Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

7 Days For The Poison


Suicide probably isn't the best idea now. Of course, I'm not the hyper bubbly chick I usually am. On stage however? COMPLETELY different. It's been two weeks since Tom fucked over my trust. Right now? I couldn't give a scheisse. Ever Night are writing their sophomore album and it's a really huge thing. I REALLY want to sing with the Nightwish vocalist, though! Her voice is amazing. But with the outrageously long tour and so many other vocal appearances, STRONG ONES AT THAT, I can wait. OOH! The label even told me personally I could record with Cristina Scabbia! AHHH. The girls and I have hit it big all over the fucking world and we love it. We met half our favorite band/musicians. :D

I'm actually driving Jadyn, Allura, Amara and Eva to the TV studio where we would sing a few cover songs. A Nightwish tribute. We even have a male vocalist! :D Well only for the 7 Days To The Wolves segment. We're covering Meadows of Heaven!!! We even have 5 big-voiced back up singers, since it's the best we could do for the choir backup. For the other voices we decided to contact one of the best German choirs, who shall remain nameless. :) They agreed and we are all now best friends. :D I swear. Recording is so much fucking fun! :D

"Jadyn are we ready?" The girls yell and practically jump out of the car, leaving me to park, cut off the engine and all the required car parking stuff. Locking everything, etc. Anyway, we just arrived here so we can possibly sing a few LaFee songs thrown in. In fact our setlist would be: Meadows of Heaven by Nightwish, 7 Days To The Wolves by Nightwish, Jetzte Er Recht by LaFee and Lass Mich Frei by LaFee. I'm so excited that my favorite German vocalist will get to hear my covers of her music!!! :D

When we reach the door of the studio, my phone rings with a song I'd never thought I'd hear again: Heul Doch. I had set it for my parents. Why the Hell are those fuckwits calling me? "Mutter? Why the FUCK ARE YOU CALLING ME? Ugh. By Gott I will file a restraining order on your ass. Talk. Because this is the LAST conversation you will EVER have with me. WHOOPS too late BITCH-ARSCH FUCKER!" Gah. I'm so pissed I throw my phone to the street and an oncoming car crushes it. Gah. My parents came back and 'supported' me by stealing my money. I'm calling the Police and filing a restraining order and getting them arrested for forging my name on everything they bought and for impersonating me.

My parents are dead to me. Now and fuer immer. FUCK! They've hated my friends. Bill especially. Warum, you ask? THREE.FUCKING.PIERCINGS and two tattoos. -_- Cammie's parents are the same way. God I'm so mad. Now they knew that Tom was a whore. I did tell them I'm sorry for not believing them in the 1st place about that. But know what happened next? A kick to the ovaries for my mom and a punch to the jaw for my daddy dearest. Jaidyn has it ALL ON TAPE. I'm going over to Bill's place to play it for his band, excluding Tom. He doesn't want to see me apparently. Like I give two fucks.

I haven't seen Angel in forever. She appears after a year then DISAPPEARS again for two weeks. I have a hard time trying to remember what she looks like. >__< I'm home alone actually. :) Lately though, I've been having visions. DARK visions of blood, death, rampage and The 1st Apocalypse. The 2nd Coming of The Slayer. Angel. Angel is the one to end the Vampires for good. Of course it will be hard for me since I'm half vampire. Or like Blood Rayne, a dhampir. XD Haha. Ok I just heard a doorknock....since I'm supposed to be home alone, I take out my weapons chest from underneath my bed and remove a knife with a crucifx handle that's still in the sheath.

