Status: Complete. =)

We Never Were (So We Die!)

We Never Were


Jaidyn, Alura, Sara, Eva and I are recording our second album. :) We're calling it "Deceiver of Fools" and it has 15 tracks. Now, we all write our own instrumental parts: My guitar, Jaidyn's guitar, Alura's bass, Sara's keyboard/piano melodies and Eva's drumbeats. This album is set to beat the SCHEISSE out of our previous album which we called "Back To The River".

All the following songs have been written and recorded for the album:

"Bleed No More", "Alive Again", "From The Deep", "Crawling", "Here I Am" and "Rescue Me". These are all the currently recorded songs. We still have...*thinks*...nine more songs to record for the CD. I'm actually driving to CherryTree right now so we can finish recording the new songs I wrote over the last 3 days: "Who Am I Fooling?", "World of Glass", "Beyond The Veil", "Blade", "Black Blood" and "We Never Were (So We Die!)". My personal favorite has to be "So We Die!" It is...epic as Hell. Melodic, powerful, soft, choir littered- oooh. I can't wait to release it. :) I just arrived at the entrance to the studio, park the car and lock it, all the NECESSARY things to do after parking your car in a public place. Entering the studio, I put my jet black/blood red highlighted hair into a high ponytail and start walking to Evernight's rented out studio space. "HEY! About time, bitch. Haha." Jaidyn and the girls pick up their sheet music and make it look all nice and neat. One-by-one the girls are called to go in and record their parts. With me being the lead singer/guitarist, I record last. I definitely prefer to record my guitar parts first, haha. It's just easier for me.

It's kind of hard to focus on hitting the notes PERFECTLY and PLAYING the guitar perfectly. xD Well for me it is. :) Recording is always fun because the girls and I are always having a good time with the team and we all take them out anywhere they want to have fun. We only get to work with them whenever we record and our band is not one of those "announce new album news 6 months after previous album release" artists. We're going to tour for this CD. This one is going to be promoted worldwide. It's a FANTASTIC advance from earning money to pay for recording time. We wound up earning hundreds of dollars, actually.

"Blut! Your turn to record guitar and vocals!" Wow that self-journey moment took a while! >xD Anyway, I grab my guitar, instrumental music and vocal sheet music then walk into the recording booth. I stand in front of the, well, MUSIC STAND and set up my guitar music perfectly on the flat part of the stand. A technician helps me put on my headphones and explains that when the other instruments kick in to start playing my own guitar. So when I hear Jaidyn's guitar and Alura's bass I start to play my own guitar. The solo I wrote for my part in the music is supposed to "Give Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance a run for their money". Haha. That's what critics said after reviewing "Back To The River" epic track "The Hunter & The Hunted".

If they thought, "Hunter & The Hunted" kicked Syn's arsch: They have NOT seen ANYTHING yet!! "We Never Were (So We Die!)" has epic vocals AND guitar solos from Jaidyn and I. :)

45 minutes passed and my guitar parts for the songs are done. My favorite part is recording the vocals, just because I get to do what I love to do: singing. :) I'm told my voice is a mix of Cher, Amy Lee and Celine Dion. Haha. I don't compare the band or my voice to anyone but our old music. "Ready Blut?" Giving a thumbs up to my sister, I set up my vocal sheet music on the stand, put my headphones on and clear my throat. I'm sort of GLAD that I warmed up my vocals on the way here and while I was waiting for my turn to record because this song is a bitch on the voice just because of how difficult it is even for me, and it was written FOR MY VOICE! Haha.

The music begins, I take my breath and start to sing the song that Slutman inspired.

"I should never have let my guard down, I should've known you wound up an emotionless whore, you broke too many hearts before just to satisfy your own ways. it's unbelieveable what you have done to me and many others once before. You had thought I'd fall in love with you, I loved you before you broke our hearts and shattered far too many souls have been damaged by your ways I thought I loved you but when your fist met my chest I lost all feeling I had for you and even you were kicked right out of your band. I reach to you, I know you feel your regret! I bled a thousand days and look at me: I'm still standing here today and I survived with no family and a dozen beatings every week. I still have a shard of self-esteem left that had died when you went away to the other side...."

