Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

One Love


That was one hell of a sight, with Tom and Angel I mean. Something taps me on the shoulder and as soon as I turn around, a fist punches me in the face. "WHAT THE FUCK!? Asshole, try that again." I jump up to my feet and launch into a fight. I'm not that strong but I can stand my ground. That and my powers are incredibly strong. I fly a stake into the bitch's forehead and enjoy the sight of black/green blood pouring out of the bullet-hole shaped wound. "Ok so maybe vampires can survive a broken neck?" Suddenly the ground starts shaking so furiously, a building in the distance starts to fall. Vampires start to appear out of nowhere. "Scar, Sara where are you?" Scar taps me on the shoulder and hugs me briefly. "Damn. The damage level is amazing...ok soo um yeah Sara can protect the house with Gustav and Georg. Your families are in there and with a watcher possessing powers and two Gifted Slayers as guardians, they'll be fine. Now." He conjures up a chest and opens it to find tons of different weapons: Crossbows, holy water, stakes, crosses, knives, ax-es- so much....

Scar picks up a knife, sword, crucifix and a gun.

I choose: dual pistols, knives, sword and crucifix.

Bill takes up a sword, dual knives, cross and a large wooden spear with a handle shaped
like a Cross. He can stake vamps from a distance.

Tom picks out a shotgun, dual pistols, a leather-handled cross-shaped swirly bladed
dagger, and carves a wooden stake to look like a cross. O_O

Alaina picks out: dual swords, axe, javelin with a tip made of frozen holy water and a bow-an-arrow. The sheath is on her waist. She's an EXPERT at quickly removing arrows out of her waist sheath. Most archers put the quiver on their shoulder but she puts hers on her left waist/hip bone. Out of nowhere, Angel (looking tired as Hell) grabs: Javelin, sword, knives, BloodRayne's arm blades and an ankle quiver for two knives. "Let's go kick some Undead ass. But Cammie, Alaina and I should try." Meaning she wants us to use our powers combined. "Angel if we combine our powers, we wouldn't need weapons. Let's do this!" The others go to fight off the vampires while Alaina, Angel and I stand in a triangle shape, hand in hand. "Ready, girls?" We tighten our grip on the other's hands and start chanting a German spell. Angel translates it to English. "We chant our spell to God divine use your power rescue us and send the demons of the Devil back to whence they came." Alaina translates it to Italian, having learned Italian, English AND German throughout her life. We say our versions at the same time repeatedly until we start levitating into the air. Something separates us and, like in a Final Fantasy videogame, we start to glow bright white with our clothes changing to look like Greek Goddesses.

"Au fick ja, baby!" We grab hands again and focus on killing half the vampires, since our spell's effect is only temporary and for a short amount of time. They keep coming back due to the source of their conjurer: The vampire who had his neck snapped by Angel. "Holy fuck I hate that man! Be right back!" She levitates to the ground again and, using her telekinetic power, knocks the sorcerer Vampire out of his concentration and the vampires discontinue their spawning, as their spellcaster has been disrupted. "YOU!" Smirking, Angel punches the vampire in the face. 5 minutes before, Alaina had gone to the ground and imbued all weapons with her power then resumed fighting with the twins. I imagine sunlight scorching all the vampires to death and, to my amazement, sunlight begins to shoot out of my fingers. I aim my hand at the vampiric army and watch them all cower in pain and fear...the ones that DIDN'T die, that is. Whew. Tomi tosses me a scythe and we start fighting, along with Bill and Alaina.

I wonder how Angel's doing.....

Vlad, name of the Vampire I'm fighting, and I have been attacking each other for the last 10 minutes and we're all covered in battle scars. "You will die Angel! It is inevitable!" Ugh! He's pissing me off! Mid-air, I grab his wrist and break it. "Yeah? it's inevitable vampires will all be killed by my Hand yet I don't go around boasting that now do I?" I break his wrist and shove my ankle knife through it, staring at the black/green blood leaking out and all over my dagger's blade. "I'm stronger then you, apparently, since I just broke your wrist and stabbed it." I forgot I had a metal tipped javelin throwing spear so I take it out and snap it in two, with a slight battlecry at the end of the snap sound. Cammie told me the spear's silver blade is pure silver blessed in Holy water. I aim it at Vlad's forehead. "Auf wiedersehen, bitch. Ahh-"
He interrupts me by raising his hand.

