Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Legacy of Angel (Epilogue)

When Angel Alura Garabouldie died, the vampires in the world were exterminated. For eternity. The only spell to ever bring them back has been locked in a wooden box and cast into an abnormally large fire. The only ones to remember the vampire Invasion are Tom, Bill, Cammie, Alaina, Georg, Eva and Gustav. Bill had shed many tears due to Angel's death because his little sister was murdered in front of his eyes. He always claimed he could've saved her but Cammie rescued Bill after he unintentionally almost committed suicide. Eventually, he started visiting her grave on her birthday, anniversary of her death, day they all met (and when Tom developed a crush on her[/b)]. Bill had taken it upon himself to get all the funeral arrangements together. He had his favorite picture of Angel and him together before she moved away all those years. Never had he felt so depressed, so broken. Georg, Gustav, Eva and Alaina were all shattered for years because they kept crying and saying they could have saved her. Well, Georg and Gustav just kept silent about it. Now everyone's able to talk, to speak about her without breaking down.

But Tom never recovered. He always beat himself up over breaking Angel's trust for him, for losing her to another guy that was abusive. He almost died when she said she had a kid with her ex and not him. He couldn't ever touch Angel, hug or kiss her ever again. He was broken. He tried dating again, but he couldn't because all that would enter his head were thoughts of what it would have been like had he and Angel gotten together. He tried to resist going back to his old ways but stopped because Angel would've killed him for that. He did find somebody for him, but nothing could make him forget about his lost love.

The Legacy of Angel lives on in the heart of Tom Kaulitz.

Do you know that you will never leave my mind or soul? You live on forever in me, you will never leave again...I regret all the mistakes I've done. I let you die I couldn't save you, ever since that day I know my life has slowly gone away. I see your face in the crowd and pray for you to wake me up from this nightmare with your death inside, wake me up! I can't get out, I needed you here all along....
♠ ♠ ♠
Dude: I totally thank my new sister Gaaralover774. Without her, I would've killed my stories ages ago. Plus without her: Would this now officially completed sequel be here? Hell to the fuck NEIN. Everyone go over to gaara774's profile NOW or suffer by listening to Tom sing! Or was it Bill that murders anything he sings......ehh they both do. :)