3 minutes later I had record "We Never Were (So We Die!)". When I remove my headphones, take my sheet music and guitar I leave the recording booth and walk into the production room to see everyone's faces in the "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WITNESS(in the good way)?" face, with their jaws nearly hitting the floor and their eyes bulging out. "What? Tom pissed me off so I wrote the song and sang the fuck out of it. :) Hehe. Sam any other recording today?" He looks shocked and says nein, claiming that after hearing 'So We Die!', I should get some vocal rest. The girls did a kick-arsch job. Actually tomorrow we have an interview on some German music channel to promote "Deceiver of Fools". Haha! I can't wait to sing a song off the CD. I think I'll sing a cover song. :) "Hey girls!"

"Ja?" They turn to look at me, following me to my ENORMOUS car that can hold like 5 people (Alura/Jaidyn/Sara/Eva), and getting in after I unlock my door. Jaidyn, of course, takes shotgun right next to me. "What do you think about singing a cover song tomorrow? I don't want to sing anything off our album until it's released. Sound gut?" They all nod but Alura asks what do we sing. "Um- Actually that's a good question. How about we sing Der Letzte Tag by Elis, tribute to Sabine Dunser, and a cover of LaFee?" The girls look at me and start cackling maniacally, showing their approval. Hello world, I am-


"Cammie where are Angel and the others?" She looks up from her sketchbook and sits on my lap, continuing to draw random pictures. "I believe they just finished recording the next set of songs for the album." OH scheisse. "Cammie can I see what you're drawing?! Bitte?" She hands me her sketchbook and I almost drop it in shock. "Cammie this looks like a camera picture!! You could sell your paintings! Any OTHER secret talents I should know about? Not in the bedroom?" She starts cracking up at the last comment, obviously hearing my whispered comment. "Ja, actually, I design things. Rings, wristbands, belts, pants, nail polish, arm bands, band merchandise- Basically jewelry, accessories and clothing. Want to see some sketches!? I made them for your band the day I heard your music. Hehe..." God this girl had an adorable blush.

"Don't try to hide the blushing Cammie. I love your blushing. Haha! Ok lemme seeee!" I still act like a child, big deal. Haha. :) "Ok ok here. This is for my sort-of struggling company SpitFire. We make merch for anything from bands to concerts to DVDs to tourlistings, etc. Haha. I have a SCHEISSE-load of sketchbooks with some designs, actually. :P This one is my most recent." I open the book to reveal a black corset with bright blood red strings. "You would look SOO great in that!" Haha. Seriously. Cammie would look irresistable to me if she wore this. "Really? Damn than I can take off this godforsaken hoodie!" She removes the hoodie to reveal the exact same corset I'm staring at now. I keep trying to talk but no words form. "Cammie I swear right now: If you wear ANYTHING else that makes you look irresistable to me I will- GAH! Lemme finish looking, damn it."

I can't get the picture of Cam's corset out of my head. GAH! That image does things to me. Oh no. A knee-length backless black dress. *shivers* I'm getting thoughts in my head now! "Dankeschon, Cammie! Your putting my mind in overdrive now!!!!!! I so appreciate seriously. I do. xD" She smirks evilly then hands me a folded up paper with my name in black/red/purple hearts around it. "Open up, Bill. You'll never want to leave this room with me after reading that note but let me go change, ja? Ja. Danke." She grabs this mysterious bag and changes in my bathroom. By the way, we're in mein bedroom.

I obey her directions and immediately drop the sketchbook, mouth agape and all. Cammie drew up an *ahem* underset *ahem* made of black/red striped lace and nein straps. Ughh if she changes into this, I will lose it for sure! "Oh hey. I see you liked your surprise? Hehe. I've got another one for you." She turns me around, kisses me then unties the string on her robe while standing. Heilig scheisse. O_O It's what she recently showed me! "Cammie? I loove you!" She laughs as I tackle her onto the bed after locking the door securely along with the windows and closing everything in my room. "You.Are.Mine." With a devilish look I start to walk towards Cam, having taken my shoes and socks off previously before her little surprise to me. I sense a LOT of fun coming up in the next 30 minutes. I mean, come on. I can't resist not touching Cammie when she's got her current "outfit" on! xD
♠ ♠ ♠
WOOT! Long-ass chapter, ja? OOH! I finally learned how to say SCHEISSE in the German pronounciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D This was a fun chapter to write. Haha. :) I love to write about recording sessions. :)

Bold is mega powerful vocals, i.e: Whitney/Xtina/Celine-esque power and range. :) Mixed with a choir too! :D