected several times and in the next five minutes, we're covered head to toe in wounds, his a bit more serious. Hey, I have superpowers too.

"You have fought well, Vampire Slayer." He stabs me in the leg, the blade going all the way through. "AHH!" After shrieking, I fall right down to the ground and lay there in blood. "But I am better." Oh the cockiness is back. Fuck it, I'm going to die anyways. "You....cock-sucking...pedophilic...son of a bitch. I will stop at nothing to kill you and your kind for ETERNITY, even if it means going with you. SUCK ON THIS!" Fire burns his back and (slightly) ignoring the searing pain in my leg, I withdraw the sword and aim it at his chest. "Auf wiedersehen." Before I can puncture his heart with my blade, it flies out of my hand into another vampire's. "Tsk, tsk tsk. You could have ruled with us, Slayer. How amazing of a Goddess you would have been. The mortal that broke your heart could be your eternal SLAVE!" I am SICK to DEATH of hearing ANYTHING about HIM.

"ALRIGHT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF HEARING ABOUT TOM FUCKING KAULITZ! HE IS NOTHING TO ME BUT A GUY WHO CLEARLY HAS PROBLEMS KEEPING HIS DICK IN HIS PANTS! Doesn't mean I'll EVER join vampires. Quit looking at my leg and look at me, bitch." Ugh. She's lusting after the blood on my leg...eww. "So do I have to slaughter both of you or something? I'm game!" After slaughtering Radia a SECOND time with fire, the ground shakes and more vampires arise. "DUDE! I DESERVE A BREAK AFTER THIS SHIT!" I'll just use my powers to fight since I can't move because of my leg. My 1st objective? Kill the shit out of the bastard that resurrected his vampiric cronies.

"I will kill you." I pass out to blood loss, trying to block out the demonic laughter. What I didn't expect? Who would kill half these things.

When I saw the blade go through Angel's leg, the tears started flooding down my face. And when she screamed, I tried to resist going out there and saving her. Who am I kidding? I'm just a human in love with a vampire slayer he's known since before or since exactly 5th grade. I ruined things with her and plus she's taken, I'm sure. She's probably moved on. "TOM! Angel passed out!" That was the last straw. I look around for my dual guns, load each of them up and put them in their sheathes on my legs. I can feel a voice trying to tell me something. You can do it, Tom. God is with you. It sounds like Angel, but she can't talk through minds. You know how a voice enters your head whenever you think you can't do something and that voice succeeds in convincing you that you can do whatevever you thought you couldn't? That's never happened to me before until the day Angel moved away and I told her I loved her. When she said it back....I just felt like on top of the world. But I haven't heard those words in exactly 6 years. I do NOT care at this point, I just want her alive!!! I don't fucking care if she gets married to someone else and leaves me in regret, I want her alive damn it. I don't care about living or dying, I just want to slaughter these FUCKS and bring Angel back. I aim a gun at the head of the Vampire who stabbed Angel and fire. He howls in pain and falls to the ground.

Bill, Cammie, Alaina and Georg look at me like I was crazy. "WHO DARES FIRE AT ME!?!" He scares everyone else, even his army, but just chills my spine. "That would be me." I just stand there twirling the gun on my hand. "I fired the bullet. :)" Apparently he's too awestruck to speak. Angel starts waking up, raises her hand and kills the 25 vampires with her fire ability. "You don't touch him, bitch. You lay a hand on him, I will kill you. In fact, I'll kill you anyway!!" Angel, miraculously, gets up and resumes fighting this Vampire guy. Cammie appears by my side and taps my shoulder. "Do you see what just happened there? She saved you! ANGEL saved YOU and is now FIGHTING for YOUR LIFE." Soaking that in, I just sit down by my brother and watch the only girl I love fight for me....Black hearted demon is now dead.

Fire-Hearted Phoenix is alive.

Punching him one last time, I incapacitate him by using a skill I learned a few years ago: If I pinch certain nerves, his powers will be disabled for one hour. I love this move and I use it on him. "You little SHIT!" Apparently, he can't fight anymore and I CAN. "I win, bitch. Now's the time to end Vampires once and for fucking all." I snap his neck and he falls down dead. There is vampire blood all over me. My neck and random spots around me. Even in my HAIR. Gah! At least the vampires are overwith. I walk over the wall of the building behind me and rest my head against it, setting down my knife. Pulling my knees up, I rest my head atop of them and silently cry, letting all my frustration and depression out. I hear footsteps approach and feel a body slide down the wall next to me. "Hey..." Tom leaves his hand on my shoulder and moves my hair out of my face. I knew it was Tom, because his voice I will never forget. I dare not look up because my makeup is all over my face. "Look at me...bitte." His voice sounds full of pain and regret. "Angel, please j-just look at me. I know this is all my fault..." What the fuck?

"Don't you EVER fucking say that again or you won't have anything to keep behind your pants. Did YOU make me a Slayer? Did YOU turn my parents abusive? I should've died with the way I was treated. Tom, I had to steal from my parents and use my band's money to survive since I moved! I HATE living in America! They're all racist fucking bastards that have a problem with Germans! You have no idea how many times vater tried raping me but I ran away." I can see Tom's eyes begin to water up. "Tom please. I could've stopped all of this had I turned my parents in 6 years ago..." He moves in closer and embraces my body tightly, something he's never done before. I like it though. "Tom?" Pulling away, he uses a single finger and lifts my chin up. "Yeah?" I owe him a thank-you and a lot more. "Danke...for everything." I rest my head on his leg again and fall asleep.

I was hoping she would say that she loved me but hey. I'm just glad she doesn't hate me...the fact that she's using my leg as a pillow cheers me up a lot, though! :) "I love you, Angel." I wipe my tear away and move her black/red hair out of her face. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Every guy says that about their girlfriend or their love, it happens every day. But I TRULY mean whatever I say about her. I've always wanted to be the one Angel turned to, the shoulder she cried on.

That's not going to happen but it's my dream. Yeah I said it. Tom Kaulitz, AKA Me, wants to be the shoulder a girl can cry on but only one can fill that position. Her name? Angel Garabouldie, my love.
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Next chapter is the last.... :)