Durch Den Munson

Character Info

Blair Maylynn Tompson
She hates the color pink and loves black and green. She's always listening to music, if not then she is making music in some form. She was born in America, but moved to Germany with her mother after her parents got divorced while she was three years old. They movedin with her grandparents. She speaks both English and German. She only has guy friends, most of then in a band. Best friends with all the guys in Devilish. Her boyfriend, Bill Kaulitz, is the singer in Devilish. Listens to alternative and punk rock bands.

Leslie Tompson
Loves listening to music. Is in a band. Lives in America with her father. Only knows how to speak English. Her favorite colors are orange, yellow, and pink.

Other main characters are the members of Tokio Hotel/Devilish.

Blair's POV.

Here I am, sitting on a plane. Leaving the love of my life. I know I made the choice, but I still didn't want to leave, it was like I had no option. I mean, wouldn't you want to see your father who you haven't seen for twelve years? I was getting wonderful service on the plane, but it didn't make me feel better. Nothing would make me feel better. I knew I was breaking his heart. His heart, as in Bill Kaulitz's heart. He was the love of my life. Yeah, I know, I'm only 14 years old, what would I know about love. Well, let's just say, without Bill, I don't know if I would survive. He was my everything, anytime I needed someone, he was there, now I wouldn't have him there, cause I will be across the world, no where near him. Tears rained down my face as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Leslie's POV.

I'm sitting on my Grandmother's couch, hating myself. I just gave my ticket home to my sister. I was leaving my friends, my band, all because I wanted to spend more time with my mom in Germany. Yeah, real smooth move there Leslie, you don't even know how to speak German. God, I'm such an idiot. My friends are all waiting for me at the airport back home, waiting for my return, but instead of seeing me step out of the plane, they will see my sister. My band will probably never make it big time now, all because of me, I'm crushing all of their dreams. I don't even know anyone here, except for Blair's boyfriend and his bandmates. Bill is really nice, but his brother was hot. That is only one good reason for me staying.
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