"Angel I've been doing some resurrecting lately." Huh? What the Hell is he talking about?! "Judging by the look on your face, you have no idea what I was talking about..." Oh my GOD he resurrected Radia. I withdraw my javelin and turn around....she's gone? I turn back to see Vlad's demonic visage on his face and him with a sword in hand. "Goodbye, Slayer." He rams it through my stomach, laughing insanely. "You...p-p-piece of shit." I can barely talk because I'm coughing up blood. I can't help but faint. I hear a faint shriek and the sound of a vampire turning to dust then someone running to me. "Angel!?!" I can only feel a hand on my cheek and cover it with my own. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I hear the sound of flying metal then pass out completely....

All I can do is think I could've saved Tom from EVERYTHING. I should've ditched school, I should've died earlier, I should've stayed with James- I could've stopped it all but no. I went to school and met the twins and loved one of them. OH MY FUCKING GOD, MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!! I can feel tears pour down my face, even though I'm close to the point of Death. I should've told Helena I loved her! I cannot leave Tom with her...oh my God I deserve this! More cold tears down my dying face....

I just killed the last of the group I was fighting, relieved. Cammie flies over to me and turns me around. "A..Angel's d...ying!" She starts crying and points me over to her body by the mailbox. Dropping all my weapons, I rush over to her and sit down, putting her head on my lap. "ANGEL!?!" I try everything to wake her up. Her eyes start to slowly blink. "Angel! Au mein gott what the fucking Hell happened and why do I feel a metal blade!? O_O" I slowly begin to look at her stomach to see the handle of a demonic-looking sword. "I wasn't strong enough, Tomi. I failed." I notice two trails of cold, frozen tears and wipe them away. "T-T-Tom, n-no one knows this...but I had a child a few years ago...with Keith. He started hitting her and even tried raping his own daughter. Tomi, please. Protect my child!" She starts tearing more. "I will. I promise you Angel, I will protect her?" She nods and tells me her daughter's name is Helena. "She'll love I do." Wait WHAT!? "W-What?" She leaves a hand on my cheek and runs her thumb across. GOD it feels stunning.

"I love you, Tomi. Please protect my daughter and tell her about me someday. You'll find someone else. xD You're Tom Kaulitz...guard her and never forget me..." She closes her eyes and takes a last breath....she's gone. I hug her closely and start crying. Everyone rushes over to me and sees Angel's body, bleeding profusely. "Someone get the blade out!" Cammie goes to withdraw the sword, tearing at the dark red blood on the blade. I feel a surge of anger flood my body. "Give me the sword." Cammie tosses it aside, looking triumphant. I walk up to her and grip her wrist. "Give me that fucking sword or Angel won't be the only dead chick here goddamn it." She makes the sword fly toward me. "To-"

"Bill I'm not going suicidal. Yet. I'm killing the motherfucker that killed Angel. Give me three minutes." He's still slightly powerful, but borderline weak. I do NOT care. Angel is dead, and nothing matters to me that much anymore. I tap Vlad on the shoulder and as soon as he turns around, I shove the sword through his neck and slice his head off. "That's for Angel, you cocksucking son of a bitch." I drop the blood and walk over to Angel's body, lowering my head and crying over the fact that Angel will never be here, will never get the chance to be proven that not all guys are bad. I'm not, I fuckin' loved her for 6 years! Now she's murdered. Bill kneels by me and as soon as I turn around he throws his freakishly long arms around me and we start tearing, me sobbing slightly.

We die when love is dead....
♠ ♠ ♠
Angel has died.... :(