I attach it to my leg and take out my cross necklaces. I thought crosses weren't supposed to work on vampires on first. It doesn't affect Watchers, they just sting us a bit. Like a tingly feeling. But just in case, I take every cross in this chest and put them on chains/string. I walk down to the door, only to feel intense pain and gain another vision. This was my time. But who in the name of the Mother of Light would come and try to kill me? The door bursts open and it's the vampire that's supposed to battle Angel. Normally I wouldn't freak. But picture about four Matt Shadows clones. O___O Scary huh? Let me answer that with a big fat fucking DAMN FUCKING STRAIGHT SHERLOCK-__-

"Well. If it wasn't the Watcher that was supposed to di-" Before he could speak his henchmen rush in and fight me. I kill them all in a matter of 5 seconds. "I've improved D. I watch over Angel, the current Slayer. Last time she fought, I've never seen such strength, power and ferocity!" He throws a punch but I duck it and launch my knife into his leg. We battle it out for 45 minutes, throwing punches, kicks, knives, bats- everything a Vampire God could think of.

"You have improved Camille Blut Rayne. Join me, Join US! Together the humans will fucking cower in fe-"

"Okay dude. First of all, that shit is NEVER going to happen. The only things to cower will be Vampires and all Undead Thingiemacallits. Warum? Their supposed all powerful leader is a wussy-ass bitch. THIRD of all: I've resisted you all these years. I will make damn sure the Slayer shoves a wooden yard pole up your ass!" With a final punch, Drake leaves me behind and disappears. Finally. "FINALLY I CAN FAINT!" *faints*

'Rette mich, mein liebe. Rette mich....'

We'd just finished a powerhouse performance and reached our hotel before I screamed intense murder, holding a hand to my head. "Girls we have to get to Bill's house. Now. Fast. It's Cammie! She's near DEATH!!!" The girls' eyes bulge out and we're on the road to her house. 5 minutes later, we arrive at her house and I run to the door, spin kicking it down. Holy shit. "HOLY SHIT! THIS PLACE IS A FUCKING SHAMBLES!" I don't see Cammie mein gott. I just found her! "Cammie...nein." I kneel by her body and put her head onto my knees. "Here I am left in silence, you gave up the fight, you left me behind. All that stands forgiven, I know deep inside all that stands forgiven....I watch the clouds as you drift away....even the sun can't warm my face..." I sing my own rendition of Forgiven by Within Temptation and start bawling. Jadyn hands me a phone and I dial Bill's number.

"ANGEL BITTE! Now slow down and speak!" "I can't! Bill something's happened! Get the fuck home now! Cammie's dying." The line goes dead and I see the girls silently in tears, sitting around Cammie's body. "Ich liebe dich fur immer mein engel. I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time." I barely manage to speak in this crying fit but I pull through. Since it's been 15 minutes, the door is pounded furiously and Jaidyn allows the guys to enter. When they see the damage this stranger inflicted upon the house, they stare in shock....but when Bill's eyes land on Cammie's dying body he just about breaks down.

Well...after rushing towards her and cradling her head, that is. "Bill....I couldn't stop this. I'm supposed to be the Slayer. I haven't slain anything. Well. Other than my ex boyfriend that fathered a daughter with me's reputation by kicking his ass. But he doesn't count. This was no human damage, Bill. Cammie fought. From the looks of the scene around us, she did a damn better job that the former Black Hearted Demon Vampire Slayer." Bill wipes his tears away and begins to silently hum a song to Cammie. Wow he likes Within Temptation too! Wicked! Bill and I start singing Forgiven.

...Why did you leave me in silence? You gave up the fight, you left me behind! All that stands forgiven, you'll always be mine I know deep inside all that stands forgiven
♠ ♠ ♠
All lyric rights to Within Temptation and/or original owners/etc. I own nothing except for Angel and her friends/family. The lyrics are of "Forgiven", gut-wrenching ballad by Within Temptation of the album "The Heart Of Everything". :D

2: How was it!?!

3: Now the story shall be taken over by gaaralover774, aka Blut Engel, aka mein blut sister Sara. She is a fucking amazing writer. We have an agreement over this story: I write the first five, she writes the next five, then me, then her, then me, etc and etc. So it is now her turn! :D


5: Dankeschon. :D