Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Sweet Revenge For What You've Done To Me


I'd been texting, calling, IMing and emailing the guys now. Except for Bill and Tom. Apparently he and my Watcher are together. :) I've waited ages and when it finally happens, I disappear for one year. Ugh. Why do I have to have a crush on an abusive bitch? The media is making him out to be a whore. God I hope that isn't true. If it is, I'll pray that my next suicide is successful. We're actually on our way to Bill & Tom's house, where Georg and Gustav are currently staying. The two G's (>xD) know that Jaidyn and I are coming. Eva, Alura and Scarlett are on dates with their boyfriends.

Jaidyn rings the doorbell and plays with her blood red/jet black hair while waiting for someone to get the door. Gustav opens it and has a disturbed look on his face. "Hallo, Gustav! :D Oh wait. I got an eyebrow piercing, tongue piercing and lip ring. Huh. Oh and I have black/purple hair. Haha. It's me. Angel!" His eyes pop out and he moves aside to let my sister and I into the twins' house. Gustav calls Georg down and when he gets down here, his eyes drop. "THIS is Angel Garabouldie!?! DAAAAAAMN girl!" I bow in acceptance at his comment and start giggling a bit. "And how has the sister been doing? You two?" Jay laughs and quits playing with a strand of blood red hair. "Fine. Angel's been in Hell. But fine. The jackass bro's here?" We all laugh at her comment, wiping tears away.

"BILL!" He comes running down with Cammie and Georg points at me. "Whose the chick?" Cammie asks, popping her red gum. "This chick happens to be the motherfucking Vampire Slayer. >.> Dumbshit, it's ANGEL!" Cammie tackle hugs me in tears. "I missed you, Angel! Never leave again. Please. If you ever fucking commit suicide, I will join you. Watcher or not, I don't give two shits. I can't lose another blut kind." Tears stream down her face but I thumb them away. "Girl, there's only one person that can send me away. And that person is now beginning to be globally labeled the biggest manslut on Earth. :) And he happens to be Tokio Hotel's guitarist." Bill is the next to tackle me to the ground, kind of hurting me a bit. "ANGEL!!!! YOU LITTLE....UM...DISAPPEARING THING, YOU! GAH! What the fuck have you been doing!?!" He helps me up, fixing up my hair that he messed up.

"Touring, recording, writing, performing, regretting ever telling Tom I loved him when I hated his ass. The usual shit. Anyways, is he here?" Bill looks a bit introverted at the comment of his brother, the two G's just look confused. "Upstairs. I'm not covering for that asshole again. Go up if you want your heart broken, Angel." Bill and Cammie go sit by Georg and Gustav. "Uhh ok?" I start walking up the stairs to Tom's room. Bill gave me directions and I can hear headboards slamming and a girl making really nasty sounds. It's TRUE! My friend is dead...*tear* I knock on the door and Tom, thinking that I'm Bill, tells me to fuck off and that he's busy. With a swift punch and kick the bedroom door falls down to the ground, revealing Tom and some random girl entangled in bed sheets....with clothes around the floor. "So this is that, Tom? You say you've been in love with me since 5th grade, telling me THE DAY I MOVED and when we were 13. 5 years later you beat me then when I return to you, you have sex with skanks that used to be my family? Huh? Tom, my friends are dead. My parents are abusive. My grandparents kicked me out and I have a child.

You beat me and my daughter Helena was fucking freaking out over me! Because of you, my daughter slept in my rundown apartment bedroom every night for a year. I have a kid, Tom. I need a man not a scared little boy such as yourself. I loved you and this is what I get. Pfft. Cammie and Bill can raise Helena. She likes Bill's poofy hair anyways and she hates me. BECAUSE OF YOU. BECAUSE OF YOU, I've got nothing. So I hope you spend eternity the way: You inspired all of my shitty ass writing. I QUIT! I can't fucking take this anymore!" I walk over to the bed, grab Tom by the dreads and throw him into the bathtub that has scalding hot water then leave him in his tears. "Bill?" He looks up. "He's been having one night stands to see if he really loved you. Since he first had sex....he's been a whore. I'm sor-" Before he can finish, I steal Jaidyn's leather jacket and run away.

"So your brother is a slut, huh? Wow. Excuse me while I beat the shit lights out of him." I can't keep in my screams so the guys and Jaidyn have their ears covered. I'm running up the stairs and listen to Georg saying how amazing it is that I'm tough and all that stuff. "Back off, assholes!" I kick yet another hole but ten times bigger, with the blood red eyes that made the strongest vampire run away. "YOU ASSHOLE!!!!" I rip his lip ring out, soaking in the sight of his mouth bleeding. "If you ever TOUCH Angel I will kill you like she killed vampires for you. Tom Kaulitz my Slayer and risked her life. She left with abusive and neglectful parents, her grandparents kicked her out, her friends disowned her and she died. FOR YOU. YOU, Tomi boy, were the only thing that can keep my sister alive and you killed her to OBLIVION you sack of shit-sucking scum. I hope you rot. By the way. Your mouth is bleeding and a piece of flesh is attached to this neat little ring I ripped out of your mouth." I toss it back to him and call 9-1-1, then run downstairs to Bill and the guys. "Tom had onenight stands for a year straight and broke a lot of hearts. Trust me. Some even returned to force Tom into dating them. It worked three times then he just slept with them once or twice then moved on."

Oh god. I'm scared for Angel!

Ok so Tom lied. He discovered sex and broke a shitload of girls' hearts to satisfy his own desires, mine included. I've got nothing left. My writing is worse than shit and I can't sing for fuck. I wish I had never fucking met Tom. Maybe I'll committ suicide again. Yes.

I'll commit suicide again. I go to the store to buy a nice little knife. So I buy the nicest looking one there and stand over a cliff with water and rocks below it. Hopefully I'll land on one and die permanently...

AU MEIN GOTT! What the fuck have I done!?! Not only do I find no reason to even touch a guitar but I'd just been thrown into scalding hot fucking water. O_O Angel had abusive parents and family AND HAS A DAUGHTER. A FUCKING KID. She had a child and I made her cry for a year straight. I can't play guitar anymore. Shit I can't even play Monsoon and that shit is easy as Hell. What's the use anyways? Angel's going to die anyways. It's inevitable. I killed her with my ways. Oh god. Why did I have to SEE if I loved her!?! I DO! Au god I screwed shit up big time and I'll never get her back. I feel...dead.

Never felt so broken.