Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

Forget About Everything & Runaway


The band's album has been scrapped. We have all the songs written and the sheet music protected and all that stuff. We have too much stuff going on now to spend months preparing our second CD. So we postponed it indefinitely. Tom's been a whore since I left and can't prove that he even WANTS to be in the same room let alone in love. HA! I don't even think that manslut has any clue what- wait. I don't either. Haha. Funny. Not. My parents have tried to take my band's paychecks and improve their own lives. I've barred off their bank accounts and now they're living with their friends who hate us for losing my spawning creators' house by cutting off their money, thus forcing them to move. I take that as an accomplishment. My parents have broken all contact with me. I just wish my grandparents were here now.

They were the only people that kept me together. Right now I am in pieces. I have two solutions: Suicide attempt or forget everything and runaway. And if I take the second option the guys and girls will track me down. Maybe I'll purposely die in a fight. Or let some rapist take my life. O_O But then my child will be left alone. I can't do that to Helena. I refuse. So I'll tough it out and stay here. After the fighting is done forever then I'll kill myself. Perhaps after finding a suitable family to take in Helena. Yes I'll do just that. Hell, I'll even start looking for perhaps a German family or an American family to take her in. GOD just the idea is killing me slowly. OR I can fake a suicide and move to America? Nein. Then the band would break up? GAH! I am so confused. Fuck it all, Helena's adopted. I'm going to have to spend as much time with my daughter as can possibly be before either 1) I'm killed or 2) I go suicidal. Or both.

I should've known Tom could've been a player. I KNEW it the second I heard Reden. Gah. That little trickster sack of scheisse. My passing will make him regret using girls as fuck toys that's for DAMN sure. I know he likes me but I sure as hell don't return the favor. Do- NEIN! No more questions for myself. Gah. Hurry up, final fight.

"So let me get this straight, Bill: Tom occasionally had one night stands that potentially could've knocked up the heartbroken and used girl to see if he loved Angel?" He silently nods yes, making me punch a hole in the wall like a rock through water. "THAT IS THE REASON WHY ANGEL IS GOING TO KILL HERSELF! GAH! Where is the little fuckhead anyway?" Pointing to the stairs where Tom's barely left, Bill sits on the couch and starts sharpening stakes. O_O Vampires can't be real. They're mythical...right? Tom claims to be attached to Engel yet he uses other girls to determine this? Oh hell no. "Cowshitz if you don't open this door I swear to God I will tell the fucking world you raped and impregnated my sister by faking DNA test results. I will ruin your little reputation if this do- fuck it I'm breaking and entering." Kicking down the door, I walk in to see a perfectly clean and spotless room. With me and the player in here, it'll be messed up right now. "Who the fu-oh....hey." I punch him in the nose and grip his piercing.

"I hope you're happy. Angel has a daughter and is considering giving her up for adoption, not wanting to raise her in this fucked up group of whores and abusers. Namely YOU. Say Tom? How many times has this piercing been ripped out? I like to see the blood of people I hate flow out of their body. Or I could beat you to a very satisfying pulp. I pick number zwei." One kick to the chest is enough because I hear his weezing. "That was for beating Angel to the point of her spitting up blood. This all started when Angel left. She never would've had to leave if you laid a hand on her. I had a one night stand on tour. Are you AWARE that could've knocked the little skank up into motherhood? Huh? Nein of course you didn't. You'll never see her again to find out. You'll ALSO, as long as I'm alive, never see my sister again. I lost Angel once and I won't lose her to a slut who can't keep his zipper shut. By the way-" I kick his jaw. "That's from me. :) Heehee. Anyways, bye bye! :D"

Bill, Georg and Gustav are standing outside the room in amazement. "What? OH! Haha. You thought Angel was the only fighter in our family? Nope. There's- let's see- Me, Angel, Anette, Anna and Aurora. :) We used to train each other and practice kicking each other's asses. :) VERY different from the girls that are constantly trying to fuck Bill and/or Tom, sometimes both. Ughh. Anyway, I have to go. Tom should come to his senses after Angel dies, if I'm there in time." Waving goodbye, I leave the house and drive to my own so I can take a shower before finding Angel...hopefully alive.

You can almost tell that everyone is crumbling down before us. Angel moving is when it all started. Tom when into a depression and became a slight manwhore. He didn't move anything up. If it lead to the bedroom, he would gladly accept then move on whereas she probably didn't. He also spent a lot of time in his room and I will not even think of what the hell he's done in there on his computer. -.- I'm already scarred for life. Then Tom beat on Angel, she spit up blood, we all fought for our lives and that moved up to Cammie mysteriously dying and Angel going suicidal. When we finally meet Angel after ANOTHER YEAR out of each other's lives, she just performed a globally-televised concert with her own band. It's times like this I wish Cammie were back. I hear a door knock and, just in case, take out a stake and a crucifix, I walk to the door and take in a deep breath. "Hallo? Who is it?" The door opens to reveal a figure in a medieval robe and many studded wristbands. Kind of like the one that LaFee wore in her Virus music video. I just bought two that look identical to the one in her video.

"Bill I'm related to Cammie. I received news that she just recently had been killed in this very house...hahaha. Nein I'm just playing. Come on! Take the hood off and I guaranteed nothing else will matter to you." So I, with slight fear building up while mixing with a good feeling inside me, walk to her hoodie and she starts singing one of Tokio's songs. "Remember, to me you'll be forever sacred! I'm dying but I know our love will live." That voice is eerily familiar. "Oh god you're in a trance Bill. I'll take off my own hood then, I guess. Promise me I won't be tackled ok?" I nod yes, eyebrow raised. While she moves her black nails up to her hoodie, I'm slightly shaking on the inside. "Here goes nothing I guess." The hoodie flies off and immediately everything in my hands falls to the ground. Cammie's alive!?! HOW- Nevermind I won't question that. "C-Camie?" She nods and walks closer to me. I throw my arms around her and start slightly tearing.

"What the fuck happened when we left!?! Tom and I come home to a fucked up house and Angel crying over your bloodied and bruised corpse." She wipes a tear away from her eye and clears her throat. "You cannot pass this on to anyone: That was Angel's last enemy. He is close to fucking impossible to even PUNCH, let alone SLAY, and Angel must kill him for the vampires to be killed off for eternity." Before she can finish another sentence, I crash my lips onto hers and put my hand on the back of her head. "I love you." She takes off her dress-like cape to reveal two slightly bruised arms, legs and a very bruised back. "GAH! Verdammen. Carefule, bitte? I'm still a little sore. Haha." She brings her head closer to my ear and lowers her voice to a whisper. "Though I'm sure I'll be more damaged later, right? Hehe. We have time to make up for, Bill. Up for it?" Grinning, we both start walking up to my room.

...Love alive......
♠ ♠ ♠
I am soo sorry for not updating! Yesterday I had to finish cleaning my room AND submit a school paper to xDD I apologize. Anyways, like mein blut stated in the last B-E-A-Utiful authors note (excuse the Ace Ventura impersonation >xDD), after the next chapter, gaaralover774 takes over. :) Promote this story bitte! :D If yes, I will take oneshot/story requests!!

(btw gag me: when I was typing oneshots I almost typed oneSHITS!!!!!!! XDD XDD XDD XDD XDD)