Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

The Frozen Heart


The concert was a fucking blast! O.O I hope Tom saw it. I know what Reden was about. He'd rather fuck random chicks in his hotel room than be with me? HAHAHA- what was I speaking about? Some....skank right? Manskank? Anyways, the girls and I are on our way to our nationwide interview on German TV. "Ladies and gentlemen, rock goddesses Blut Engel and Jaidyn Blade!" Theme music plays as Jaidyn and I walk out to the host and sit on the couches, waving and smiling at the fans in the audience. "So Engel. Those little dedications to Tom Kaulitz. Explain, bitte?" She looks with hopeful eyes.

"All I will say is this: He supposedly 'LOVED' me since 5th grade...O.O xD! ANYWAYS. Moving on...that's it. He had this ex, ja? Ja. Anyways, I had no clue he could be such a fucking slut. Honestly, he's the male German blooded Paris Hilton. Oh wait: EAT YOUR HEART OUT, SKANKS! TOM KAULITZ OUTFUCKS ALL OF YOU. :)" The all 'OOOOOH!' and chuckle a bit. "Engel if it all worked out, would you have dated him?" The fans look on with confused faces. "Ja. But it kinda- ok for reasons known to me and his band we would not fuckin' work. He'd rather fuck all his female fans either in a one-night stand or as his fuckbuddy girlfriend. :/ Kind of sickening, CONSIDERING WE BASICALLY GREW UP TOGETHER. But yeah. I liked him alot....but he wound up beating the shit out of me for putting his ex, Julie, in the hospital after she slapped me and made crude comments. He slapped me across the face and punched me in the stomach, thus making me cough up BLOOD. Oh and Bill kicked him out of the band for that. :) He deserved it. I mean...ja. Anyways, that's in the past and I'm over his sorry ass. :) I have my eyes on someone else, actually. Hee Hee." The audience giggles with me.

"Really!?! Who?" I give a deadly smirk, cackling. "That information is for me to know and you folks to, HOPEFULLY, never find out. :) Haha." The host asks if I would sing a song by Tom's band. "Sure. I did say I was over HIM, but not the band's music. What shall we sing, Jay?" She puts on her thinking face...."I'm thinkin' Heul Doch, bitte und dankeschon. It fits your ex PERFECTLY!" The audience shrieks and a studio band plays the music to LaFee's single 'Heul Doch'.

"BILL KAULITZ TRUMPER GET OVER HERE IMMEDIATELY!" In no less than 5 seconds, Bill is at my side breathless. "Look at this chick on TV. Guess who it-"

"ENGEL!!!!!!" Ding ding ding! "We have a winner! I knew she wasn't dead. I had a feeling but two sides were like- oh fuck it. Bill we NEED her here! Your shit-head slut of a brother killed her once. She DIED, Bill. Angel committed SUICIDE. If it wasn't for her being the vampire slayer, she would have never come back." Arms snake around my waist, and I find them to be Bill's. OOh....comfy- *falls asleep*

"HEUL DOCH!" I hit the last high note and bow with Jaidyn. I really am over the past with Tom. Ever Night is my life. I feel adrenaline on stage, when the fans shriek for us. "Guys in the audience...WE ARE RELEASING OUR 100% BRAND NEW SOPHOMORE ALBUM!" The show comes to an end as the screams fade out. I still love Tom.

But do you fucking expect me to broadcast that to all of Deutschland and planet Earth? NEIN! I still need him. I see so many couples and I die. Literally. Jaidyn & David are angels in Heaven, Amara and the other girls have interests that they have and I have no one. But I can survive. My daughter needs me. Keith needs to burn.

"ENGEL!!!! HE'S HERE!!!! GET OVER HERE! KEITH'S HERE AND HAS A GUN!" At the time, I start growling and running.