Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Worth Waiting For

"KEITH! Drop that fucking gun if you ever want to knock up a chick in a rape." The girl he had hostage was dropped and he turned around, dropping his mouth open. "The Angel Garabouldie I knew made me throw up. YOU make me want to fuck your brains out!" Smirking, I turn around and spin kick him to the jaw. "Never touch my fans, bitch. You had me, you lost me. Wait. Let me RE-phrase that: You NEVER had me, yet you somehow lost me. Hmm. I see a problem with that. I also see a problem like your teeth. They look too fucking perfect. *sighs* I guess I have to mess them up." I kick Keith in the mouth, grab him by his hair and knee him in the bad area and punch him in the eye.

"The name is Engel. Blood Angel. Touch my fans again, I will hunt you down. Nein. I'll start a fucking manhunt for your ass. Touch ME? Your suicide, BITCH! HYAH!" Another kick to his stomach and I soak in the sight of this bloody, unconscious guy. Ever Night are touring in Germany on a mini tour. "Never contact me again Keith. Think of me and what you lost. You almost had a kid with me and beat me because of it. What do you think unprotected sex results in? I am not that weak little bitch you almost raped. I am an ass-kicking rock star BLACK BELT. You are nothing. GUARDS!" Keith is taken away by the guards, and the small gathering of fans that are here clap for me. "So yes. I take nein scheisse. :)"

Jaidyn gets a text message and says we have to go. "Fans, we have to go ok? We love you all and we will fight to lower the ticket prices a bit. If the venues refuse? We cancel. :) Ich liebe dich, mein blut kinder! :D" The girls and I walk out to our bus, soaking in the chants of 'EVER NIGHT! EVER NIGHT! EVER NIGHT! EVER NIGHT! EVER NIGHT!' I keep asking Jaidyn where we're going but she ignores the questions. I wonder what it would be like to see the guys again...

I wonder when the girls are getting here. Bill and I've been US for about...almost a year. :) We try not to act too couple-y in public. Nearly blew it many times. But the band is a wreck with Tom's current state. He tries to fuck numerous girls to see if he loves Angel. It's ridiculous. Sometimes I wonder how he and Bill are related. The only person who can change Tom back to himself is Angel. We have to set up the other two guys though. Georg and Lura. Check mate! Gustav and Eva. Check and mate! :) But wow. Tom is trying to find out if he's actually in love with Angel. Bullshit. He loves her so much that I bet if she agreed to even be his friend again, he'd actually go back to wearing over-sized clothes.

"Hey. Angel on her way with the girls?" Bill rests his chin on my shoulder and giggles. "Ja. God if she doesn't take Tom back, I will show her some of my OWN Slayer moves." He sighs and sits next to me with a picture of Angel and Tom from a few years ago. "Heilig scheisse. Why did she suddenly grow cold and distant? They looked like- WOW!" He sighs and explains what happened from the day Angel moved to Julie. "I know. Bill I'm Angel's watcher. I know about the fights. xD I was there? HALLO!" I playfully pat him on the head and he smiles like a kid on Xmas morning. "I love you." He whispers into my ear. He's never said that before.."Ca-" I cut him off with a kiss and repeat what he said to me. "Ich liebe dich, auch. :) But we must get Tom and Angel together!!!" Bill & I, laughing hysterically, high five and just stare at each other.

God I love this guy! :) I should thank Angel for bringing me along on her hunting. :) "Hey um...B-B-Bill? I kind of need to ask Cammie a question." Bill kisses me again and leaves the room, patting his older brother on the shoulder. "You finally realized you were an asshole for pushing Angel to suicide?" His eyes bulge out and a tear falls. "Yes. She tried killing herself...and succeeded. But her being the Slayer gives her everlasting strength. She died for a few minutes and arose all on her own. But yeah. She died because of you. Now tell me now. Tell the flat-out truth."

He looks up at me and takes his hat off, playing with the shade end. "I love her. I love Angel and she hates me." He wipes two tears away and walks to his room, his i-pod in hand.